@ -142,8 +142,7 @@ def get_config_dict(args):
config_filepath = os.path.join(app_root, CONST_MAXBOT_CONFIG_FILE)
# allow assign config by command line.
if not args.input is None:
if len(args.input) > 0:
if args.input:
config_filepath = args.input
config_dict = None
@ -152,42 +151,33 @@ def get_config_dict(args):
with open(config_filepath) as json_data:
config_dict = json.load(json_data)
if not args.headless is None:
if args.headless is not None:
config_dict["advanced"]["headless"] = util.t_or_f(args.headless)
if not args.homepage is None:
if len(args.homepage) > 0:
if args.homepage:
config_dict["homepage"] = args.homepage
if not args.ticket_number is None:
if args.ticket_number > 0:
if args.ticket_number:
config_dict["ticket_number"] = args.ticket_number
if not args.browser is None:
if len(args.browser) > 0:
if args.browser:
config_dict["browser"] = args.browser
if not args.tixcraft_sid is None:
if len(args.tixcraft_sid) > 0:
if args.tixcraft_sid:
config_dict["advanced"]["tixcraft_sid"] = args.tixcraft_sid
if not args.ibonqware is None:
if len(args.ibonqware) > 0:
if args.ibonqware:
config_dict["advanced"]["ibonqware"] = args.ibonqware
if not args.kktix_account is None:
if len(args.kktix_account) > 0:
if args.kktix_account:
config_dict["advanced"]["kktix_account"] = args.kktix_account
if not args.kktix_password is None:
if len(args.kktix_password) > 0:
if args.kktix_password:
config_dict["advanced"]["kktix_password_plaintext"] = args.kktix_password
if not args.proxy_server is None:
if len(args.proxy_server) > 2:
if args.proxy_server:
config_dict["advanced"]["proxy_server_port"] = args.proxy_server
if not args.window_size is None:
if len(args.window_size) > 2:
if args.window_size:
config_dict["advanced"]["window_size"] = args.window_size
# special case for headless to enable away from keyboard mode.
@ -325,11 +315,7 @@ def get_chrome_options(webdriver_path, config_dict):
return chrome_options
def load_chromdriver_normal(config_dict, driver_type):
show_debug_message = True # debug.
show_debug_message = False # online
if config_dict["advanced"]["verbose"]:
show_debug_message = True
show_debug_message = config_dict["advanced"]["verbose"]
driver = None
@ -337,8 +323,7 @@ def load_chromdriver_normal(config_dict, driver_type):
webdriver_path = os.path.join(Root_Dir, "webdriver")
chromedriver_path = get_chromedriver_path(webdriver_path)
if not os.path.exists(webdriver_path):
os.makedirs(webdriver_path, exist_ok=True)
if not os.path.exists(chromedriver_path):
print("WebDriver not exist, try to download to:", webdriver_path)
@ -353,15 +338,11 @@ def load_chromdriver_normal(config_dict, driver_type):
chrome_options = get_chrome_options(webdriver_path, config_dict)
driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=chrome_service, options=chrome_options)
except Exception as exc:
except WebDriverException as exc:
error_message = str(exc)
if show_debug_message:
left_part = None
if "Stacktrace:" in error_message:
left_part = error_message.split("Stacktrace:")[0]
left_part = error_message.split("Stacktrace:")[0] if "Stacktrace:" in error_message else None
if "This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version" in error_message:
@ -379,12 +360,12 @@ def load_chromdriver_normal(config_dict, driver_type):
chrome_options = get_chrome_options(webdriver_path, config_dict)
driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=chrome_service, options=chrome_options)
except Exception as exc2:
except WebDriverException as exc2:
print("Selenium 4.11.0 Release with Chrome For Testing Browser.")
chrome_options = get_chrome_options(webdriver_path, config_dict)
driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=Service(), options=chrome_options)
except Exception as exc3:
except WebDriverException as exc3:
@ -40,99 +40,83 @@ URL_FIREFOX_DRIVER = ''
def load_translate():
translate = {}
en_us["language"] = 'Language'
en_us["enable"] = 'Enable'
en_us["config_list"] = 'Config List'
en_us["advanced"] = 'Advanced'
en_us["about"] = 'About'
en_us["run"] = 'Run'
en_us["browse"] = 'Browse...'
en_us["save"] = 'Save'
en_us["exit"] = 'Close'
en_us["copy"] = 'Copy'
en_us["restore_defaults"] = 'Restore Defaults'
en_us["done"] = 'Done'
en_us["maxbot_slogan"] = 'MaxRegBot is a FREE and open source bot program. Wish you good luck.'
