import base64 import json import os import pathlib import platform import random import re import socket import sys import threading from typing import Optional import requests CONST_FROM_TOP_TO_BOTTOM = "from top to bottom" CONST_FROM_BOTTOM_TO_TOP = "from bottom to top" CONST_CENTER = "center" CONST_RANDOM = "random" USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" def get_ip_address(): gethostname = None try: gethostname = socket.gethostname() except Exception as exc: print(exc) gethostname = None default_ip = "" ip = default_ip if not gethostname is None: try: ip = [l for l in ([ip for ip in socket.gethostbyname_ex(gethostname)[2] if not ip.startswith("127.")][:1], [[(s.connect(('', 53)), s.getsockname()[0], s.close()) for s in [socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)]][0][1]]) if l][0][0] except Exception as exc: print(exc) ip = gethostname #print("get_ip_address:", ip) return ip def is_connectable(port: int, host: Optional[str] = "localhost") -> bool: """Tries to connect to the server at port to see if it is running. :Args: - port - The port to connect. """ socket_ = None _is_connectable_exceptions = (socket.error, ConnectionResetError) try: socket_ = socket.create_connection((host, port), 1) result = True except _is_connectable_exceptions: result = False finally: if socket_: socket_.close() return result def remove_html_tags(text): ret = "" if not text is None: clean = re.compile('<.*?>') ret = re.sub(clean, '', text) ret = ret.strip() return ret # common functions. def find_between( s, first, last ): ret = "" try: start = s.index( first ) + len( first ) end = s.index( last, start ) ret = s[start:end] except ValueError: pass return ret def sx(s1): key=18 return ''.join(chr(ord(a) ^ key) for a in s1) def decryptMe(b): s="" if(len(b)>0): s=sx(base64.b64decode(b).decode("UTF-8")) return s def encryptMe(s): data="" if(len(s)>0): data=base64.b64encode(sx(s).encode('UTF-8')).decode("UTF-8") return data def is_arm(): ret = False if "-arm" in platform.platform(): ret = True return ret def get_app_root(): app_root = "" if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): basis = sys.executable app_root = os.path.dirname(basis) else: app_root = os.getcwd() return app_root def format_config_keyword_for_json(user_input): if len(user_input) > 0: if not ('\"' in user_input): user_input = '"' + user_input + '"' if user_input[:1]=="{" and user_input[-1:]=="}": tmp_json = {} try: tmp_json = json.loads(user_input) key=list(tmp_json.keys())[0] first_item=tmp_json[key] user_input=json.dumps(first_item) except Exception as exc: pass if user_input[:1]=="[" and user_input[-1:]=="]": user_input=user_input[1:] user_input=user_input[:-1] return user_input def is_text_match_keyword(keyword_string, text): is_match_keyword = True if len(keyword_string) > 0 and len(text) > 0: is_match_keyword = False keyword_array = [] try: keyword_array = json.loads("["+ keyword_string +"]") except Exception as exc: keyword_array = [] for item_list in keyword_array: if len(item_list) > 0: if ' ' in item_list: keyword_item_array = item_list.split(' ') is_match_all = True for each_item in keyword_item_array: if not each_item in text: is_match_all = False if is_match_all: is_match_keyword = True else: if item_list in text: is_match_keyword = True else: is_match_keyword = True if is_match_keyword: break return is_match_keyword def save_json(config_dict, target_path): json_str = json.dumps(config_dict, indent=4) with open(target_path, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(json_str) def write_string_to_file(filename, data): outfile = None if platform.system() == 'Windows': outfile = open(filename, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') else: outfile = open(filename, 'w') if not outfile is None: outfile.write("%s" % data) def save_url_to_file(remote_url, CONST_MAXBOT_ANSWER_ONLINE_FILE, force_write = False, timeout=0.5): html_text = "" if len(remote_url) > 0: html_result = None try: html_result = requests.get(remote_url , timeout=timeout, allow_redirects=False) except Exception as exc: html_result = None #print(exc) if not html_result is None: status_code = html_result.status_code #print("status_code:", status_code) if status_code == 200: html_text = html_result.text #print("html_text:", html_text) is_write_to_file = False if force_write: is_write_to_file = True if len(html_text) > 0: is_write_to_file = True if is_write_to_file: html_text = format_config_keyword_for_json(html_text) working_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) target_path = os.path.join(working_dir, CONST_MAXBOT_ANSWER_ONLINE_FILE) write_string_to_file(target_path, html_text) return is_write_to_file def play_mp3_async(sound_filename): threading.Thread(target=play_mp3, args=(sound_filename,)).start() def play_mp3(sound_filename): from playsound import playsound try: playsound(sound_filename) except Exception as exc: msg=str(exc) #print("play sound exeption:", msg) if platform.system() == 'Windows': import winsound try: winsound.PlaySound(sound_filename, winsound.SND_FILENAME) except Exception as exc2: pass def force_remove_file(filepath): if os.path.exists(filepath): try: os.remove(filepath) except Exception as exc: pass def clean_uc_exe_cache(): exe_name = "chromedriver%s" platform = sys.platform if platform.endswith("win32"): exe_name %= ".exe" if platform.endswith(("linux", "linux2")): exe_name %= "" if platform.endswith("darwin"): exe_name %= "" d = "" if platform.endswith("win32"): d = "~/appdata/roaming/undetected_chromedriver" elif "LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT" in os.environ: d = "/tmp/undetected_chromedriver" elif platform.startswith(("linux", "linux2")): d = "~/.local/share/undetected_chromedriver" elif platform.endswith("darwin"): d = "~/Library/Application Support/undetected_chromedriver" else: d = "~/.undetected_chromedriver" data_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(d)) is_cache_exist = False p = pathlib.Path(data_path) files = list(p.rglob("*chromedriver*?")) for file in files: if os.path.exists(str(file)): is_cache_exist = True try: os.unlink(str(file)) except Exception as exc2: print(exc2) pass return is_cache_exist def t_or_f(arg): ret = False ua = str(arg).upper() if 'TRUE'.startswith(ua): ret = True elif 'YES'.startswith(ua): ret = True return ret def format_keyword_string(keyword): if not keyword is None: if len(keyword) > 0: keyword = keyword.replace('/','/') keyword = keyword.replace(' ','') keyword = keyword.replace(',','') keyword = keyword.replace(',','') keyword = keyword.replace('$','') keyword = keyword.replace(' ','').lower() return keyword def format_quota_string(formated_html_text): formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('「','【') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('『','【') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('〔','【') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('﹝','【') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('〈','【') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('《','【') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('[','【') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('〖','【') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('[','【') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('(','【') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('(','【') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('」','】') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('』','】') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('〕','】') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('﹞','】') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('〉','】') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('》','】') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace(']','】') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('〗','】') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace(']','】') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace(')','】') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace(')','】') return