#!/usr/bin/env python3 #encoding=utf-8 # 'seleniumwire' and 'selenium 4' raise error when running python 2.x # PS: python 2.x will be removed in future. #執行方式:python chrome_tixcraft.py 或 python3 chrome_tixcraft.py import os import sys import platform import json import random from selenium import webdriver # for close tab. from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchWindowException from selenium.common.exceptions import UnexpectedAlertPresentException from selenium.common.exceptions import NoAlertPresentException from selenium.common.exceptions import WebDriverException # for alert 2 from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import Select from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By # for selenium 4 from selenium.webdriver.chrome.service import Service from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains # for wait #1 import time import re from datetime import datetime # for error output import logging logging.basicConfig() logger = logging.getLogger('logger') # for check reg_info import requests import warnings from urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning warnings.simplefilter('ignore',InsecureRequestWarning) import ssl ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context CONST_APP_VERSION = u"MaxBot (2023.01.03)" CONST_HOMEPAGE_DEFAULT = "https://tixcraft.com" CONST_FROM_TOP_TO_BOTTOM = u"from top to bottom" CONST_FROM_BOTTOM_TO_TOP = u"from bottom to top" CONST_RANDOM = u"random" CONST_SELECT_ORDER_DEFAULT = CONST_FROM_TOP_TO_BOTTOM CONST_SELECT_OPTIONS_DEFAULT = (CONST_FROM_TOP_TO_BOTTOM, CONST_FROM_BOTTOM_TO_TOP, CONST_RANDOM) CONST_SELECT_OPTIONS_ARRAY = [CONST_FROM_TOP_TO_BOTTOM, CONST_FROM_BOTTOM_TO_TOP, CONST_RANDOM] CONT_STRING_1_SEATS_REMAINING = [u'@1 seat(s) remaining',u'剩餘 1@',u'@1 席残り'] def get_app_root(): # 讀取檔案裡的參數值 basis = "" if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): basis = sys.executable else: basis = sys.argv[0] app_root = os.path.dirname(basis) return app_root def get_config_dict(): config_json_filename = 'settings.json' app_root = get_app_root() config_filepath = os.path.join(app_root, config_json_filename) config_dict = None if os.path.isfile(config_filepath): with open(config_filepath) as json_data: config_dict = json.load(json_data) return config_dict def format_keyword_string(keyword): if not keyword is None: if len(keyword) > 0: keyword = keyword.replace('/','/') keyword = keyword.replace(' ','') keyword = keyword.replace(',','') keyword = keyword.replace(',','') keyword = keyword.replace('$','') keyword = keyword.replace(' ','').lower() return keyword def find_continuous_number(text): chars = "0123456789" return find_continuous_pattern(chars, text) def find_continuous_text(text): chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" return find_continuous_pattern(chars, text) def find_continuous_pattern(allowed_char, text): ret = "" is_allowed_char_start = False for char in text: #print("char:", char) if char in allowed_char: if len(ret)==0 and not is_allowed_char_start: is_allowed_char_start = True if is_allowed_char_start: ret += char else: # make not continuous is_allowed_char_start = False return ret def get_favoriate_extension_path(webdriver_path): no_google_analytics_path = os.path.join(webdriver_path,"no_google_analytics_1.1.0.0.crx") no_ad_path = os.path.join(webdriver_path,"Adblock_3.14.2.0.crx") return no_google_analytics_path, no_ad_path def get_chromedriver_path(webdriver_path): chromedriver_path = os.path.join(webdriver_path,"chromedriver") if platform.system().lower()=="windows": chromedriver_path = os.path.join(webdriver_path,"chromedriver.exe") return chromedriver_path def load_chromdriver_normal(webdriver_path, driver_type, adblock_plus_enable): chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() chromedriver_path = get_chromedriver_path(webdriver_path) # some windows cause: timed out receiving message from renderer if adblock_plus_enable: # PS: this is ocx version. no_google_analytics_path, no_ad_path = get_favoriate_extension_path(webdriver_path) if os.path.exists(no_google_analytics_path): chrome_options.add_extension(no_google_analytics_path) if os.path.exists(no_ad_path): chrome_options.add_extension(no_ad_path) chrome_options.add_argument('--disable-features=TranslateUI') chrome_options.add_argument('--disable-translate') chrome_options.add_argument('--lang=zh-TW') # for navigator.webdriver chrome_options.add_experimental_option("excludeSwitches", ['enable-automation']) chrome_options.add_experimental_option('useAutomationExtension', False) chrome_options.add_experimental_option("prefs", {"credentials_enable_service": False, "profile.password_manager_enabled": False}) #caps = DesiredCapabilities().CHROME caps = chrome_options.to_capabilities() #caps["pageLoadStrategy"] = u"normal" # complete caps["pageLoadStrategy"] = u"eager" # interactive #caps["pageLoadStrategy"] = u"none" #caps["unhandledPromptBehavior"] = u"dismiss