import base64 import json import os import pathlib import platform import random import re import socket import subprocess import sys import threading from typing import Optional import requests import uuid CONST_FROM_TOP_TO_BOTTOM = "from top to bottom" CONST_FROM_BOTTOM_TO_TOP = "from bottom to top" CONST_CENTER = "center" CONST_RANDOM = "random" USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" def get_ip_address(): gethostname = None try: gethostname = socket.gethostname() except Exception as exc: print("gethostname", exc) gethostname = None default_ip = "" ip = default_ip check_public_ip = True if "macos" in platform.platform().lower(): if "arm64" in platform.platform().lower(): check_public_ip = False if check_public_ip and not gethostname is None: try: ip = [l for l in ([ip for ip in socket.gethostbyname_ex(gethostname)[2] if not ip.startswith("127.")][:1], [[(s.connect(('', 53)), s.getsockname()[0], s.close()) for s in [socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)]][0][1]]) if l][0][0] except Exception as exc: print("gethostbyname_ex", exc) ip = gethostname #print("get_ip_address:", ip) return ip def is_connectable(port: int, host: Optional[str] = "localhost") -> bool: """Tries to connect to the server at port to see if it is running. :Args: - port - The port to connect. """ socket_ = None _is_connectable_exceptions = (socket.error, ConnectionResetError) try: socket_ = socket.create_connection((host, port), 1) result = True except _is_connectable_exceptions: result = False finally: if socket_: socket_.close() return result def remove_html_tags(text): ret = "" if not text is None: clean = re.compile('<.*?>') ret = re.sub(clean, '', text) ret = ret.strip() return ret # common functions. def find_between( s, first, last ): ret = "" try: start = s.index( first ) + len( first ) end = s.index( last, start ) ret = s[start:end] except ValueError: pass return ret def sx(s1): key=18 return ''.join(chr(ord(a) ^ key) for a in s1) def decryptMe(b): s="" if(len(b)>0): s=sx(base64.b64decode(b).decode("UTF-8")) return s def encryptMe(s): data="" if(len(s)>0): data=base64.b64encode(sx(s).encode('UTF-8')).decode("UTF-8") return data def is_arm(): ret = False if "-arm" in platform.platform(): ret = True return ret def get_app_root(): app_root = "" if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): basis = sys.executable app_root = os.path.dirname(basis) else: app_root = os.getcwd() return app_root def format_config_keyword_for_json(user_input): if len(user_input) > 0: if not ('\"' in user_input): user_input = '"' + user_input + '"' if user_input[:1]=="{" and user_input[-1:]=="}": tmp_json = {} try: tmp_json = json.loads(user_input) key=list(tmp_json.keys())[0] first_item=tmp_json[key] user_input=json.dumps(first_item) except Exception as exc: pass if user_input[:1]=="[" and user_input[-1:]=="]": user_input=user_input[1:] user_input=user_input[:-1] return user_input def is_text_match_keyword(keyword_string, text): is_match_keyword = True if len(keyword_string) > 0 and len(text) > 0: # directly input text into arrray field. if len(keyword_string) > 0: if not '"' in keyword_string: keyword_string = '"' + keyword_string + '"' is_match_keyword = False keyword_array = [] try: keyword_array = json.loads("["+ keyword_string +"]") except Exception as exc: keyword_array = [] for item_list in keyword_array: if len(item_list) > 0: if ' ' in item_list: keyword_item_array = item_list.split(' ') is_match_all = True for each_item in keyword_item_array: if not each_item in text: is_match_all = False if is_match_all: is_match_keyword = True else: if item_list in text: is_match_keyword = True else: is_match_keyword = True if is_match_keyword: break return is_match_keyword def save_json(config_dict, target_path): json_str = json.dumps(config_dict, indent=4) try: with open(target_path, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(json_str) except Exception as e: pass def write_string_to_file(filename, data): outfile = None if platform.system() == 'Windows': outfile = open(filename, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') else: outfile = open(filename, 'w') if not outfile is None: outfile.write("%s" % data) def save_url_to_file(remote_url, CONST_MAXBOT_ANSWER_ONLINE_FILE, force_write = False, timeout=0.5): html_text = "" if len(remote_url) > 0: html_result = None try: html_result = requests.get(remote_url , timeout=timeout, allow_redirects=False) except Exception as exc: html_result = None #print(exc) if not html_result is None: status_code = html_result.status_code #print("status_code:", status_code) if status_code == 200: html_text = html_result.text #print("html_text:", html_text) is_write_to_file = False if force_write: is_write_to_file = True if len(html_text) > 0: is_write_to_file = True if is_write_to_file: html_text = format_config_keyword_for_json(html_text) working_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) target_path = os.path.join(working_dir, CONST_MAXBOT_ANSWER_ONLINE_FILE) write_string_to_file(target_path, html_text) return is_write_to_file def play_mp3_async(sound_filename): threading.Thread(target=play_mp3, args=(sound_filename,)).start() def play_mp3(sound_filename): from playsound import playsound try: playsound(sound_filename) except Exception as exc: msg=str(exc) #print("play sound exeption:", msg) if platform.system() == 'Windows': import winsound try: winsound.PlaySound(sound_filename, winsound.SND_FILENAME) except Exception as exc2: pass def force_remove_file(filepath): if os.path.exists(filepath): try: os.remove(filepath) except Exception as exc: pass def clean_uc_exe_cache(): exe_name = "chromedriver%s" platform = sys.platform if platform.endswith("win32"): exe_name %= ".exe" if platform.endswith(("linux", "linux2")): exe_name %= "" if platform.endswith("darwin"): exe_name %= "" d = "" if platform.endswith("win32"): d = "~/appdata/roaming/undetected_chromedriver" elif "LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT" in os.environ: d = "/tmp/undetected_chromedriver" elif platform.startswith(("linux", "linux2")): d = "~/.local/share/undetected_chromedriver" elif platform.endswith("darwin"): d = "~/Library/Application Support/undetected_chromedriver" else: d = "~/.undetected_chromedriver" data_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(d)) is_cache_exist = False p = pathlib.Path(data_path) files = list(p.rglob("*chromedriver*?")) for file in files: if os.path.exists(str(file)): is_cache_exist = True try: os.unlink(str(file)) except Exception as exc2: print(exc2) pass return is_cache_exist def t_or_f(arg): ret = False ua = str(arg).upper() if 'TRUE'.startswith(ua): ret = True elif 'YES'.startswith(ua): ret = True return ret def format_keyword_string(keyword): if not keyword is None: if len(keyword) > 0: keyword = keyword.replace('/','/') keyword = keyword.replace(' ','') keyword = keyword.replace(',','') keyword = keyword.replace(',','') keyword = keyword.replace('$','') keyword = keyword.replace(' ','').lower() return keyword def format_quota_string(formated_html_text): formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('「','【') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('『','【') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('〔','【') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('﹝','【') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('〈','【') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('《','【') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('[','【') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('〖','【') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('[','【') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('(','【') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('(','【') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('」','】') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('』','】') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('〕','】') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('﹞','】') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('〉','】') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('》','】') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace(']','】') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('〗','】') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace(']','】') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace(')','】') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace(')','】') return