formated_html_text def full2half(keyword): n = "" if not keyword is None: if len(keyword) > 0: for char in keyword: num = ord(char) if num == 0x3000: num = 32 elif 0xFF01 <= num <= 0xFF5E: num -= 0xfee0 n += chr(num) return n def get_chinese_numeric(): my_dict = {} my_dict['0']=['0','0','zero','零'] my_dict['1']=['1','1','one','一','壹','①','❶','⑴'] my_dict['2']=['2','2','two','二','貳','②','❷','⑵'] my_dict['3']=['3','3','three','三','叁','③','❸','⑶'] my_dict['4']=['4','4','four','四','肆','④','❹','⑷'] my_dict['5']=['5','5','five','五','伍','⑤','❺','⑸'] my_dict['6']=['6','6','six','六','陸','⑥','❻','⑹'] my_dict['7']=['7','7','seven','七','柒','⑦','❼','⑺'] my_dict['8']=['8','8','eight','八','捌','⑧','❽','⑻'] my_dict['9']=['9','9','nine','九','玖','⑨','❾','⑼'] return my_dict # 同義字 def synonym_dict(char): ret = [] my_dict = get_chinese_numeric() if char in my_dict: ret = my_dict[char] else: ret.append(char) return ret def chinese_numeric_to_int(char): ret = None my_dict = get_chinese_numeric() for i in my_dict: for item in my_dict[i]: if char.lower() == item: ret = int(i) break if not ret is None: break return ret def normalize_chinese_numeric(keyword): ret = "" for char in keyword: converted_int = chinese_numeric_to_int(char) if not converted_int is None: ret += str(converted_int) return ret def find_continuous_number(text): chars = "0123456789" return find_continuous_pattern(chars, text) def find_continuous_text(text): chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" return find_continuous_pattern(chars, text) def find_continuous_pattern(allowed_char, text): ret = "" is_allowed_char_start = False for char in text: #print("char:", char) if char in allowed_char: if len(ret)==0 and not is_allowed_char_start: is_allowed_char_start = True if is_allowed_char_start: ret += char else: # make not continuous is_allowed_char_start = False return ret def is_all_alpha_or_numeric(text): ret = False alpha_count = 0 numeric_count = 0 for char in text: try: if char.encode('UTF-8').isalpha(): alpha_count += 1 except Exception as exc: pass #if char.isnumeric(): if char.isdigit(): numeric_count += 1 if (alpha_count + numeric_count) == len(text): ret = True #print("text/is_all_alpha_or_numeric:",text,ret) return ret def get_brave_bin_path(): brave_path = "" if platform.system() == 'Windows': brave_path = "C:\\Program Files\\BraveSoftware\\Brave-Browser\\Application\\brave.exe" if not os.path.exists(brave_path): brave_path = os.path.expanduser('~') + "\\AppData\\Local\\BraveSoftware\\Brave-Browser\\Application\\brave.exe" if not os.path.exists(brave_path): brave_path = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BraveSoftware\\Brave-Browser\\Application\\brave.exe" if not os.path.exists(brave_path): brave_path = "D:\\Program Files\\BraveSoftware\\Brave-Browser\\Application\\brave.exe" if platform.system() == 'Linux': brave_path = "/usr/bin/brave-browser" if platform.system() == 'Darwin': brave_path = '/Applications/Brave Browser' return brave_path def dump_settings_to_maxbot_plus_extension(ext, config_dict, CONST_MAXBOT_CONFIG_FILE): # sync config. target_path = ext target_path = os.path.join(target_path, "data") target_path = os.path.join(target_path, CONST_MAXBOT_CONFIG_FILE) #print("save as to:", target_path) if os.path.isfile(target_path): try: #print("remove file:", target_path) os.unlink(target_path) except Exception as exc: pass with open(target_path, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(config_dict, outfile) # add host_permissions target_path = ext target_path = os.path.join(target_path, "manifest.json") manifest_dict = None if os.path.isfile(target_path): with open(target_path) as json_data: manifest_dict = json.load(json_data) local_remote_url_array = [] local_remote_url = config_dict["advanced"]["remote_url"] if len(local_remote_url) > 0: try: temp_remote_url_array = json.loads("["+ local_remote_url +"]") for remote_url in temp_remote_url_array: remote_url_final = remote_url + "*" local_remote_url_array.append(remote_url_final) except Exception as exc: pass if len(local_remote_url_array) > 0: is_manifest_changed = False for remote_url_final in local_remote_url_array: if not remote_url_final in manifest_dict["host_permissions"]: #print("local remote_url not in manifest:", remote_url_final) manifest_dict["host_permissions"].append(remote_url_final) is_manifest_changed = True if is_manifest_changed: json_str = json.dumps(manifest_dict, indent=4) with open(target_path, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(json_str) def dump_settings_to_maxblock_plus_extension(ext, config_dict, CONST_MAXBOT_CONFIG_FILE, CONST_MAXBLOCK_EXTENSION_FILTER): # sync config. target_path = ext target_path = os.path.join(target_path, "data") # special case, due to data folder is empty, sometime will be removed. if not os.path.exists(target_path): os.mkdir(target_path) target_path = os.path.join(target_path, CONST_MAXBOT_CONFIG_FILE) #print("save as to:", target_path) if os.path.isfile(target_path): try: #print("remove file:", target_path) os.unlink(target_path) except Exception as exc: pass with open(target_path, 'w') as outfile: config_dict["domain_filter"]=CONST_MAXBLOCK_EXTENSION_FILTER json.dump(config_dict, outfile) # convert web string to reg pattern def convert_string_to_pattern(my_str, dynamic_length=True): my_hint_anwser_length = len(my_str) my_formated = "" if my_hint_anwser_length > 0: my_anwser_symbols = "()[]<>{}-" for idx in range(my_hint_anwser_length): char = my_str[idx:idx+1] if char in my_anwser_symbols: my_formated += ('\\' + char) continue pattern = re.compile("[A-Z]") match_result = pattern.match(char) #print("match_result A:", match_result) if not match_result is None: my_formated += "[A-Z]" pattern = re.compile("[a-z]") match_result = pattern.match(char) #print("match_result a:", match_result) if not match_result is None: my_formated += "[a-z]" pattern = re.compile("[\d]") match_result = pattern.match(char) #print("match_result d:", match_result) if not match_result is None: my_formated += "[\d]" # for dynamic length if dynamic_length: for i in range(10): my_formated = my_formated.replace("[A-Z][A-Z]","[A-Z]") my_formated = my_formated.replace("[a-z][a-z]","[a-z]") my_formated = my_formated.replace("[\d][\d]","[\d]") my_formated = my_formated.replace("[A-Z]","[A-Z]+") my_formated = my_formated.replace("[a-z]","[a-z]+") my_formated = my_formated.replace("[\d]","[\d]+") return my_formated def guess_answer_list_from_multi_options(tmp_text): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online options_list = [] matched_pattern = "" if len(options_list) == 0: if '【' in tmp_text and '】' in tmp_text: pattern = '【.{1,4}】' options_list = re.findall(pattern, tmp_text) if len(options_list) <= 2: options_list = [] else: matched_pattern = pattern if len(options_list) == 0: if '(' in tmp_text and ')' in tmp_text: pattern = '\(.