and notify" # default #caps["unhandledPromptBehavior"] = u"ignore" #caps["unhandledPromptBehavior"] = u"dismiss" caps["unhandledPromptBehavior"] = u"accept" chrome_service = Service(chromedriver_path) # method 6: Selenium Stealth driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=chrome_service, options=chrome_options, desired_capabilities=caps) if driver_type=="stealth": from selenium_stealth import stealth # Selenium Stealth settings stealth(driver, languages=["zh-TW", "zh"], vendor="Google Inc.", platform="Win32", webgl_vendor="Intel Inc.", renderer="Intel Iris OpenGL Engine", fix_hairline=True, ) #print("driver capabilities", driver.capabilities) return driver def load_chromdriver_uc(webdriver_path, adblock_plus_enable): import undetected_chromedriver as uc chromedriver_path = get_chromedriver_path(webdriver_path) options = uc.ChromeOptions() options.page_load_strategy="eager" #print("strategy", options.page_load_strategy) if adblock_plus_enable: no_google_analytics_path, no_ad_path = get_favoriate_extension_path(webdriver_path) no_google_analytics_folder_path = no_google_analytics_path.replace('.crx','') no_ad_folder_path = no_ad_path.replace('.crx','') load_extension_path = "" if os.path.exists(no_google_analytics_folder_path): load_extension_path += "," + no_google_analytics_folder_path if os.path.exists(no_ad_folder_path): load_extension_path += "," + no_ad_folder_path if len(load_extension_path) > 0: options.add_argument('--load-extension=' + load_extension_path[1:]) options.add_argument('--disable-features=TranslateUI') options.add_argument('--disable-translate') options.add_argument('--lang=zh-TW') options.add_argument("--password-store=basic") options.add_experimental_option("prefs", {"credentials_enable_service": False, "profile.password_manager_enabled": False}) caps = options.to_capabilities() caps["unhandledPromptBehavior"] = u"accept" driver = None if os.path.exists(chromedriver_path): print("Use user driver path:", chromedriver_path) #driver = uc.Chrome(service=chrome_service, options=options, suppress_welcome=False) is_local_chrome_browser_lower = False try: driver = uc.Chrome(executable_path=chromedriver_path, options=options, desired_capabilities=caps, suppress_welcome=False) except Exception as exc: if "cannot connect to chrome" in str(exc): if "This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version" in str(exc): is_local_chrome_browser_lower = True print(exc) pass if is_local_chrome_browser_lower: print("Use local user downloaded chromedriver to lunch chrome browser.") driver_type = "selenium" driver = load_chromdriver_normal(webdriver_path, driver_type, adblock_plus_enable) else: print("Oops! web driver not on path:",chromedriver_path ) print('let uc automatically download chromedriver.') driver = uc.Chrome(options=options, desired_capabilities=caps, suppress_welcome=False) if driver is None: print("create web drive object fail!") else: download_dir_path="." params = { "behavior": "allow", "downloadPath": os.path.realpath(download_dir_path) } #print("assign setDownloadBehavior.") driver.execute_cdp_cmd("Page.setDownloadBehavior", params) #print("driver capabilities", driver.capabilities) return driver def close_browser_tabs(driver): if not driver is None: try: window_handles_count = len(driver.window_handles) if window_handles_count > 1: driver.switch_to.window(driver.window_handles[1]) driver.close() driver.switch_to.window(driver.window_handles[0]) except Exception as excSwithFail: pass def get_driver_by_config(config_dict, driver_type): global driver homepage = None browser = None language = "English" ticket_number = "2" auto_press_next_step_button = False # default not checked. auto_fill_ticket_number = False # default not checked. auto_guess_options = False # default not checked. kktix_area_auto_select_mode = "" kktix_area_keyword = "" kktix_date_keyword = "" pass_1_seat_remaining_enable = False # default not checked. pass_date_is_sold_out_enable = False # default not checked. auto_reload_coming_soon_page_enable = True # default checked. area_keyword_1 = "" area_keyword_2 = "" area_keyword_3 = "" area_keyword_4 = "" date_keyword = "" date_auto_select_enable = None date_auto_select_mode = "" area_auto_select_enable = None area_auto_select_mode = "" debugMode = False # read config. homepage = config_dict["homepage"] browser = config_dict["browser"] # output debug message in client side. debugMode = config_dict["debug"] ticket_number = str(config_dict["ticket_number"]) pass_1_seat_remaining_enable = config_dict["pass_1_seat_remaining"] # for ["kktix"] auto_press_next_step_button = config_dict["kktix"]["auto_press_next_step_button"] auto_fill_ticket_number = config_dict["kktix"]["auto_fill_ticket_number"] kktix_area_auto_select_mode = config_dict["kktix"]["area_mode"].strip() if not kktix_area_auto_select_mode in CONST_SELECT_OPTIONS_ARRAY: kktix_area_auto_select_mode = CONST_SELECT_ORDER_DEFAULT