const storage =; var settings = null; var myInterval = null; $("div.masthead-wrap").remove(); function date_clean() { remove_list=['Currently Unavailable', 'Sale ended on 20', 'Sold out', '暫停販售', ':00 截止', '已售完', '00に発売終了', '販売一時中止', '完売した' ]; for (let i = 0; i < remove_list.length; i++) { $("#gameList td:contains('"+ remove_list[i] +"')").each(function () { $(this).parent().remove(); }); } } function date_keyword(settings) { let date_keyword_array = []; if(settings) { if(settings.date_auto_select.date_keyword.length > 0) { if(settings.date_auto_select.date_keyword!='""') { date_keyword_array = JSON.parse('[' + settings.date_auto_select.date_keyword +']'); } } } //console.log(date_keyword_array); let target_date=null; if(date_keyword_array.length) { for (let i = 0; i < date_keyword_array.length; i++) { let query_string = "#gameList td:contains('"+ date_keyword_array[i] +"')"; if(date_keyword_array[i]=="") { query_string = "#gameList td" } let matched_block=[]; $(query_string).each(function () { matched_block.push($(this)); }); target_date = get_target_date_with_order(settings, matched_block); if (target_date) { console.log("match keyword:" + date_keyword_array[i]); break; } } } else { let query_string = "#gameList td"; let matched_block=[]; $(query_string).each(function () { matched_block.push($(this)); }); target_date = get_target_area_with_order(settings, matched_block); } if (target_date) { let button_tag = "button"; const currentUrl = window.location.href; const domain = currentUrl.split('/')[2]; if(domain=="") { button_tag = "a"; } let link = target_date.parent().find(button_tag).attr("data-href"); if (link) { //console.log("link: " + link); clearInterval(myInterval); window.location.href = link; } } else { //console.log("not target_date found.") } } function date_main(settings) { myInterval = setInterval(() => { //console.log("date_mode:"+ settings.date_auto_select.mode); //console.log("date_keyword:"+ settings.date_auto_select.date_keyword); date_keyword(settings); }, 200); } async function do_reload_if_not_overheat(settings) { let auto_reload_page_interval = settings.advanced.auto_reload_page_interval; const auto_reload_overheat_count = settings.advanced.auto_reload_overheat_count; const auto_reload_overheat_cd = settings.advanced.auto_reload_overheat_cd;'last_reload_timestamp', function(items) { if (items.last_reload_timestamp) { let new_timestamp = []; const now = new Date().getTime(); const overheat_second = 2.5; //for (let i = items.last_reload_timestamp.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (let i = 0; i < items.last_reload_timestamp.length; i++) { let each_time = items.last_reload_timestamp[i]; let current_diff = now - each_time; if (current_diff <= overheat_second * 1000) { //last_reload_timestamp.splice(i, 1); new_timestamp.push(each_time); } } if(new_timestamp.length >= auto_reload_overheat_count) { console.log("overheat, slow down!"); auto_reload_page_interval = auto_reload_overheat_cd; } new_timestamp.push(now);{ last_reload_timestamp: new_timestamp }); //const rootElement = document.documentElement; //rootElement.remove(); if(auto_reload_page_interval == 0) { //console.log('Start to reload now.'); location.reload(); } else { //console.log('We are going to reload after few seconeds.'); setTimeout(function () { location.reload(); }, auto_reload_page_interval * 1000); } } }); } function date_auto_reload() { let reload=false; let button_tag = "button"; const currentUrl = window.location.href; const domain = currentUrl.split('/')[2]; if(domain=="") { button_tag = "a"; } const query_string = "#gameList "+button_tag; if ($(query_string).length) { date_clean(); if ($(query_string).length) { if (settings) { date_main(settings); } } else { reload=true; } } else { reload=true; } if(reload) { if(settings) { do_reload_if_not_overheat(settings); } } } storage.get('settings', function (items) { if (items.settings) { settings = items.settings; } }); storage.get('status', function (items) { if (items.status && items.status=='ON') { date_auto_reload(); } else { console.log('no status found'); } });