en_us["donate"] = 'Donate'
en_us["help"] = 'Help'
en_us["release"] = 'Release'
zh_tw["language"] = '語言'
zh_tw["enable"] = '啟用'
zh_tw["config_list"] = '設定檔管理'
zh_tw["advanced"] = '進階設定'
zh_tw["autofill"] = '自動填表單'
zh_tw["about"] = '關於'
zh_tw["run"] = '搶票'
zh_tw["browse"] = '開啟...'
zh_tw["save"] = '存檔'
zh_tw["exit"] = '關閉'
zh_tw["copy"] = '複製'
zh_tw["restore_defaults"] = '恢復預設值'
zh_tw["done"] = '完成'
zh_tw["maxbot_slogan"] = 'MaxRegBot是一個免費、開放原始碼的搶票機器人。\n祝您掛號成功。'
zh_tw["donate"] = '打賞'
zh_tw["release"] = '所有可用版本'
zh_tw["help"] = '使用教學'
zh_cn["language"] = '语言'
zh_cn["enable"] = '启用'
zh_cn["config_list"] = '设定档管理'
zh_cn["advanced"] = '進階設定'
zh_cn["autofill"] = '自动填表单'
zh_cn["about"] = '关于'
zh_cn["copy"] = '复制'
zh_cn["run"] = '抢票'
zh_cn["browse"] = '开启...'
zh_cn["save"] = '存档'
zh_cn["exit"] = '关闭'
zh_cn["copy"] = '复制'
zh_cn["restore_defaults"] = '恢复默认值'
zh_cn["done"] = '完成'
zh_cn["maxbot_slogan"] = 'MaxRegBot 是一个免费的开源机器人程序。\n祝您挂号成功。'
zh_cn["donate"] = '打赏'
zh_cn["help"] = '使用教学'
zh_cn["release"] = '所有可用版本'
ja_jp["language"] = '言語'
ja_jp["enable"] = '有効'
ja_jp["config_list"] = 'Config List'
ja_jp["advanced"] = '高度な設定'
ja_jp["autofill"] = 'オートフィル'
ja_jp["about"] = '情報'
ja_jp["run"] = 'チケットを取る'
ja_jp["browse"] = '開ける...'
ja_jp["save"] = '保存'
ja_jp["exit"] = '閉じる'
ja_jp["copy"] = 'コピー'
ja_jp["restore_defaults"] = 'デフォルトに戻す'
ja_jp["done"] = '終わり'
ja_jp["maxbot_slogan"] = 'MaxRegBot は無料のオープン ソース ボット プログラムです。チケットの成功をお祈りします。'
ja_jp["donate"] = '寄付'
ja_jp["help"] = '利用方法'
ja_jp["release"] = 'リリース'
translate = {
'en_us': {
"language": 'Language',
"enable": 'Enable',
"config_list": 'Config List',
"advanced": 'Advanced',
"about": 'About',
"run": 'Run',
"browse": 'Browse...',
"save": 'Save',
"exit": 'Close',
"copy": 'Copy',
"restore_defaults": 'Restore Defaults',
"done": 'Done',
"maxbot_slogan": 'MaxRegBot is a FREE and open source bot program. Wish you good luck.',
"donate": 'Donate',
"help": 'Help',
"release": 'Release'
'zh_tw': {
"language": '語言',
"enable": '啟用',
"config_list": '設定檔管理',
"advanced": '進階設定',
"autofill": '自動填表單',
"about": '關於',
"run": '搶票',
"browse": '開啟...',
"save": '存檔',
"exit": '關閉',
"copy": '複製',
"restore_defaults": '恢復預設值',
"done": '完成',
"maxbot_slogan": 'MaxRegBot是一個免費、開放原始碼的搶票機器人。\n祝您掛號成功。',
"donate": '打賞',
"release": '所有可用版本',
"help": '使用教學'
'zh_cn': {
"language": '语言',
"enable": '启用',
"config_list": '设定档管理',
"advanced": '進階設定',
"autofill": '自动填表单',
"about": '关于',
"run": '抢票',
"browse": '开启...',
"save": '存档',
"exit": '关闭',
"copy": '复制',
"restore_defaults": '恢复默认值',
"done": '完成',
"maxbot_slogan": 'MaxRegBot 是一个免费的开源机器人程序。\n祝您挂号成功。',
"donate": '打赏',
"help": '使用教学',
"release": '所有可用版本'
'ja_jp': {
"language": '言語',
"enable": '有効',
"config_list": 'Config List',
"advanced": '高度な設定',
"autofill": 'オートフィル',
"about": '情報',
"run": 'チケットを取る',
"browse": '開ける...',
"save": '保存',
"exit": '閉じる',
"copy": 'コピー',
"restore_defaults": 'デフォルトに戻す',
"done": '終わり',
"maxbot_slogan": 'MaxRegBot は無料のオープン ソース ボット プログラムです。チケットの成功をお祈りします。',
"donate": '寄付',
"help": '利用方法',
"release": 'リリース'
return translate
def get_default_config():
@ -183,32 +167,18 @@ def btn_save_act(slience_mode=True):
config_dict = get_default_config()
language_code = get_language_code_by_name(config_dict["advanced"]["language"])
is_all_data_correct = True
global combo_language
if is_all_data_correct:
config_dict["advanced"]["language"] = combo_language.get().strip()