formated_html_text def full2half(keyword): n = "" if not keyword is None: if len(keyword) > 0: for char in keyword: num = ord(char) if num == 0x3000: num = 32 elif 0xFF01 <= num <= 0xFF5E: num -= 0xfee0 n += chr(num) return n def get_chinese_numeric(): my_dict = {} my_dict['0']=['0','0','zero','零'] my_dict['1']=['1','1','one','一','壹','①','❶','⑴'] my_dict['2']=['2','2','two','二','貳','②','❷','⑵'] my_dict['3']=['3','3','three','三','叁','③','❸','⑶'] my_dict['4']=['4','4','four','四','肆','④','❹','⑷'] my_dict['5']=['5','5','five','五','伍','⑤','❺','⑸'] my_dict['6']=['6','6','six','六','陸','⑥','❻','⑹'] my_dict['7']=['7','7','seven','七','柒','⑦','❼','⑺'] my_dict['8']=['8','8','eight','八','捌','⑧','❽','⑻'] my_dict['9']=['9','9','nine','九','玖','⑨','❾','⑼'] return my_dict # 同義字 def synonym_dict(char): ret = [] my_dict = get_chinese_numeric() if char in my_dict: ret = my_dict[char] else: ret.append(char) return ret def chinese_numeric_to_int(char): ret = None my_dict = get_chinese_numeric() for i in my_dict: for item in my_dict[i]: if char.lower() == item: ret = int(i) break if not ret is None: break return ret def normalize_chinese_numeric(keyword): ret = "" for char in keyword: converted_int = chinese_numeric_to_int(char) if not converted_int is None: ret += str(converted_int) return ret def find_continuous_number(text): chars = "0123456789" return find_continuous_pattern(chars, text) def find_continuous_text(text): chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" return find_continuous_pattern(chars, text) def find_continuous_pattern(allowed_char, text): ret = "" is_allowed_char_start = False for char in text: #print("char:", char) if char in allowed_char: if len(ret)==0 and not is_allowed_char_start: is_allowed_char_start = True if is_allowed_char_start: ret += char else: # make not continuous is_allowed_char_start = False return ret def is_all_alpha_or_numeric(text): ret = False alpha_count = 0 numeric_count = 0 for char in text: try: if char.encode('UTF-8').isalpha(): alpha_count += 1 except Exception as exc: pass #if char.isnumeric(): if char.isdigit(): numeric_count += 1 if (alpha_count + numeric_count) == len(text): ret = True #print("text/is_all_alpha_or_numeric:",text,ret) return ret def get_brave_bin_path(): brave_path = "" if platform.system() == 'Windows': brave_path = "C:\\Program Files\\BraveSoftware\\Brave-Browser\\Application\\brave.exe" if not os.path.exists(brave_path): brave_path = os.path.expanduser('~') + "\\AppData\\Local\\BraveSoftware\\Brave-Browser\\Application\\brave.exe" if not os.path.exists(brave_path): brave_path = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BraveSoftware\\Brave-Browser\\Application\\brave.exe" if not os.path.exists(brave_path): brave_path = "D:\\Program Files\\BraveSoftware\\Brave-Browser\\Application\\brave.exe" if platform.system() == 'Linux': brave_path = "/usr/bin/brave-browser" if platform.system() == 'Darwin': brave_path = '/Applications/Brave Browser' return brave_path def dump_settings_to_maxbot_plus_extension(ext, config_dict, CONST_MAXBOT_CONFIG_FILE): # sync config. target_path = ext target_path = os.path.join(target_path, "data") target_path = os.path.join(target_path, CONST_MAXBOT_CONFIG_FILE) #print("save as to:", target_path) if os.path.isfile(target_path): try: #print("remove file:", target_path) os.unlink(target_path) except Exception as exc: pass try: with open(target_path, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(config_dict, outfile) except Exception as e: pass # add host_permissions target_path = ext target_path = os.path.join(target_path, "manifest.json") manifest_dict = None if os.path.isfile(target_path): try: with open(target_path) as json_data: manifest_dict = json.load(json_data) except Exception as e: pass local_remote_url_array = [] local_remote_url = config_dict["advanced"]["remote_url"] if len(local_remote_url) > 0: try: temp_remote_url_array = json.loads("["+ local_remote_url +"]") for remote_url in temp_remote_url_array: remote_url_final = remote_url + "*" local_remote_url_array.append(remote_url_final) except Exception as exc: pass if len(local_remote_url_array) > 0: is_manifest_changed = False if 'host_permissions' in manifest_dict: for remote_url_final in local_remote_url_array: if not remote_url_final in manifest_dict["host_permissions"]: #print("local remote_url not in manifest:", remote_url_final) manifest_dict["host_permissions"].append(remote_url_final) is_manifest_changed = True if is_manifest_changed: json_str = json.dumps(manifest_dict, indent=4) try: with open(target_path, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(json_str) except Exception as e: pass def dump_settings_to_maxblock_plus_extension(ext, config_dict, CONST_MAXBOT_CONFIG_FILE, CONST_MAXBLOCK_EXTENSION_FILTER): # sync config. target_path = ext target_path = os.path.join(target_path, "data") # special case, due to data folder is empty, sometime will be removed. if not os.path.exists(target_path): os.mkdir(target_path) target_path = os.path.join(target_path, CONST_MAXBOT_CONFIG_FILE) #print("save as to:", target_path) if os.path.isfile(target_path): try: #print("remove file:", target_path) os.unlink(target_path) except Exception as exc: pass try: with open(target_path, 'w') as outfile: config_dict["domain_filter"]=CONST_MAXBLOCK_EXTENSION_FILTER json.dump(config_dict, outfile) except Exception as e: pass # convert web string to reg pattern def convert_string_to_pattern(my_str, dynamic_length=True): my_hint_anwser_length = len(my_str) my_formated = "" if my_hint_anwser_length > 0: my_anwser_symbols = "()[]<>{}-" for idx in range(my_hint_anwser_length): char = my_str[idx:idx+1] if char in my_anwser_symbols: my_formated += ('\\' + char) continue pattern = re.compile("[A-Z]") match_result = pattern.match(char) #print("match_result A:", match_result) if not match_result is None: my_formated += "[A-Z]" pattern = re.compile("[a-z]") match_result = pattern.match(char) #print("match_result a:", match_result) if not match_result is None: my_formated += "[a-z]" pattern = re.compile("[\d]") match_result = pattern.match(char) #print("match_result d:", match_result) if not match_result is None: my_formated += "[\d]" # for dynamic length if dynamic_length: for i in range(10): my_formated = my_formated.replace("[A-Z][A-Z]","[A-Z]") my_formated = my_formated.replace("[a-z][a-z]","[a-z]") my_formated = my_formated.replace("[\d][\d]","[\d]") my_formated = my_formated.replace("[A-Z]","[A-Z]+") my_formated = my_formated.replace("[a-z]","[a-z]+") my_formated = my_formated.replace("[\d]","[\d]+") return my_formated def guess_answer_list_from_multi_options(tmp_text): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online options_list = [] matched_pattern = "" if len(options_list) == 0: if '【' in tmp_text and '】' in tmp_text: pattern = '【.{1,4}】' options_list = re.findall(pattern, tmp_text) if len(options_list) <= 2: options_list = [] else: matched_pattern = pattern if len(options_list) == 0: if '(' in tmp_text and ')' in tmp_text: pattern = '\(.{1,4}\)' options_list = re.findall(pattern, tmp_text) if len(options_list) <= 2: options_list = [] else: matched_pattern = pattern if len(options_list) == 0: if '[' in tmp_text and ']' in tmp_text: pattern = '\[.{1,4}\]' options_list = re.findall(pattern, tmp_text) if len(options_list) <= 2: options_list = [] else: matched_pattern = pattern if len(options_list) == 0: if "\n" in tmp_text and ')' in tmp_text: pattern = "\\n.