{1,4}\)' options_list = re.findall(pattern, tmp_text) if len(options_list) <= 2: options_list = [] else: matched_pattern = pattern if len(options_list) == 0: if '[' in tmp_text and ']' in tmp_text: pattern = '\[.{1,4}\]' options_list = re.findall(pattern, tmp_text) if len(options_list) <= 2: options_list = [] else: matched_pattern = pattern if len(options_list) == 0: if "\n" in tmp_text and ')' in tmp_text: pattern = "\\n.{1,4}\)" options_list = re.findall(pattern, tmp_text) if len(options_list) <= 2: options_list = [] else: matched_pattern = pattern if len(options_list) == 0: if "\n" in tmp_text and ']' in tmp_text: pattern = "\\n.{1,4}\]" options_list = re.findall(pattern, tmp_text) if len(options_list) <= 2: options_list = [] else: matched_pattern = pattern if len(options_list) == 0: if "\n" in tmp_text and '】' in tmp_text: pattern = "\\n.{1,4}】" options_list = re.findall(pattern, tmp_text) if len(options_list) <= 2: options_list = [] else: matched_pattern = pattern if len(options_list) == 0: if "\n" in tmp_text and ':' in tmp_text: pattern = "\\n.{1,4}:" options_list = re.findall(pattern, tmp_text) if len(options_list) <= 2: options_list = [] else: matched_pattern = pattern if len(options_list) == 0: if " " in tmp_text and '?' in tmp_text: if ('.' in tmp_text or ':' in tmp_text or ')' in tmp_text or ']' in tmp_text or '>' in tmp_text): pattern = "[ /\n\|;\.\?]{1}.{1}[\.:)\]>]{1}.{2,3}" options_list = re.findall(pattern, tmp_text) if len(options_list) <= 2: options_list = [] else: formated_list = [] for new_item in options_list: new_item = new_item.strip() if new_item[:1] == ".": new_item = new_item[1:] if new_item[:1] == "?": new_item = new_item[1:] if new_item[:1] == "|": new_item = new_item[1:] if new_item[:1] == ";": new_item = new_item[1:] if new_item[:1] == "/": new_item = new_item[1:] new_item = new_item.strip() new_item = new_item[:1] formated_list.append(new_item) options_list = formated_list matched_pattern = pattern if show_debug_message: print("matched pattern:", matched_pattern) # default remove quota is_trim_quota = not check_answer_keep_symbol(tmp_text) if show_debug_message: print("is_trim_quota:", is_trim_quota) return_list = [] if len(options_list) > 0: options_list_length = len(options_list) if show_debug_message: print("options_list_length:", options_list_length) print("options_list:", options_list) if options_list_length > 2: is_all_options_same_length = True options_length_count = {} for i in range(options_list_length-1): current_option_length = len(options_list[i]) next_option_length = len(options_list[i+1]) if current_option_length != next_option_length: is_all_options_same_length = False if current_option_length in options_length_count: options_length_count[current_option_length] += 1 else: options_length_count[current_option_length] = 1 if show_debug_message: print("is_all_options_same_length:", is_all_options_same_length) if is_all_options_same_length: return_list = [] for each_option in options_list: if len(each_option) > 2: if is_trim_quota: return_list.append(each_option[1:-1]) else: return_list.append(each_option) else: return_list.append(each_option) else: #print("options_length_count:", options_length_count) if len(options_length_count) > 0: target_option_length = 0 most_length_count = 0 for k in options_length_count.keys(): if options_length_count[k] > most_length_count: most_length_count = options_length_count[k] target_option_length = k #print("most_length_count:", most_length_count) #print("target_option_length:", target_option_length) if target_option_length > 0: return_list = [] for each_option in options_list: current_option_length = len(each_option) if current_option_length == target_option_length: if is_trim_quota: return_list.append(each_option[1:-1]) else: return_list.append(each_option) # something is wrong, give up when option equal 2 options. if len(return_list) <= 2: return_list = [] # remove chinese work options. if len(options_list) > 0: new_list = [] for item in return_list: if is_all_alpha_or_numeric(item): new_list.append(item) if len(new_list) >=3: return_list = new_list return return_list #PS: this may get a wrong answer list. XD def guess_answer_list_from_symbols(captcha_text_div_text): return_list = [] # need replace to space to get first options. tmp_text = captcha_text_div_text tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('?',' ') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('?',' ') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('。',' ') delimitor_symbols_left = [u"(","[","{", " ", " ", " ", " "] delimitor_symbols_right = [u")","]","}", ":", ".", ")", "-"] idx = -1 for idx in range(len(delimitor_symbols_left)): symbol_left = delimitor_symbols_left[idx] symbol_right = delimitor_symbols_right[idx] if symbol_left in tmp_text and symbol_right in tmp_text and '半形' in tmp_text: hint_list = re.findall('\\'+ symbol_left + '[\\w]+\\'+ symbol_right , tmp_text) #print("hint_list:", hint_list) if not hint_list is None: if len(hint_list) > 1: return_list = [] my_answer_delimitor = symbol_right for options in hint_list: if len(options) > 2: my_anwser = options[1:-1] #print("my_anwser:",my_anwser) if len(my_anwser) > 0: return_list.append(my_anwser) if len(return_list) > 0: break return return_list def get_offical_hint_string_from_symbol(symbol, tmp_text): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online offical_hint_string = "" if symbol in tmp_text: # start to guess offical hint if offical_hint_string == "": if '【' in tmp_text and '】' in tmp_text: hint_list = re.findall('【.*?】', tmp_text) if not hint_list is None: if show_debug_message: print("【.*?】hint_list:", hint_list) for hint in hint_list: if symbol in hint: offical_hint_string = hint[1:-1] break if offical_hint_string == "": if '(' in tmp_text and ')' in tmp_text: hint_list = re.findall('\(.*?\)', tmp_text) if not hint_list is None: if show_debug_message: print("\(.*?\)hint_list:", hint_list) for hint in hint_list: if symbol in hint: offical_hint_string = hint[1:-1] break if offical_hint_string == "": if '[' in tmp_text and ']' in tmp_text: hint_list = re.findall('[.*?]', tmp_text) if not hint_list is None: if show_debug_message: print("[.*?]hint_list:", hint_list) for hint in hint_list: if symbol in hint: offical_hint_string = hint[1:-1] break if offical_hint_string == "": offical_hint_string = tmp_text return offical_hint_string def guess_answer_list_from_hint(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online tmp_text = format_question_string(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text) my_question = "" my_options = "" offical_hint_string = "" offical_hint_string_anwser = "" my_anwser_formated = "" my_answer_delimitor = "" if my_question == "": if "?" in tmp_text: question_index = tmp_text.find("?") my_question = tmp_text[:question_index+1] if my_question == "": if "。" in tmp_text: question_index = tmp_text.find("。") my_question = tmp_text[:question_index+1] if my_question == "": my_question = tmp_text #print("my_question:", my_question) # ps: hint_list is not options list if offical_hint_string == "": # for: 若你覺得答案為 a,請輸入 a if '答案' in tmp_text and CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL in tmp_text: offical_hint_string = get_offical_hint_string_from_symbol(CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, tmp_text) if