# display as new language.
language_code = get_language_code_by_name(config_dict["advanced"]["language"])
filelist = [txt_file_name[i].get().strip() for i in range(15)]
config_dict["list"] = filelist
global txt_file_name
filelist = []
for i in range(15):
if is_all_data_correct:
# save config.
if is_all_data_correct:
# slience
util.save_json(config_dict, config_filepath)
if not slience_mode:
messagebox.showinfo(translate[language_code]["save"], translate[language_code]["done"])
return is_all_data_correct
return True
def open_url(url):
@ -227,14 +197,12 @@ def callbackLanguageOnChange(event):
def get_language_code_by_name(new_language):
language_code = "en_us"
if u'繁體中文' in new_language:
if '繁體中文' in new_language:
language_code = 'zh_tw'
if u'簡体中文' in new_language:
if '簡体中文' in new_language:
language_code = 'zh_cn'
if u'日本語' in new_language:
if '日本語' in new_language:
language_code = 'ja_jp'
#print("new language code:", language_code)
return language_code
def applyNewLanguage():
@ -307,50 +275,33 @@ def btn_items_run_event(event):
threading.Thread(target=util.launch_maxbot, args=(script_name,filename,)).start()
def ConfigListTab(root, config_dict, language_code, UI_PADDING_X):
# output to GUI.
row_count = 0
frame_group_header = Frame(root)
group_row_count = 0
widgets = {
'lbl_file_name': {},
'txt_file_name': {},
'txt_file_name_value': {},
'btn_browse': {},
'btn_run': {},
global lbl_file_name
global txt_file_name
global txt_file_name_value
global btn_browse
global btn_run
lbl_file_name = {}
txt_file_name = {}
txt_file_name_value = {}
btn_browse = {}
btn_run = {}
for i, filename in enumerate(config_dict["list"][:15]):
widgets['lbl_file_name'][i] = Label(frame_group_header, text=str(i+1))
widgets['lbl_file_name'][i].grid(column=0, row=i, sticky=E)
for i in range(15):
filename = ""
if i <= len(config_dict["list"])-1:
filename = config_dict["list"][i]
lbl_file_name[i] = Label(frame_group_header, text=str(i+1))
lbl_file_name[i].grid(column=0, row=group_row_count, sticky = E)
widgets['txt_file_name_value'][i] = StringVar(frame_group_header, value=filename)
widgets['txt_file_name'][i] = Entry(frame_group_header, width=20, textvariable=widgets['txt_file_name_value'][i])
widgets['txt_file_name'][i].grid(column=1, row=i, sticky=W)
txt_file_name_value[i] = StringVar(frame_group_header, value=filename)
txt_file_name[i] = Entry(frame_group_header, width=20, textvariable = txt_file_name_value[i])
txt_file_name[i].grid(column=1, row=group_row_count, sticky = W)
widgets['btn_browse'][i] = ttk.Button(frame_group_header, text=translate[language_code]['browse'] + " " + str(i+1))
widgets['btn_browse'][i].grid(column=2, row=i, sticky=W)
widgets['btn_browse'][i].bind('<Button-1>', btn_items_browse_event)
btn_browse[i] = ttk.Button(frame_group_header, text=translate[language_code]['browse'] + " " + str(i+1))
btn_browse[i].grid(column=2, row=group_row_count, sticky = W)
btn_browse[i].bind('<Button-1>', btn_items_browse_event)
widgets['btn_run'][i] = ttk.Button(frame_group_header, text=translate[language_code]['run'] + " " + str(i+1))
widgets['btn_run'][i].grid(column=3, row=i, sticky=W)
widgets['btn_run'][i].bind('<Button-1>', btn_items_run_event)
btn_run[i] = ttk.Button(frame_group_header, text=translate[language_code]['run'] + " " + str(i+1))
btn_run[i].grid(column=3, row=group_row_count, sticky = W)
btn_run[i].bind('<Button-1>', btn_items_run_event)
# add first block to UI.
frame_group_header.grid(column=0, row=row_count, sticky = W, padx=UI_PADDING_X)
frame_group_header.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=W, padx=UI_PADDING_X)
return widgets
def AboutTab(root, language_code):
Reference in New Issue