{1,4}\)" options_list = re.findall(pattern, tmp_text) if len(options_list) <= 2: options_list = [] else: matched_pattern = pattern if len(options_list) == 0: if "\n" in tmp_text and ']' in tmp_text: pattern = "\\n.{1,4}\]" options_list = re.findall(pattern, tmp_text) if len(options_list) <= 2: options_list = [] else: matched_pattern = pattern if len(options_list) == 0: if "\n" in tmp_text and '】' in tmp_text: pattern = "\\n.{1,4}】" options_list = re.findall(pattern, tmp_text) if len(options_list) <= 2: options_list = [] else: matched_pattern = pattern if len(options_list) == 0: if "\n" in tmp_text and ':' in tmp_text: pattern = "\\n.{1,4}:" options_list = re.findall(pattern, tmp_text) if len(options_list) <= 2: options_list = [] else: matched_pattern = pattern if len(options_list) == 0: if " " in tmp_text and '?' in tmp_text: if ('.' in tmp_text or ':' in tmp_text or ')' in tmp_text or ']' in tmp_text or '>' in tmp_text): pattern = "[ /\n\|;\.\?]{1}.{1}[\.:)\]>]{1}.{2,3}" options_list = re.findall(pattern, tmp_text) if len(options_list) <= 2: options_list = [] else: formated_list = [] for new_item in options_list: new_item = new_item.strip() if new_item[:1] == ".": new_item = new_item[1:] if new_item[:1] == "?": new_item = new_item[1:] if new_item[:1] == "|": new_item = new_item[1:] if new_item[:1] == ";": new_item = new_item[1:] if new_item[:1] == "/": new_item = new_item[1:] new_item = new_item.strip() new_item = new_item[:1] formated_list.append(new_item) options_list = formated_list matched_pattern = pattern if show_debug_message: print("matched pattern:", matched_pattern) # default remove quota is_trim_quota = not check_answer_keep_symbol(tmp_text) if show_debug_message: print("is_trim_quota:", is_trim_quota) return_list = [] if len(options_list) > 0: options_list_length = len(options_list) if show_debug_message: print("options_list_length:", options_list_length) print("options_list:", options_list) if options_list_length > 2: is_all_options_same_length = True options_length_count = {} for i in range(options_list_length-1): current_option_length = len(options_list[i]) next_option_length = len(options_list[i+1]) if current_option_length != next_option_length: is_all_options_same_length = False if current_option_length in options_length_count: options_length_count[current_option_length] += 1 else: options_length_count[current_option_length] = 1 if show_debug_message: print("is_all_options_same_length:", is_all_options_same_length) if is_all_options_same_length: return_list = [] for each_option in options_list: if len(each_option) > 2: if is_trim_quota: return_list.append(each_option[1:-1]) else: return_list.append(each_option) else: return_list.append(each_option) else: #print("options_length_count:", options_length_count) if len(options_length_count) > 0: target_option_length = 0 most_length_count = 0 for k in options_length_count.keys(): if options_length_count[k] > most_length_count: most_length_count = options_length_count[k] target_option_length = k #print("most_length_count:", most_length_count) #print("target_option_length:", target_option_length) if target_option_length > 0: return_list = [] for each_option in options_list: current_option_length = len(each_option) if current_option_length == target_option_length: if is_trim_quota: return_list.append(each_option[1:-1]) else: return_list.append(each_option) # something is wrong, give up when option equal 2 options. if len(return_list) <= 2: return_list = [] # remove chinese work options. if len(options_list) > 0: new_list = [] for item in return_list: if is_all_alpha_or_numeric(item): new_list.append(item) if len(new_list) >=3: return_list = new_list return return_list #PS: this may get a wrong answer list. XD def guess_answer_list_from_symbols(captcha_text_div_text): return_list = [] # need replace to space to get first options. tmp_text = captcha_text_div_text tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('?',' ') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('?',' ') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('。',' ') delimitor_symbols_left = [u"(","[","{", " ", " ", " ", " "] delimitor_symbols_right = [u")","]","}", ":", ".", ")", "-"] idx = -1 for idx in range(len(delimitor_symbols_left)): symbol_left = delimitor_symbols_left[idx] symbol_right = delimitor_symbols_right[idx] if symbol_left in tmp_text and symbol_right in tmp_text and '半形' in tmp_text: hint_list = re.findall('\\'+ symbol_left + '[\\w]+\\'+ symbol_right , tmp_text) #print("hint_list:", hint_list) if not hint_list is None: if len(hint_list) > 1: return_list = [] my_answer_delimitor = symbol_right for options in hint_list: if len(options) > 2: my_anwser = options[1:-1] #print("my_anwser:",my_anwser) if len(my_anwser) > 0: return_list.append(my_anwser) if len(return_list) > 0: break return return_list def get_offical_hint_string_from_symbol(symbol, tmp_text): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online offical_hint_string = "" if symbol in tmp_text: # start to guess offical hint if offical_hint_string == "": if '【' in tmp_text and '】' in tmp_text: hint_list = re.findall('【.*?】', tmp_text) if not hint_list is None: if show_debug_message: print("【.*?】hint_list:", hint_list) for hint in hint_list: if symbol in hint: offical_hint_string = hint[1:-1] break if offical_hint_string == "": if '(' in tmp_text and ')' in tmp_text: hint_list = re.findall('\(.*?\)', tmp_text) if not hint_list is None: if show_debug_message: print("\(.*?\)hint_list:", hint_list) for hint in hint_list: if symbol in hint: offical_hint_string = hint[1:-1] break if offical_hint_string == "": if '[' in tmp_text and ']' in tmp_text: hint_list = re.findall('[.*?]', tmp_text) if not hint_list is None: if show_debug_message: print("[.*?]hint_list:", hint_list) for hint in hint_list: if symbol in hint: offical_hint_string = hint[1:-1] break if offical_hint_string == "": offical_hint_string = tmp_text return offical_hint_string def guess_answer_list_from_hint(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online tmp_text = format_question_string(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text) my_question = "" my_options = "" offical_hint_string = "" offical_hint_string_anwser = "" my_anwser_formated = "" my_answer_delimitor = "" if my_question == "": if "?" in tmp_text: question_index = tmp_text.find("?") my_question = tmp_text[:question_index+1] if my_question == "": if "。" in tmp_text: question_index = tmp_text.find("。") my_question = tmp_text[:question_index+1] if my_question == "": my_question = tmp_text #print("my_question:", my_question) # ps: hint_list is not options list if offical_hint_string == "": # for: 若你覺得答案為 a,請輸入 a if '答案' in tmp_text and CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL in tmp_text: offical_hint_string = get_offical_hint_string_from_symbol(CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, tmp_text) if len(offical_hint_string) > 0: right_part = offical_hint_string.split(CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL)[1] #print("right_part:", right_part) if len(offical_hint_string) == len(tmp_text): offical_hint_string = right_part new_hint = find_continuous_text(right_part) if len(new_hint) > 0: # TODO: 答案為B需填入Bb) #if '答案' in offical_hint_string and CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL in offical_hint_string: offical_hint_string_anwser = new_hint if offical_hint_string == "": offical_hint_string = get_offical_hint_string_from_symbol(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, tmp_text) if len(offical_hint_string) > 0: right_part = offical_hint_string.split(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL)[1] if len(offical_hint_string) == len(tmp_text): offical_hint_string = right_part # PS: find first text will only get B char in this case: 答案為B需填入Bb) new_hint = find_continuous_text(right_part) if