len(offical_hint_string) > 0: right_part = offical_hint_string.split(CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL)[1] #print("right_part:", right_part) if len(offical_hint_string) == len(tmp_text): offical_hint_string = right_part new_hint = find_continuous_text(right_part) if len(new_hint) > 0: # TODO: 答案為B需填入Bb) #if '答案' in offical_hint_string and CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL in offical_hint_string: offical_hint_string_anwser = new_hint if offical_hint_string == "": offical_hint_string = get_offical_hint_string_from_symbol(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, tmp_text) if len(offical_hint_string) > 0: right_part = offical_hint_string.split(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL)[1] if len(offical_hint_string) == len(tmp_text): offical_hint_string = right_part # PS: find first text will only get B char in this case: 答案為B需填入Bb) new_hint = find_continuous_text(right_part) if len(new_hint) > 0: offical_hint_string_anwser = new_hint # resize offical_hint_string_anwser for options contains in hint string. #print("offical_hint_string_anwser:", offical_hint_string_anwser) if len(offical_hint_string_anwser) > 0: offical_hint_string = offical_hint_string.split(offical_hint_string_anwser)[0] if show_debug_message: print("offical_hint_string:", offical_hint_string) # try rule4: # get hint from rule 3: without '(' & '), but use "*" if len(offical_hint_string) == 0: target_symbol = "*" if target_symbol in tmp_text : star_index = tmp_text.find(target_symbol) space_index = tmp_text.find(" ", star_index + len(target_symbol)) offical_hint_string = tmp_text[star_index: space_index] # is need to merge next block if len(offical_hint_string) > 0: target_symbol = offical_hint_string + " " if target_symbol in tmp_text : star_index = tmp_text.find(target_symbol) next_block_index = star_index + len(target_symbol) space_index = tmp_text.find(" ", next_block_index) next_block = tmp_text[next_block_index: space_index] if CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL in next_block: offical_hint_string += ' ' + next_block # try rule5: # get hint from rule 3: n個半形英文大寫 if len(offical_hint_string) == 0: target_symbol = "個半形英文大寫" if target_symbol in tmp_text : star_index = tmp_text.find(target_symbol) space_index = tmp_text.find(" ", star_index) answer_char_count = tmp_text[star_index-1:star_index] if answer_char_count.isnumeric(): answer_char_count = chinese_numeric_to_int(answer_char_count) if answer_char_count is None: answer_char_count = '0' star_index -= 1 offical_hint_string_anwser = 'A' * int(answer_char_count) offical_hint_string = tmp_text[star_index: space_index] target_symbol = "個英文大寫" if target_symbol in tmp_text : star_index = tmp_text.find(target_symbol) space_index = tmp_text.find(" ", star_index) answer_char_count = tmp_text[star_index-1:star_index] if answer_char_count.isnumeric(): answer_char_count = chinese_numeric_to_int(answer_char_count) if answer_char_count is None: answer_char_count = '0' star_index -= 1 offical_hint_string_anwser = 'A' * int(answer_char_count) offical_hint_string = tmp_text[star_index: space_index] target_symbol = "個半形英文小寫" if target_symbol in tmp_text : star_index = tmp_text.find(target_symbol) space_index = tmp_text.find(" ", star_index) answer_char_count = tmp_text[star_index-1:star_index] if answer_char_count.isnumeric(): answer_char_count = chinese_numeric_to_int(answer_char_count) if answer_char_count is None: answer_char_count = '0' star_index -= 1 offical_hint_string_anwser = 'a' * int(answer_char_count) offical_hint_string = tmp_text[star_index: space_index] target_symbol = "個英文小寫" if target_symbol in tmp_text : star_index = tmp_text.find(target_symbol) space_index = tmp_text.find(" ", star_index) answer_char_count = tmp_text[star_index-1:star_index] if answer_char_count.isnumeric(): answer_char_count = chinese_numeric_to_int(answer_char_count) if answer_char_count is None: answer_char_count = '0' star_index -= 1 offical_hint_string_anwser = 'a' * int(answer_char_count) offical_hint_string = tmp_text[star_index: space_index] target_symbol = "個英數半形字" if target_symbol in tmp_text : star_index = tmp_text.find(target_symbol) space_index = tmp_text.find(" ", star_index) answer_char_count = tmp_text[star_index-1:star_index] if answer_char_count.isnumeric(): answer_char_count = chinese_numeric_to_int(answer_char_count) if answer_char_count is None: answer_char_count = '0' star_index -= 1 my_anwser_formated = '[A-Za-z\d]' * int(answer_char_count) offical_hint_string = tmp_text[star_index: space_index] target_symbol = "個半形" if target_symbol in tmp_text : star_index = tmp_text.find(target_symbol) space_index = tmp_text.find(" ", star_index) answer_char_count = tmp_text[star_index-1:star_index] if answer_char_count.isnumeric(): answer_char_count = chinese_numeric_to_int(answer_char_count) if answer_char_count is None: answer_char_count = '0' star_index -= 1 my_anwser_formated = '[A-Za-z\d]' * int(answer_char_count) offical_hint_string = tmp_text[star_index: space_index] if len(offical_hint_string) > 0: if show_debug_message: print("offical_hint_string_anwser:", offical_hint_string_anwser) my_anwser_formated = convert_string_to_pattern(offical_hint_string_anwser) my_options = tmp_text if len(my_question) < len(tmp_text): my_options = my_options.replace(my_question,"") my_options = my_options.replace(offical_hint_string,"") # try rule7: # check is chinese/english in question, if match, apply my_options rule. if len(offical_hint_string) > 0: tmp_text_org = captcha_text_div_text if CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL in tmp_text: tmp_text_org = tmp_text_org.replace('Ex:','ex:') target_symbol = "ex:" if target_symbol in tmp_text_org : star_index = tmp_text_org.find(target_symbol) my_options = tmp_text_org[star_index-1:] if show_debug_message: print("tmp_text:", tmp_text) print("my_options:", my_options) if len(my_anwser_formated) > 0: allow_delimitor_symbols = ")].: }" pattern = re.compile(my_anwser_formated) search_result = if not search_result is None: (span_start, span_end) = search_result.span() maybe_delimitor="" if len(my_options) > (span_end+1)+1: maybe_delimitor = my_options[span_end+0:span_end+1] if maybe_delimitor in allow_delimitor_symbols: my_answer_delimitor = maybe_delimitor if show_debug_message: print("my_answer_delimitor:", my_answer_delimitor) # default remove quota is_trim_quota = not check_answer_keep_symbol(tmp_text) if show_debug_message: print("is_trim_quota:", is_trim_quota) return_list = [] if len(my_anwser_formated) > 0: new_pattern = my_anwser_formated if len(my_answer_delimitor) > 0: new_pattern = my_anwser_formated + '\\' + my_answer_delimitor return_list = re.findall(new_pattern, my_options) if show_debug_message: print("my_anwser_formated:", my_anwser_formated) print("new_pattern:", new_pattern) print("return_list:" , return_list) if not return_list is None: if len(return_list) == 1: # re-sample for this case. return_list = re.findall(my_anwser_formated, my_options) if len(return_list) == 1: # if use pattern to find matched only one, means it is for example text. return_list = None if not return_list is None: # clean delimitor if is_trim_quota: return_list_length = len(return_list) if return_list_length >= 1: if len(my_answer_delimitor) > 0: for idx in range(return_list_length): return_list[idx]=return_list[idx].replace(my_answer_delimitor,'') if