len(new_hint) > 0: offical_hint_string_anwser = new_hint # resize offical_hint_string_anwser for options contains in hint string. #print("offical_hint_string_anwser:", offical_hint_string_anwser) if len(offical_hint_string_anwser) > 0: offical_hint_string = offical_hint_string.split(offical_hint_string_anwser)[0] if show_debug_message: print("offical_hint_string:", offical_hint_string) # try rule4: # get hint from rule 3: without '(' & '), but use "*" if len(offical_hint_string) == 0: target_symbol = "*" if target_symbol in tmp_text : star_index = tmp_text.find(target_symbol) space_index = tmp_text.find(" ", star_index + len(target_symbol)) offical_hint_string = tmp_text[star_index: space_index] # is need to merge next block if len(offical_hint_string) > 0: target_symbol = offical_hint_string + " " if target_symbol in tmp_text : star_index = tmp_text.find(target_symbol) next_block_index = star_index + len(target_symbol) space_index = tmp_text.find(" ", next_block_index) next_block = tmp_text[next_block_index: space_index] if CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL in next_block: offical_hint_string += ' ' + next_block # try rule5: # get hint from rule 3: n個半形英文大寫 if len(offical_hint_string) == 0: target_symbol = "個半形英文大寫" if target_symbol in tmp_text : star_index = tmp_text.find(target_symbol) space_index = tmp_text.find(" ", star_index) answer_char_count = tmp_text[star_index-1:star_index] if answer_char_count.isnumeric(): answer_char_count = chinese_numeric_to_int(answer_char_count) if answer_char_count is None: answer_char_count = '0' star_index -= 1 offical_hint_string_anwser = 'A' * int(answer_char_count) offical_hint_string = tmp_text[star_index: space_index] target_symbol = "個英文大寫" if target_symbol in tmp_text : star_index = tmp_text.find(target_symbol) space_index = tmp_text.find(" ", star_index) answer_char_count = tmp_text[star_index-1:star_index] if answer_char_count.isnumeric(): answer_char_count = chinese_numeric_to_int(answer_char_count) if answer_char_count is None: answer_char_count = '0' star_index -= 1 offical_hint_string_anwser = 'A' * int(answer_char_count) offical_hint_string = tmp_text[star_index: space_index] target_symbol = "個半形英文小寫" if target_symbol in tmp_text : star_index = tmp_text.find(target_symbol) space_index = tmp_text.find(" ", star_index) answer_char_count = tmp_text[star_index-1:star_index] if answer_char_count.isnumeric(): answer_char_count = chinese_numeric_to_int(answer_char_count) if answer_char_count is None: answer_char_count = '0' star_index -= 1 offical_hint_string_anwser = 'a' * int(answer_char_count) offical_hint_string = tmp_text[star_index: space_index] target_symbol = "個英文小寫" if target_symbol in tmp_text : star_index = tmp_text.find(target_symbol) space_index = tmp_text.find(" ", star_index) answer_char_count = tmp_text[star_index-1:star_index] if answer_char_count.isnumeric(): answer_char_count = chinese_numeric_to_int(answer_char_count) if answer_char_count is None: answer_char_count = '0' star_index -= 1 offical_hint_string_anwser = 'a' * int(answer_char_count) offical_hint_string = tmp_text[star_index: space_index] target_symbol = "個英數半形字" if target_symbol in tmp_text : star_index = tmp_text.find(target_symbol) space_index = tmp_text.find(" ", star_index) answer_char_count = tmp_text[star_index-1:star_index] if answer_char_count.isnumeric(): answer_char_count = chinese_numeric_to_int(answer_char_count) if answer_char_count is None: answer_char_count = '0' star_index -= 1 my_anwser_formated = '[A-Za-z\d]' * int(answer_char_count) offical_hint_string = tmp_text[star_index: space_index] target_symbol = "個半形" if target_symbol in tmp_text : star_index = tmp_text.find(target_symbol) space_index = tmp_text.find(" ", star_index) answer_char_count = tmp_text[star_index-1:star_index] if answer_char_count.isnumeric(): answer_char_count = chinese_numeric_to_int(answer_char_count) if answer_char_count is None: answer_char_count = '0' star_index -= 1 my_anwser_formated = '[A-Za-z\d]' * int(answer_char_count) offical_hint_string = tmp_text[star_index: space_index] if len(offical_hint_string) > 0: if show_debug_message: print("offical_hint_string_anwser:", offical_hint_string_anwser) my_anwser_formated = convert_string_to_pattern(offical_hint_string_anwser) my_options = tmp_text if len(my_question) < len(tmp_text): my_options = my_options.replace(my_question,"") my_options = my_options.replace(offical_hint_string,"") # try rule7: # check is chinese/english in question, if match, apply my_options rule. if len(offical_hint_string) > 0: tmp_text_org = captcha_text_div_text if CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL in tmp_text: tmp_text_org = tmp_text_org.replace('Ex:','ex:') target_symbol = "ex:" if target_symbol in tmp_text_org : star_index = tmp_text_org.find(target_symbol) my_options = tmp_text_org[star_index-1:] if show_debug_message: print("tmp_text:", tmp_text) print("my_options:", my_options) if len(my_anwser_formated) > 0: allow_delimitor_symbols = ")].: }" pattern = re.compile(my_anwser_formated) search_result = if not search_result is None: (span_start, span_end) = search_result.span() maybe_delimitor="" if len(my_options) > (span_end+1)+1: maybe_delimitor = my_options[span_end+0:span_end+1] if maybe_delimitor in allow_delimitor_symbols: my_answer_delimitor = maybe_delimitor if show_debug_message: print("my_answer_delimitor:", my_answer_delimitor) # default remove quota is_trim_quota = not check_answer_keep_symbol(tmp_text) if show_debug_message: print("is_trim_quota:", is_trim_quota) return_list = [] if len(my_anwser_formated) > 0: new_pattern = my_anwser_formated if len(my_answer_delimitor) > 0: new_pattern = my_anwser_formated + '\\' + my_answer_delimitor return_list = re.findall(new_pattern, my_options) if show_debug_message: print("my_anwser_formated:", my_anwser_formated) print("new_pattern:", new_pattern) print("return_list:" , return_list) if not return_list is None: if len(return_list) == 1: # re-sample for this case. return_list = re.findall(my_anwser_formated, my_options) if len(return_list) == 1: # if use pattern to find matched only one, means it is for example text. return_list = None if not return_list is None: # clean delimitor if is_trim_quota: return_list_length = len(return_list) if return_list_length >= 1: if len(my_answer_delimitor) > 0: for idx in range(return_list_length): return_list[idx]=return_list[idx].replace(my_answer_delimitor,'') if show_debug_message: print("cleaned return_list:" , return_list) if return_list is None: return_list = [] return return_list, offical_hint_string_anwser def format_question_string(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text): tmp_text = captcha_text_div_text tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(' ',' ') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(':',':') # for hint tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('*','*') # stop word. tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('輸入法','') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('請問','') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('請將','') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('請在','') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('請以','') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('請回答','') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('請','') # replace ex. tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('例如', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL) tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('如:', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL) tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('如為', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL+'為') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('舉例', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL) if not CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL in tmp_text: tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('例', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL) # important, maybe 例 & ex occurs at same time. tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('ex:', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL) tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('Ex:', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL) #若你覺得 #PS:這個,可能會造成更多問題,呵呵。 SYMBOL_IF_LIST = ['假設','如果','若'] for symbol_if in SYMBOL_IF_LIST: if symbol_if in tmp_text and '答案' in tmp_text: tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('覺得', '') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('認為', '') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(symbol_if + '你答案', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL + '答案') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(symbol_if + '答案', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL + '答案') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('填入', CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL) #tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('[','(') #tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(']',')') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('?','?') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('(','(') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(')',')') return tmp_text def permutations(iterable, r=None): pool = tuple(iterable) n = len(pool) r = n if r is None else r if r > n: return indices = list(range(n)) cycles = list(range(n, n-r, -1)) yield tuple(pool[i] for i in indices[:r]) while n: for i in reversed(range(r)): cycles[i] -= 1 if cycles[i] == 0: indices[i:] = indices[i+1:] + indices[i:i+1] cycles[i] = n - i else: j = cycles[i] indices[i], indices[-j] = indices[-j], indices[i] yield tuple(pool[i] for i in indices[:r]) break else: return def get_answer_list_by_question(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online return_list = [] tmp_text = format_question_string(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text) # guess answer list from multi-options: 【】() [] if len(return_list)==0: return_list = guess_answer_list_from_multi_options(tmp_text) if show_debug_message: print("captcha_text_div_text:", captcha_text_div_text) if len(return_list) > 0: print("found, guess_answer_list_from_multi_options:", return_list) offical_hint_string_anwser = "" if len(return_list)==0: return_list, offical_hint_string_anwser = guess_answer_list_from_hint(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text) else: is_match_factorial = False mutiple = 0 return_list_2, offical_hint_string_anwser = guess_answer_list_from_hint(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text) if return_list_2 is None: if len(offical_hint_string_anwser) >=3: if len(return_list) >=3: mutiple = int(len(offical_hint_string_anwser) / len(return_list[0])) if mutiple >=3 : is_match_factorial = True if show_debug_message: print("mutiple:", mutiple) print("is_match_factorial:", is_match_factorial) if is_match_factorial: is_match_factorial = False order_string_list = ['排列','排序','依序','順序','遞增','遞減','升冪','降冪','新到舊','舊到新','小到大','大到小','高到低','低到高'] for order_string in order_string_list: if order_string in tmp_text: is_match_factorial = True if is_match_factorial: new_array = permutations(return_list, mutiple) #print("new_array:", new_array) return_list = [] for item_tuple in new_array: return_list.append(''.join(item_tuple)) if show_debug_message: if len(return_list) > 0: print("found, guess_answer_list_from_hint:", return_list) if len(return_list)==0: return_list = guess_answer_list_from_symbols(captcha_text_div_text) if show_debug_message: if len(return_list) > 0: print("found, guess_answer_list_from_symbols:", return_list) return return_list def get_matched_blocks_by_keyword_item_set(config_dict, auto_select_mode, keyword_item_set, formated_area_list): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online if config_dict["advanced"]["verbose"]: show_debug_message = True matched_blocks = [] for row in formated_area_list: row_text = "" row_html = "" try: #row_text = row.text row_html = row.get_attribute('innerHTML') row_text = remove_html_tags(row_html) except Exception as exc: if show_debug_message: print(exc) # error, exit loop break if len(row_text) > 0: if reset_row_text_if_match_keyword_exclude(config_dict, row_text): row_text = "" if len(row_text) > 0: # start to compare, normalize all. row_text = format_keyword_string(row_text) if show_debug_message: print("row_text:", row_text) is_match_all = False if ' ' in keyword_item_set: keyword_item_array = keyword_item_set.split(' ') is_match_all = True for keyword_item in keyword_item_array: keyword_item = format_keyword_string(keyword_item) if not keyword_item in row_text: is_match_all = False else: exclude_item = format_keyword_string(keyword_item_set) if exclude_item in row_text: is_match_all = True if is_match_all: matched_blocks.append(row) # only need first row. if auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_TOP_TO_BOTTOM: break return matched_blocks def get_target_item_from_matched_list(matched_blocks, auto_select_mode): target_area = None if not matched_blocks is None: matched_blocks_count = len(matched_blocks) if matched_blocks_count > 0: target_row_index = 0 if auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_TOP_TO_BOTTOM: pass if auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_BOTTOM_TO_TOP: target_row_index = matched_blocks_count - 1 if auto_select_mode == CONST_RANDOM: if matched_blocks_count > 1: target_row_index = random.randint(0,matched_blocks_count-1) if auto_select_mode == CONST_CENTER: if matched_blocks_count > 2: target_row_index = int(matched_blocks_count/2) target_area = matched_blocks[target_row_index] return target_area def get_matched_blocks_by_keyword(config_dict, auto_select_mode, keyword_string, formated_area_list): keyword_array = [] try: keyword_array = json.loads("["+ keyword_string +"]") except Exception as exc: keyword_array = [] matched_blocks = [] for keyword_item_set in keyword_array: matched_blocks = get_matched_blocks_by_keyword_item_set(config_dict, auto_select_mode, keyword_item_set, formated_area_list) if len(matched_blocks) > 0: break return matched_blocks def is_row_match_keyword(keyword_string, row_text): # clean stop word. row_text = format_keyword_string(row_text) is_match_keyword = True if len(keyword_string) > 0 and len(row_text) > 0: is_match_keyword = False keyword_array = [] try: keyword_array = json.loads("["+ keyword_string +"]") except Exception as exc: keyword_array = [] for item_list in keyword_array: if len(item_list) > 0: if ' ' in item_list: keyword_item_array = item_list.split(' ') is_match_all_exclude = True for each_item in keyword_item_array: each_item = format_keyword_string(each_item) if not each_item in row_text: is_match_all_exclude = False if is_match_all_exclude: is_match_keyword = True else: item_list = format_keyword_string(item_list) if item_list in row_text: is_match_keyword = True else: # match all. is_match_keyword = True if is_match_keyword: break return is_match_keyword def reset_row_text_if_match_keyword_exclude(config_dict, row_text): area_keyword_exclude = config_dict["keyword_exclude"] return is_row_match_keyword(area_keyword_exclude, row_text) def guess_tixcraft_question(driver, question_text): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online answer_list = [] formated_html_text = "" if len(question_text) > 0: # format question text. formated_html_text = question_text formated_html_text = format_quota_string(formated_html_text) if '【' in formated_html_text and '】' in formated_html_text: # PS: 這個太容易沖突,因為問題類型太多,不能直接使用。 #inferred_answer_string = find_between(formated_html_text, "【", "】") pass if show_debug_message: print("formated_html_text:", formated_html_text) # start to guess answer inferred_answer_string = None # 請輸入"YES",代表您已詳閱且瞭解並同意。 