show_debug_message: print("cleaned return_list:" , return_list) if return_list is None: return_list = [] return return_list, offical_hint_string_anwser def format_question_string(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text): tmp_text = captcha_text_div_text tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(' ',' ') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(':',':') # for hint tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('*','*') # stop word. tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('輸入法','') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('請問','') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('請將','') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('請在','') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('請以','') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('請回答','') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('請','') # replace ex. tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('例如', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL) tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('如:', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL) tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('如為', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL+'為') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('舉例', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL) if not CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL in tmp_text: tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('例', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL) # important, maybe 例 & ex occurs at same time. tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('ex:', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL) tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('Ex:', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL) #若你覺得 #PS:這個,可能會造成更多問題,呵呵。 SYMBOL_IF_LIST = ['假設','如果','若'] for symbol_if in SYMBOL_IF_LIST: if symbol_if in tmp_text and '答案' in tmp_text: tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('覺得', '') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('認為', '') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(symbol_if + '你答案', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL + '答案') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(symbol_if + '答案', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL + '答案') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('填入', CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL) #tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('[','(') #tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(']',')') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('?','?') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('(','(') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(')',')') return tmp_text def permutations(iterable, r=None): pool = tuple(iterable) n = len(pool) r = n if r is None else r if r > n: return indices = list(range(n)) cycles = list(range(n, n-r, -1)) yield tuple(pool[i] for i in indices[:r]) while n: for i in reversed(range(r)): cycles[i] -= 1 if cycles[i] == 0: indices[i:] = indices[i+1:] + indices[i:i+1] cycles[i] = n - i else: j = cycles[i] indices[i], indices[-j] = indices[-j], indices[i] yield tuple(pool[i] for i in indices[:r]) break else: return def get_answer_list_by_question(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online return_list = [] tmp_text = format_question_string(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text) # guess answer list from multi-options: 【】() [] if len(return_list)==0: return_list = guess_answer_list_from_multi_options(tmp_text) if show_debug_message: print("captcha_text_div_text:", captcha_text_div_text) if len(return_list) > 0: print("found, guess_answer_list_from_multi_options:", return_list) offical_hint_string_anwser = "" if len(return_list)==0: return_list, offical_hint_string_anwser = guess_answer_list_from_hint(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text) else: is_match_factorial = False mutiple = 0 return_list_2, offical_hint_string_anwser = guess_answer_list_from_hint(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text) if return_list_2 is None: if len(offical_hint_string_anwser) >=3: if len(return_list) >=3: mutiple = int(len(offical_hint_string_anwser) / len(return_list[0])) if mutiple >=3 : is_match_factorial = True if show_debug_message: print("mutiple:", mutiple) print("is_match_factorial:", is_match_factorial) if is_match_factorial: is_match_factorial = False order_string_list = ['排列','排序','依序','順序','遞增','遞減','升冪','降冪','新到舊','舊到新','小到大','大到小','高到低','低到高'] for order_string in order_string_list: if order_string in tmp_text: is_match_factorial = True if is_match_factorial: new_array = permutations(return_list, mutiple) #print("new_array:", new_array) return_list = [] for item_tuple in new_array: return_list.append(''.join(item_tuple)) if show_debug_message: if len(return_list) > 0: print("found, guess_answer_list_from_hint:", return_list) if len(return_list)==0: return_list = guess_answer_list_from_symbols(captcha_text_div_text) if show_debug_message: if len(return_list) > 0: print("found, guess_answer_list_from_symbols:", return_list) return return_list def get_matched_blocks_by_keyword_item_set(config_dict, auto_select_mode, keyword_item_set, formated_area_list): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online if config_dict["advanced"]["verbose"]: show_debug_message = True matched_blocks = [] for row in formated_area_list: row_text = "" row_html = "" try: #row_text = row.text row_html = row.get_attribute('innerHTML') row_text = remove_html_tags(row_html) except Exception as exc: if show_debug_message: print(exc) # error, exit loop break if len(row_text) > 0: if reset_row_text_if_match_keyword_exclude(config_dict, row_text): row_text = "" if len(row_text) > 0: # start to compare, normalize all. row_text = format_keyword_string(row_text) if show_debug_message: print("row_text:", row_text) is_match_all = False if ' ' in keyword_item_set: keyword_item_array = keyword_item_set.split(' ') is_match_all = True for keyword_item in keyword_item_array: keyword_item = format_keyword_string(keyword_item) if not keyword_item in row_text: is_match_all = False else: exclude_item = format_keyword_string(keyword_item_set) if exclude_item in row_text: is_match_all = True if is_match_all: matched_blocks.append(row) # only need first row. if auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_TOP_TO_BOTTOM: break return matched_blocks def get_target_item_from_matched_list(matched_blocks, auto_select_mode): target_area = None if not matched_blocks is None: matched_blocks_count = len(matched_blocks) if matched_blocks_count > 0: target_row_index = 0 if auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_TOP_TO_BOTTOM: pass if auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_BOTTOM_TO_TOP: target_row_index = matched_blocks_count - 1 if auto_select_mode == CONST_RANDOM: if matched_blocks_count > 1: target_row_index = random.randint(0,matched_blocks_count-1) if auto_select_mode == CONST_CENTER: if matched_blocks_count > 2: target_row_index = int(matched_blocks_count/2) target_area = matched_blocks[target_row_index] return target_area def get_matched_blocks_by_keyword(config_dict, auto_select_mode, keyword_string, formated_area_list): keyword_array = [] try: keyword_array = json.loads("["+ keyword_string +"]") except Exception as exc: keyword_array = [] matched_blocks = [] for keyword_item_set in keyword_array: matched_blocks = get_matched_blocks_by_keyword_item_set(config_dict, auto_select_mode, keyword_item_set, formated_area_list) if len(matched_blocks) > 0: break return matched_blocks def is_row_match_keyword(keyword_string, row_text): # clean stop word. row_text = format_keyword_string(row_text) is_match_keyword = True if len(keyword_string) > 0 and len(row_text) > 0: is_match_keyword = False keyword_array = [] try: keyword_array = json.loads("["+ keyword_string +"]") except Exception as exc: keyword_array = [] for item_list in keyword_array: if len(item_list) > 0: if ' ' in item_list: keyword_item_array = item_list.split(' ') is_match_all_exclude = True for each_item in keyword_item_array: each_item = format_keyword_string(each_item) if not each_item in row_text: is_match_all_exclude = False if is_match_all_exclude: is_match_keyword = True else: item_list = format_keyword_string(item_list) if item_list in row_text: is_match_keyword = True else: # match all. is_match_keyword = True if is_match_keyword: break return is_match_keyword def reset_row_text_if_match_keyword_exclude(config_dict, row_text): area_keyword_exclude = config_dict["keyword_exclude"] return is_row_match_keyword(area_keyword_exclude, row_text) def guess_tixcraft_question(driver, question_text): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online answer_list = [] formated_html_text = "" if len(question_text) > 0: # format question text. formated_html_text = question_text formated_html_text = format_quota_string(formated_html_text) if '【' in formated_html_text and '】' in formated_html_text: # PS: 這個太容易沖突,因為問題類型太多,不能直接使用。 #inferred_answer_string = find_between(formated_html_text, "【", "】") pass if show_debug_message: print("formated_html_text:", formated_html_text) # start to guess answer inferred_answer_string = None # 請輸入"YES",代表您已詳閱且瞭解並同意。 if inferred_answer_string is None: if '輸入"YES"' in formated_html_text: if '已詳閱' in formated_html_text or '請詳閱' in formated_html_text: if '同意' in formated_html_text: inferred_answer_string = 'YES' # 購票前請詳閱注意事項,並於驗證碼欄位輸入【同意】繼續購票流程。 if inferred_answer_string is None: if '驗證碼' in formated_html_text or '驗證欄位' in formated_html_text: if '已詳閱' in formated_html_text or '請詳閱' in formated_html_text: if '輸入【同意】' in formated_html_text: inferred_answer_string = '同意' if inferred_answer_string is None: if len(question_text) > 0: answer_list = get_answer_list_from_question_string(None, question_text) else: answer_list = [answer_list] return answer_list def get_answer_list_from_user_guess_string(config_dict, CONST_MAXBOT_ANSWER_ONLINE_FILE): local_array = [] online_array = [] user_guess_string = config_dict["advanced"]["user_guess_string"] if len(user_guess_string) > 0: user_guess_string = format_config_keyword_for_json(user_guess_string) try: local_array = json.loads("["+ user_guess_string +"]") except Exception as exc: local_array = [] # load from internet. user_guess_string = "" if os.path.exists(CONST_MAXBOT_ANSWER_ONLINE_FILE): with open(CONST_MAXBOT_ANSWER_ONLINE_FILE, "r") as text_file: user_guess_string = text_file.readline() if len(user_guess_string) > 0: user_guess_string = format_config_keyword_for_json(user_guess_string) try: online_array = json.loads("["+ user_guess_string +"]") except Exception as exc: online_array = [] return local_array + online_array def check_answer_keep_symbol(captcha_text_div_text): is_need_keep_symbol = False # format text keep_symbol_tmp = captcha_text_div_text keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('也','須') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('必須','須') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('全都','都') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('全部都','都') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('一致','相同') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('一樣','相同') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('相等','相同') if '符號須都相同' in keep_symbol_tmp: is_need_keep_symbol = True if '符號都相同' in keep_symbol_tmp: is_need_keep_symbol = True if '符號須相同' in keep_symbol_tmp: is_need_keep_symbol = True # for: 大小寫含括號需一模一樣 keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('含', '') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('和', '') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('與', '') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('還有', '') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('及', '') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('以及', '') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('需', '') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('必須', '') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('而且', '') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('且', '') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace('一模', '') #print("keep_symbol_tmp:", keep_symbol_tmp) if '大小寫括號相同' in keep_symbol_tmp: is_need_keep_symbol = True return is_need_keep_symbol #PS: this is for selenium webdriver. def kktix_get_web_datetime(registrationsNewApp_div): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online web_datetime = None is_found_web_datetime = False el_web_datetime_list = None if not registrationsNewApp_div is None: try: el_web_datetime_list = registrationsNewApp_div.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, 'td') except Exception as exc: if show_debug_message: print("find Exception") print(exc) pass #print("is_found_web_datetime", is_found_web_datetime) if not el_web_datetime_list is None: el_web_datetime_list_count = len(el_web_datetime_list) if el_web_datetime_list_count > 0: el_web_datetime = None for el_web_datetime in el_web_datetime_list: el_web_datetime_text = None try: el_web_datetime_text = el_web_datetime.text if show_debug_message: print("el_web_datetime_text:", el_web_datetime_text) except Exception as exc: if show_debug_message: print('parse web datetime fail:') print(exc) pass if not el_web_datetime_text is None: if len(el_web_datetime_text) > 0: now = #print("now:", now) for guess_year in range(now.year,now.year+3): current_year = str(guess_year) if current_year in el_web_datetime_text: if '/' in el_web_datetime_text: web_datetime = el_web_datetime_text is_found_web_datetime = True break if is_found_web_datetime: break else: print("find fail") if show_debug_message: print('is_found_web_datetime:', is_found_web_datetime) print('web_datetime:', web_datetime) return web_datetime def get_answer_string_from_web_date(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, registrationsNewApp_div, captcha_text_div_text): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online inferred_answer_string = None is_need_parse_web_datetime = False # '半形阿拉伯數字' & '半形數字' if '半形' in captcha_text_div_text and '字' in captcha_text_div_text: if '演出日期' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_datetime = True if '活動日期' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_datetime = True if '表演日期' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_datetime = True if '開始日期' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_datetime = True if '演唱會日期' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_datetime = True if '展覽日期' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_datetime = True if '音樂會日期' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_datetime = True if 'the date of the show you purchased' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_datetime = True if show_debug_message: print("is_need_parse_web_datetime:", is_need_parse_web_datetime) if is_need_parse_web_datetime: web_datetime = kktix_get_web_datetime(registrationsNewApp_div) if not web_datetime is None: if show_debug_message: print("web_datetime:", web_datetime) captcha_text_formatted = format_question_string(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text) if show_debug_message: print("captcha_text_formatted", captcha_text_formatted) my_datetime_foramted = None # MMDD if my_datetime_foramted is None: if '4位半形' in captcha_text_formatted: my_datetime_foramted = "%m%d" # for "如為2月30日,請輸入0230" if my_datetime_foramted is None: right_part = "" if CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL in captcha_text_formatted: right_part = captcha_text_formatted.split(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL)[1] if CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL in right_part: right_part = right_part.split(CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL)[1] number_text = find_continuous_number(right_part) my_anwser_formated = convert_string_to_pattern(number_text, dynamic_length=False) if my_anwser_formated == "[\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d]": my_datetime_foramted = "%Y%m%d" if my_anwser_formated == "[\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d]": my_datetime_foramted = "%m%d" #print("my_datetime_foramted:", my_datetime_foramted) if show_debug_message: print("my_datetime_foramted", my_datetime_foramted) if my_datetime_foramted is None: now = for guess_year in range(now.year-4,now.year+2): current_year = str(guess_year) if current_year in captcha_text_formatted: my_hint_index = captcha_text_formatted.find(current_year) my_hint_anwser = captcha_text_formatted[my_hint_index:] #print("my_hint_anwser:", my_hint_anwser) # get after. my_delimitor_symbol = CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL if my_delimitor_symbol in my_hint_anwser: my_delimitor_index = my_hint_anwser.find(my_delimitor_symbol) my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[my_delimitor_index+len(my_delimitor_symbol):] #print("my_hint_anwser:", my_hint_anwser) # get before. my_delimitor_symbol = ',' if my_delimitor_symbol in my_hint_anwser: my_delimitor_index = my_hint_anwser.find(my_delimitor_symbol) my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[:my_delimitor_index] my_delimitor_symbol = '。' if my_delimitor_symbol in my_hint_anwser: my_delimitor_index = my_hint_anwser.find(my_delimitor_symbol) my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[:my_delimitor_index] # PS: space may not is delimitor... my_delimitor_symbol = ' ' if my_delimitor_symbol in my_hint_anwser: my_delimitor_index = my_hint_anwser.find(my_delimitor_symbol) my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[:my_delimitor_index] #remove last char. remove_last_char_list = [')','(','.','。',')','(','[',']'] for check_char in remove_last_char_list: if my_hint_anwser[-1:]==check_char: my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[:-1] my_anwser_formated = convert_string_to_pattern(my_hint_anwser, dynamic_length=False) if my_anwser_formated == "[\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d]": my_datetime_foramted = "%Y%m%d" if my_anwser_formated == "[\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d]/[\\d][\\d]/[\\d][\\d]": my_datetime_foramted = "%Y/%m/%d" if show_debug_message: print("my_hint_anwser:", my_hint_anwser) print("my_anwser_formated:", my_anwser_formated) print("my_datetime_foramted:", my_datetime_foramted) break if not my_datetime_foramted is None: my_delimitor_symbol = ' ' if my_delimitor_symbol in web_datetime: web_datetime = web_datetime[:web_datetime.find(my_delimitor_symbol)] date_time = datetime.strptime(web_datetime,"%Y/%m/%d") if show_debug_message: print("our web date_time:", date_time) ans = None try: if not date_time is None: ans = date_time.strftime(my_datetime_foramted) except Exception as exc: pass inferred_answer_string = ans if show_debug_message: print("web date_time anwser:", ans) return inferred_answer_string def get_answer_string_from_web_time(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, registrationsNewApp_div, captcha_text_div_text): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online inferred_answer_string = None # parse '演出時間' is_need_parse_web_time = False if '半形' in captcha_text_div_text: if '演出時間' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_time = True if '表演時間' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_time = True if '開始時間' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_time = True if '演唱會時間' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_time = True if '展覽時間' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_time = True if '音樂會時間' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_time = True if 'the time of the show you purchased' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_time = True #print("is_need_parse_web_time", is_need_parse_web_time) if is_need_parse_web_time: web_datetime = None if not registrationsNewApp_div is None: web_datetime = kktix_get_web_datetime(registrationsNewApp_div) if not web_datetime is None: tmp_text = format_question_string(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text) my_datetime_foramted = None if my_datetime_foramted is None: my_hint_anwser = tmp_text my_delimitor_symbol = CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL if my_delimitor_symbol in my_hint_anwser: my_delimitor_index = my_hint_anwser.find(my_delimitor_symbol) my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[my_delimitor_index+len(my_delimitor_symbol):] #print("my_hint_anwser:", my_hint_anwser) # get before. my_delimitor_symbol = ',' if my_delimitor_symbol in my_hint_anwser: my_delimitor_index = my_hint_anwser.find(my_delimitor_symbol) my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[:my_delimitor_index] my_delimitor_symbol = '。' if my_delimitor_symbol in my_hint_anwser: my_delimitor_index = my_hint_anwser.find(my_delimitor_symbol) my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[:my_delimitor_index] # PS: space may not is delimitor... my_delimitor_symbol = ' ' if my_delimitor_symbol in my_hint_anwser: my_delimitor_index = my_hint_anwser.find(my_delimitor_symbol) my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[:my_delimitor_index] my_anwser_formated = convert_string_to_pattern(my_hint_anwser, dynamic_length=False) #print("my_hint_anwser:", my_hint_anwser) #print("my_anwser_formated:", my_anwser_formated) if my_anwser_formated == "[\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d]": my_datetime_foramted = "%H%M" if '12小時' in tmp_text: my_datetime_foramted = "%I%M" if my_anwser_formated == "[\\d][\\d]:[\\d][\\d]": my_datetime_foramted = "%H:%M" if '12小時' in tmp_text: my_datetime_foramted = "%I:%M" if not my_datetime_foramted is None: date_delimitor_symbol = '(' if date_delimitor_symbol in web_datetime: date_delimitor_symbol_index = web_datetime.find(date_delimitor_symbol) if date_delimitor_symbol_index > 8: web_datetime = web_datetime[:date_delimitor_symbol_index-1] date_time = datetime.strptime(web_datetime,"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M") #print("date_time:", date_time) ans = None try: ans = date_time.strftime(my_datetime_foramted) except Exception as exc: pass inferred_answer_string = ans #print("my_anwser:", ans) return inferred_answer_string def get_answer_list_from_question_string(registrationsNewApp_div, captcha_text_div_text): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online inferred_answer_string = None answer_list = [] CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL = "範例" CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL = "輸入" if captcha_text_div_text is None: captcha_text_div_text = "" # 請在下方空白處輸入引號內文字: # 請回答下列問題,請在下方空格輸入DELIGHT(請以半形輸入法作答,大小寫需要一模一樣) if inferred_answer_string is None: is_use_quota_message = False if "「" in captcha_text_div_text and "」" in captcha_text_div_text: # test for rule#1, it's seem very easy conflict... match_quota_text_items = ["空白","輸入","引號","文字"] is_match_quota_text = True for each_quota_text in match_quota_text_items: if not each_quota_text in captcha_text_div_text: is_match_quota_text = False if is_match_quota_text: is_use_quota_message = True #print("is_use_quota_message:" , is_use_quota_message) if is_use_quota_message: temp_answer = find_between(captcha_text_div_text, "「", "」") temp_answer = temp_answer.strip() if len(temp_answer) > 0: inferred_answer_string = temp_answer #print("find captcha text:" , inferred_answer_string) # 請在下方空白處輸入括號內數字 if inferred_answer_string is None: formated_html_text = captcha_text_div_text.strip() formated_html_text = format_quota_string(formated_html_text) formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('請輸入','輸入') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('的','') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('之內','內') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('之中','中') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('括弧','括號') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('引號','括號') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('括號中','括號內') formated_html_text = formated_html_text.replace('數字','文字') is_match_input_quota_text = False if len(formated_html_text) <= 30: if not '\n' in formated_html_text: if '【' in formated_html_text and '】' in formated_html_text: is_match_input_quota_text = True # check target text terms. if is_match_input_quota_text: target_text_list = ["輸入","括號","文字"] for item in target_text_list: if not item in formated_html_text: is_match_input_quota_text = False break if is_match_input_quota_text: temp_answer = find_between(formated_html_text, "【", "】") temp_answer = temp_answer.strip() if len(temp_answer) > 0: temp_answer = temp_answer.replace(' ','') # check raw question. if '數字' in captcha_text_div_text: temp_answer = normalize_chinese_numeric(temp_answer) inferred_answer_string = temp_answer if inferred_answer_string is None: is_use_quota_message = False if "【" in captcha_text_div_text and "】" in captcha_text_div_text: if '下' in captcha_text_div_text and '空' in captcha_text_div_text and CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL in captcha_text_div_text and '引號' in captcha_text_div_text and '字' in captcha_text_div_text: is_use_quota_message = True if '半形' in captcha_text_div_text and CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL in captcha_text_div_text and '引號' in captcha_text_div_text and '字' in captcha_text_div_text: is_use_quota_message = True #print("is_use_quota_message:" , is_use_quota_message) if is_use_quota_message: inferred_answer_string = find_between(captcha_text_div_text, "【", "】") inferred_answer_string = inferred_answer_string.strip() #print("find captcha text:" , inferred_answer_string) # parse '演出日期' if inferred_answer_string is None: inferred_answer_string = get_answer_string_from_web_date(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, registrationsNewApp_div, captcha_text_div_text) # parse '演出時間' if inferred_answer_string is None: inferred_answer_string = get_answer_string_from_web_time(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, registrationsNewApp_div, captcha_text_div_text) # name of event. if inferred_answer_string is None: if "name of event" in captcha_text_div_text: if '(' in captcha_text_div_text and ')' in captcha_text_div_text and 'ans:' in captcha_text_div_text.lower(): target_symbol = "(" star_index = captcha_text_div_text.find(target_symbol) target_symbol = ":" star_index = captcha_text_div_text.find(target_symbol, star_index) target_symbol = ")" end_index = captcha_text_div_text.find(target_symbol, star_index) inferred_answer_string = captcha_text_div_text[star_index+1:end_index] #print("inferred_answer_string:", inferred_answer_string) # 二題式,組合問題。 is_combine_two_question = False if "第一題" in captcha_text_div_text and "第二題" in captcha_text_div_text: is_combine_two_question = True if "Q1." in captcha_text_div_text and "Q2." in captcha_text_div_text: if "二題" in captcha_text_div_text: is_combine_two_question = True if "2題" in captcha_text_div_text: is_combine_two_question = True if "Q1:" in captcha_text_div_text and "Q2:" in captcha_text_div_text: if "二題" in captcha_text_div_text: is_combine_two_question = True if "2題" in captcha_text_div_text: is_combine_two_question = True if "Q1 " in captcha_text_div_text and "Q2 " in captcha_text_div_text: if "二題" in captcha_text_div_text: is_combine_two_question = True if "2題" in captcha_text_div_text: is_combine_two_question = True if is_combine_two_question: inferred_answer_string = None #print("is_combine_two_question:", is_combine_two_question) # still no answer. if inferred_answer_string is None: if not is_combine_two_question: answer_list = get_answer_list_by_question(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text) if show_debug_message: print("guess answer list:", answer_list) else: if show_debug_message: print("skip to guess answer because of combine question...") else: if show_debug_message: print("got an inferred_answer_string:", inferred_answer_string) answer_list = [inferred_answer_string] return answer_list def kktix_get_registerStatus(event_code): html_result = None url = "" % (event_code) #print('event_code:',event_code) #print("url:", url) headers = {"Accept-Language": "zh-TW,zh;q=0.5", 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT} try: html_result = requests.get(url , headers=headers, timeout=0.7, allow_redirects=False) except Exception as exc: html_result = None print("send reg_info request fail:") print(exc) registerStatus = None if not html_result is None: status_code = html_result.status_code #print("status_code:",status_code) if status_code == 200: html_text = html_result.text #print("html_text:", html_text) try: jsLoads = json.loads(html_text) if 'inventory' in jsLoads: if 'registerStatus' in jsLoads['inventory']: registerStatus = jsLoads['inventory']['registerStatus'] except Exception as exc: print("load reg_info json fail:") print(exc) pass #print("registerStatus:", registerStatus) return registerStatus def kktix_get_event_code(url): event_code = "" if '/registrations/new' in url: prefix_list = ['.com/events/','.cc/events/'] postfix = '/registrations/new' for prefix in prefix_list: event_code = find_between(url,prefix,postfix) if len(event_code) > 0: break #print('event_code:',event_code) return event_code def get_kktix_status_by_url(url): registerStatus = "" if len(url) > 0: event_code = kktix_get_event_code(url) #print(event_code) if len(event_code) > 0: registerStatus = kktix_get_registerStatus(event_code) #print(registerStatus) return registerStatus