if inferred_answer_string is None: if '輸入"YES"' in formated_html_text: if '已詳閱' in formated_html_text or '請詳閱' in formated_html_text: if '同意' in formated_html_text: inferred_answer_string = 'YES' # 購票前請詳閱注意事項,並於驗證碼欄位輸入【同意】繼續購票流程。 if inferred_answer_string is None: if '驗證碼' in formated_html_text or '驗證欄位' in formated_html_text: if '已詳閱' in formated_html_text or '請詳閱' in formated_html_text: if '輸入【同意】' in formated_html_text: inferred_answer_string = '同意' if inferred_answer_string is None: if len(question_text) > 0: answer_list = get_answer_list_from_question_string(None, question_text) else: answer_list = [answer_list] return answer_list def get_answer_list_from_user_guess_string(config_dict, CONST_MAXBOT_ANSWER_ONLINE_FILE): local_array = [] online_array = [] user_guess_string = config_dict["advanced"]["user_guess_string"] if len(user_guess_string) > 0: user_guess_string = format_config_keyword_for_json(user_guess_string) try: local_array = json.loads("["+ user_guess_string +"]") except Exception as exc: local_array = [] # load from internet. user_guess_string = "" if os.path.exists(CONST_MAXBOT_ANSWER_ONLINE_FILE): try: with open(CONST_MAXBOT_ANSWER_ONLINE_FILE, "r") as text_file: user_guess_string = text_file.readline() except Exception as e: pass if len(user_guess_string) > 0: user_guess_string = format_config_keyword_for_json(user_guess_string) try: online_array = json.loads("["+ user_guess_string +"]") except Exception as exc: online_array = [] return local_array + online_array def check_answer_keep_symbol(captcha_text_div_text): is_need_keep_symbol = False # format text keep_symbol_tmp = captcha_text_div_text keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('也','須') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('必須','須') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('全都','都') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('全部都','都') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('一致','相同') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('一樣','相同') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('相等','相同') if '符號須都相同' in keep_symbol_tmp: is_need_keep_symbol = True if '符號都相同' in keep_symbol_tmp: is_need_keep_symbol = True if '符號須相同' in keep_symbol_tmp: is_need_keep_symbol = True # for: 大小寫含括號需一模一樣 keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('含', '') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('和', '') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('與', '') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('還有', '') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('及', '') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('以及', '') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('需', '') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('必須', '') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('而且', '') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('且', '') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('一模', '') #print("keep_symbol_tmp:", keep_symbol_tmp) if '大小寫括號相同' in keep_symbol_tmp: is_need_keep_symbol = True return is_need_keep_symbol #PS: this is for selenium webdriver. def kktix_get_web_datetime(registrationsNewApp_div): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online web_datetime = None is_found_web_datetime = False el_web_datetime_list = None if not registrationsNewApp_div is None: try: el_web_datetime_list = registrationsNewApp_div.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, 'td') except Exception as exc: if show_debug_message: print("find Exception") print(exc) pass #print("is_found_web_datetime", is_found_web_datetime) if not el_web_datetime_list is None: el_web_datetime_list_count = len(el_web_datetime_list) if el_web_datetime_list_count > 0: el_web_datetime = None for el_web_datetime in el_web_datetime_list: el_web_datetime_text = None try: el_web_datetime_text = el_web_datetime.text if show_debug_message: print("el_web_datetime_text:", el_web_datetime_text) except Exception as exc: if show_debug_message: print('parse web datetime fail:') print(exc) pass if not el_web_datetime_text is None: if len(el_web_datetime_text) > 0: now = #print("now:", now) for guess_year in range(now.year,now.year+3): current_year = str(guess_year) if current_year in el_web_datetime_text: if '/' in el_web_datetime_text: web_datetime = el_web_datetime_text is_found_web_datetime = True break if is_found_web_datetime: break else: print("find fail") if show_debug_message: print('is_found_web_datetime:', is_found_web_datetime) print('web_datetime:', web_datetime) return web_datetime def get_answer_string_from_web_date(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, registrationsNewApp_div, captcha_text_div_text): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online inferred_answer_string = None is_need_parse_web_datetime = False # '半形阿拉伯數字' & '半形數字' if '半形' in captcha_text_div_text and '字' in captcha_text_div_text: if '演出日期' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_datetime = True if '活動日期' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_datetime = True if '表演日期' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_datetime = True if '開始日期' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_datetime = True if '演唱會日期' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_datetime = True if '展覽日期' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_datetime = True if '音樂會日期' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_datetime = True if 'the date of the show you purchased' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_datetime = True if show_debug_message: print("is_need_parse_web_datetime:", is_need_parse_web_datetime) if is_need_parse_web_datetime: web_datetime = kktix_get_web_datetime(registrationsNewApp_div) if not web_datetime is None: if show_debug_message: print("web_datetime:", web_datetime) captcha_text_formatted = format_question_string(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text) if show_debug_message: print("captcha_text_formatted", captcha_text_formatted) my_datetime_foramted = None # MMDD if my_datetime_foramted is None: if '4位半形' in captcha_text_formatted: my_datetime_foramted = "%m%d" # for "如為2月30日,請輸入0230" if my_datetime_foramted is None: right_part = "" if CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL in captcha_text_formatted: right_part = captcha_text_formatted.split(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL)[1] if CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL in right_part: right_part = right_part.split(CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL)[1] number_text = find_continuous_number(right_part) my_anwser_formated = convert_string_to_pattern(number_text, dynamic_length=False) if my_anwser_formated == "[\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d]": my_datetime_foramted = "%Y%m%d" if my_anwser_formated == "[\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d]": my_datetime_foramted = "%m%d" #print("my_datetime_foramted:", my_datetime_foramted) if show_debug_message: print("my_datetime_foramted", my_datetime_foramted) if my_datetime_foramted is None: now = for guess_year in range(now.year-4,now.year+2): current_year = str(guess_year) if current_year in captcha_text_formatted: my_hint_index = captcha_text_formatted.find(current_year) my_hint_anwser = captcha_text_formatted[my_hint_index:] #print("my_hint_anwser:", my_hint_anwser) # get after. my_delimitor_symbol = CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL if my_delimitor_symbol in my_hint_anwser: my_delimitor_index = my_hint_anwser.find(my_delimitor_symbol) my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[my_delimitor_index+len(my_delimitor_symbol):] #print("my_hint_anwser:", my_hint_anwser) # get before. my_delimitor_symbol = ',' if my_delimitor_symbol in my_hint_anwser: my_delimitor_index = my_hint_anwser.find(my_delimitor_symbol) my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[:my_delimitor_index] my_delimitor_symbol = '。' if my_delimitor_symbol in my_hint_anwser: my_delimitor_index = my_hint_anwser.find(my_delimitor_symbol) my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[:my_delimitor_index] # PS: space may not is delimitor... my_delimitor_symbol = ' ' if my_delimitor_symbol in my_hint_anwser: my_delimitor_index = my_hint_anwser.find(my_delimitor_symbol) my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[:my_delimitor_index] #remove last char. remove_last_char_list = [')','(','.','。',')','(','[',']'] for check_char in remove_last_char_list: if my_hint_anwser[-1:]==check_char: my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[:-1] my_anwser_formated = convert_string_to_pattern(my_hint_anwser, dynamic_length=False) if my_anwser_formated == "[\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d]": my_datetime_foramted = "%Y%m%d" if my_anwser_formated == "[\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d]/[\\d][\\d]/[\\d][\\d]": my_datetime_foramted = "%Y/%m/%d" if show_debug_message: print("my_hint_anwser:", my_hint_anwser) print("my_anwser_formated:", my_anwser_formated) print("my_datetime_foramted:", my_datetime_foramted) break if not my_datetime_foramted is None: my_delimitor_symbol = ' ' if my_delimitor_symbol in web_datetime: web_datetime = web_datetime[:web_datetime.find(my_delimitor_symbol)] date_time = datetime.strptime(web_datetime,"%Y/%m/%d") if show_debug_message: print("our web date_time:", date_time) ans = None try: if not date_time is None: ans = date_time.strftime(my_datetime_foramted) except Exception as exc: pass inferred_answer_string = ans if show_debug_message: print("web date_time anwser:", ans) return inferred_answer_string def get_answer_string_from_web_time(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, registrationsNewApp_div, captcha_text_div_text): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online inferred_answer_string = None # parse '演出時間' is_need_parse_web_time = False if '半形' in captcha_text_div_text: if '演出時間' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_time = True if '表演時間' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_time = True if '開始時間' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_time = True if '演唱會時間' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_time = True if '展覽時間' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_time = True if '音樂會時間' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_time = True if 'the time of the show you purchased' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_time = True #print("is_need_parse_web_time", is_need_parse_web_time) if is_need_parse_web_time: web_datetime = None if not registrationsNewApp_div is None: web_datetime = kktix_get_web_datetime(registrationsNewApp_div) if not web_datetime is None: tmp_text = format_question_string(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text) my_datetime_foramted = None if my_datetime_foramted is None: my_hint_anwser = tmp_text my_delimitor_symbol = CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL if my_delimitor_symbol in my_hint_anwser: my_delimitor_index = my_hint_anwser.find(my_delimitor_symbol) my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[my_delimitor_index+len(my_delimitor_symbol):] #print("my_hint_anwser:", my_hint_anwser) # get before. my_delimitor_symbol = ',' if my_delimitor_symbol in my_hint_anwser: my_delimitor_index = my_hint_anwser.find(my_delimitor_symbol) my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[:my_delimitor_index] my_delimitor_symbol = '。' if my_delimitor_symbol in my_hint_anwser: my_delimitor_index = my_hint_anwser.find(my_delimitor_symbol) my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[:my_delimitor_index] # PS: space may not is delimitor... my_delimitor_symbol = ' ' if my_delimitor_symbol in my_hint_anwser: my_delimitor_index = my_hint_anwser.find(my_delimitor_symbol) my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[:my_delimitor_index] my_anwser_formated = convert_string_to_pattern(my_hint_anwser, dynamic_length=False) #print("my_hint_anwser:", my_hint_anwser) #print("my_anwser_formated:", my_anwser_formated) if my_anwser_formated == "[\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d]": my_datetime_foramted = "%H%M" if '12小時' in tmp_text: my_datetime_foramted = "%I%M" if my_anwser_formated == "[\\d][\\d]:[\\d][\\d]": my_datetime_foramted = "%H:%M" if '12小時' in tmp_text: my_datetime_foramted = "%I:%M" if not my_datetime_foramted is None: date_delimitor_symbol = '(' if date_delimitor_symbol in web_datetime: date_delimitor_symbol_index = web_datetime.find(date_delimitor_symbol) if date_delimitor_symbol_index > 8: web_datetime = web_datetime[:date_delimitor_symbol_index-1] date_time = datetime.strptime(web_datetime,"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M") #print("date_time:", date_time) ans = None try: ans = date_time.strftime(my_datetime_foramted) except Exception as exc: pass inferred_answer_string = ans #print("my_anwser:", ans) return inferred_answer_string def get_answer_list_from_question_string(registrationsNewApp_div, captcha_text_div_text): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online inferred_answer_string = None answer_list = [] CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL = "範例" CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL = "輸入" if captcha_text_div_text is None: captcha_text_div_text = "" # 請在下方空白處輸入引號內文字: # 請回答下列問題,請在下方空格輸入DELIGHT(請以半形輸入法作答,大小寫需要一模一樣) if inferred_answer_string is None: is_use_quota_message = False if "「" in captcha_text_div_text and "」" in captcha_text_div_text: # test for rule#1, it's seem very easy conflict... match_quota_text_items = ["空白","輸入","引號","文字"] is_match_quota_text = True for each_quota_text in match_quota_text_items: if not each_quota_text in captcha_text_div_text: is_match_quota_text = False if is_match_quota_text: is_use_quota_message = True #print("is_use_quota_message:" , is_use_quota_message) if is_use_quota_message: temp_answer = find_between(captcha_text_div_text, "「", "」") temp_answer = temp_answer.strip() if len(temp_answer) > 0: inferred_answer_string = temp_answer #print("find captcha text:" , inferred_answer_string) # 請在下方空白處輸入括號內數字 if inferred_answer_string is None: formated_html_text = captcha_text_div_text.strip() formated_html_text = format_quota_string(formated_html_text) formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('請輸入','輸入') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('的','') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('之內','內') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('之中','中') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('括弧','括號') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('引號','括號') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('括號中','括號內') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('數字','文字') is_match_input_quota_text = False if len(formated_html_text) <= 30: if not '\n' in formated_html_text: if '【' in formated_html_text and '】' in formated_html_text: is_match_input_quota_text = True # check target text terms. if is_match_input_quota_text: target_text_list = ["輸入","括號","文字"] for item in target_text_list: if not item in formated_html_text: is_match_input_quota_text = False break if is_match_input_quota_text: temp_answer = find_between(formated_html_text, "【", "】") temp_answer = temp_answer.strip() if len(temp_answer) > 0: temp_answer = temp_answer.replace(' ','') # check raw question. if '數字' in captcha_text_div_text: temp_answer = normalize_chinese_numeric(temp_answer) inferred_answer_string = temp_answer # 請將括弧內文字轉換為阿拉伯數字 if inferred_answer_string is None: formated_html_text = captcha_text_div_text.strip() formated_html_text = format_quota_string(formated_html_text) formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('請輸入','輸入') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('的','') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('之內','內') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('之中','中') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('括弧','括號') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('引號','括號') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('括號中','括號內') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('修改','轉換') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('調整','轉換') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('改變','轉換') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('改為','轉換') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('置換','轉換') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('換成','轉換') is_match_input_quota_text = False if len(formated_html_text) <= 30: print("formated_html_text:", formated_html_text) if not '\n' in formated_html_text: if '【' in formated_html_text and '】' in formated_html_text: is_match_input_quota_text = True # check target text terms. if is_match_input_quota_text: target_text_list = ["轉換","數字","文字"] for item in target_text_list: if not item in formated_html_text: is_match_input_quota_text = False break if is_match_input_quota_text: temp_answer = find_between(formated_html_text, "【", "】") temp_answer = temp_answer.strip() if len(temp_answer) > 0: temp_answer = temp_answer.replace(' ','') temp_answer = normalize_chinese_numeric(temp_answer) inferred_answer_string = temp_answer if inferred_answer_string is None: is_use_quota_message = False if "【" in captcha_text_div_text and "】" in captcha_text_div_text: if '下' in captcha_text_div_text and '空' in captcha_text_div_text and CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL in captcha_text_div_text and '引號' in captcha_text_div_text and '字' in captcha_text_div_text: is_use_quota_message = True if '半形' in captcha_text_div_text and CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL in captcha_text_div_text and '引號' in captcha_text_div_text and '字' in captcha_text_div_text: is_use_quota_message = True #print("is_use_quota_message:" , is_use_quota_message) if is_use_quota_message: inferred_answer_string = find_between(captcha_text_div_text, "【", "】") inferred_answer_string = inferred_answer_string.strip() #print("find captcha text:" , inferred_answer_string) # parse '演出日期' if inferred_answer_string is None: inferred_answer_string = get_answer_string_from_web_date(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, registrationsNewApp_div, captcha_text_div_text) # parse '演出時間' if inferred_answer_string is None: inferred_answer_string = get_answer_string_from_web_time(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, registrationsNewApp_div, captcha_text_div_text) # name of event. if inferred_answer_string is None: if "name of event" in captcha_text_div_text: if '(' in captcha_text_div_text and ')' in captcha_text_div_text and 'ans:' in captcha_text_div_text.lower(): target_symbol = "(" star_index = captcha_text_div_text.find(target_symbol) target_symbol = ":" star_index = captcha_text_div_text.find(target_symbol, star_index) target_symbol = ")" end_index = captcha_text_div_text.find(target_symbol, star_index) inferred_answer_string = captcha_text_div_text[star_index+1:end_index] #print("inferred_answer_string:", inferred_answer_string) # 二題式,組合問題。 is_combine_two_question = False if "第一題" in captcha_text_div_text and "第二題" in captcha_text_div_text: is_combine_two_question = True if "Q1." in captcha_text_div_text and "Q2." in captcha_text_div_text: if "二題" in captcha_text_div_text: is_combine_two_question = True if "2題" in captcha_text_div_text: is_combine_two_question = True if "Q1:" in captcha_text_div_text and "Q2:" in captcha_text_div_text: if "二題" in captcha_text_div_text: is_combine_two_question = True if "2題" in captcha_text_div_text: is_combine_two_question = True if "Q1 " in captcha_text_div_text and "Q2 " in captcha_text_div_text: if "二題" in captcha_text_div_text: is_combine_two_question = True if "2題" in captcha_text_div_text: is_combine_two_question = True if is_combine_two_question: inferred_answer_string = None #print("is_combine_two_question:", is_combine_two_question) # still no answer. if inferred_answer_string is None: if not is_combine_two_question: answer_list = get_answer_list_by_question(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text) if show_debug_message: print("guess answer list:", answer_list) else: if show_debug_message: print("skip to guess answer because of combine question...") else: if show_debug_message: print("got an inferred_answer_string:", inferred_answer_string) answer_list = [inferred_answer_string] return answer_list def kktix_get_registerStatus(event_code): html_result = None url = "" % (event_code) #print('event_code:',event_code) #print("url:", url) headers = {"Accept-Language": "zh-TW,zh;q=0.5", 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT} try: html_result = requests.get(url , headers=headers, timeout=0.7, allow_redirects=False) except Exception as exc: html_result = None print("send reg_info request fail:") print(exc) registerStatus = "" if not html_result is None: status_code = html_result.status_code #print("status_code:",status_code) if status_code == 200: html_text = html_result.text #print("html_text:", html_text) try: jsLoads = json.loads(html_text) if 'inventory' in jsLoads: if 'registerStatus' in jsLoads['inventory']: registerStatus = jsLoads['inventory']['registerStatus'] except Exception as exc: print("load reg_info json fail:") print(exc) pass #print("registerStatus:", registerStatus) return registerStatus def kktix_get_event_code(url): event_code = "" if '/registrations/new' in url: prefix_list = ['.com/events/','.cc/events/'] postfix = '/registrations/new' for prefix in prefix_list: event_code = find_between(url,prefix,postfix) if len(event_code) > 0: break #print('event_code:',event_code) return event_code def get_kktix_status_by_url(url): registerStatus = "" if len(url) > 0: event_code = kktix_get_event_code(url) #print(event_code) if len(event_code) > 0: registerStatus = kktix_get_registerStatus(event_code) #print(registerStatus) return registerStatus def launch_maxbot(script_name="chrome_tixcraft", filename="", homepage="", kktix_account = "", kktix_password="", window_size="", headless=""): cmd_argument = [] if len(filename) > 0: cmd_argument.append('--input=' + filename) if len(homepage) > 0: cmd_argument.append('--homepage=' + homepage) if len(kktix_account) > 0: cmd_argument.append('--kktix_account=' + kktix_account) if len(kktix_password) > 0: cmd_argument.append('--kktix_password=' + kktix_password) if len(window_size) > 0: cmd_argument.append('--window_size=' + window_size) if len(headless) > 0: cmd_argument.append('--headless=' + headless) working_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): print("execute in frozen mode") # check platform here. cmd = './' + script_name + ' '.join(cmd_argument) if platform.system() == 'Darwin': print("execute MacOS python script") if platform.system() == 'Linux': print("execute linux binary") if platform.system() == 'Windows': print("execute .exe binary.") cmd = script_name + '.exe ' + ' '.join(cmd_argument) subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, cwd=working_dir) else: interpreter_binary = 'python' interpreter_binary_alt = 'python3' if platform.system() != 'Windows': interpreter_binary = 'python3' interpreter_binary_alt = 'python' print("execute in shell mode.") try: print('try', interpreter_binary) cmd_array = [interpreter_binary, script_name + '.py'] + cmd_argument s=subprocess.Popen(cmd_array, cwd=working_dir) except Exception as exc: print('try', interpreter_binary_alt) try: cmd_array = [interpreter_binary_alt, script_name + '.py'] + cmd_argument s=subprocess.Popen(cmd_array, cwd=working_dir) except Exception as exc: msg=str(exc) print("exeption:", msg) pass def get_token(): return str(uuid.uuid4().hex)