kktix_area_keyword_1 = config_dict["kktix"]["area_keyword_1"].strip() kktix_area_keyword_1_and = config_dict["kktix"]["area_keyword_1_and"].strip() kktix_area_keyword_2 = config_dict["kktix"]["area_keyword_2"].strip() kktix_area_keyword_2_and = config_dict["kktix"]["area_keyword_2_and"].strip() # disable password brute force attack # PS: because of the question is always variable. auto_guess_options = config_dict["kktix"]["auto_guess_options"] # for ["tixcraft"] date_auto_select_enable = config_dict["tixcraft"]["date_auto_select"]["enable"] date_auto_select_mode = config_dict["tixcraft"]["date_auto_select"]["mode"] if not date_auto_select_mode in CONST_SELECT_OPTIONS_ARRAY: date_auto_select_mode = CONST_SELECT_ORDER_DEFAULT date_keyword = config_dict["tixcraft"]["date_auto_select"]["date_keyword"].strip() area_auto_select_enable = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["enable"] area_auto_select_mode = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["mode"] if not area_auto_select_mode in CONST_SELECT_OPTIONS_ARRAY: area_auto_select_mode = CONST_SELECT_ORDER_DEFAULT area_keyword_1 = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["area_keyword_1"].strip() area_keyword_2 = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["area_keyword_2"].strip() area_keyword_3 = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["area_keyword_3"].strip() area_keyword_4 = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["area_keyword_4"].strip() pass_date_is_sold_out_enable = config_dict["tixcraft"]["pass_date_is_sold_out"] auto_reload_coming_soon_page_enable = config_dict["tixcraft"]["auto_reload_coming_soon_page"] # output config: print("maxbot app version", CONST_APP_VERSION) print("python version", platform.python_version()) print("homepage", homepage) print("browser", browser) print("ticket_number", ticket_number) print("pass_1_seat_remaining", pass_1_seat_remaining_enable) # for kktix print("==[kktix]==") print("auto_press_next_step_button", auto_press_next_step_button) print("auto_fill_ticket_number", auto_fill_ticket_number) print("kktix_area_keyword_1", kktix_area_keyword_1) print("kktix_area_keyword_1_and", kktix_area_keyword_1_and) print("kktix_area_keyword_2", kktix_area_keyword_2) print("kktix_area_keyword_2_and", kktix_area_keyword_2_and) print("auto_guess_options", auto_guess_options) # for tixcraft print("==[tixcraft]==") print("date_auto_select_enable", date_auto_select_enable) print("date_auto_select_mode", date_auto_select_mode) print("date_keyword", date_keyword) print("area_auto_select_enable", area_auto_select_enable) print("area_auto_select_mode", area_auto_select_mode) print("area_keyword_1", area_keyword_1) print("area_keyword_2", area_keyword_2) print("area_keyword_3", area_keyword_3) print("area_keyword_4", area_keyword_4) print("pass_date_is_sold_out", pass_date_is_sold_out_enable) print("auto_reload_coming_soon_page", auto_reload_coming_soon_page_enable) print("debug Mode", debugMode) # entry point if homepage is None: homepage = "" if len(homepage) == 0: homepage = CONST_HOMEPAGE_DEFAULT Root_Dir = get_app_root() webdriver_path = os.path.join(Root_Dir, "webdriver") print("platform.system().lower():", platform.system().lower()) adblock_plus_enable = config_dict["advanced"]["adblock_plus_enable"] print("adblock_plus_enable:", adblock_plus_enable) if browser == "chrome": # method 6: Selenium Stealth if driver_type != "undetected_chromedriver": driver = load_chromdriver_normal(webdriver_path, driver_type, adblock_plus_enable) else: # method 5: uc # multiprocessing not work bug. if platform.system().lower()=="windows": if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): from multiprocessing import freeze_support freeze_support() driver = load_chromdriver_uc(webdriver_path, adblock_plus_enable) if browser == "firefox": # default os is linux/mac chromedriver_path = os.path.join(webdriver_path,"geckodriver") if platform.system().lower()=="windows": chromedriver_path = os.path.join(webdriver_path,"geckodriver.exe") firefox_service = Service(chromedriver_path) driver = webdriver.Firefox(service=firefox_service) #print("try to close opened tabs.") ''' time.sleep(1.0) for i in range(1): close_browser_tabs(driver) ''' if driver is None: print("create web driver object fail @_@;") else: try: print("goto url:", homepage) if homepage=="https://tixcraft.com": homepage="https://tixcraft.com/user/changeLanguage/lang/zh_tw" driver.get(homepage) except WebDriverException as exce2: print('oh no not again, WebDriverException') print('WebDriverException:', exce2) except Exception as exce1: print('get URL Exception:', exec1) pass return driver # common functions. def find_between( s, first, last ): try: start = s.index( first ) + len( first ) end = s.index( last, start ) return s[start:end] except ValueError: return "" # convert web string to reg pattern def convert_string_to_pattern(my_str, dynamic_length=True): my_hint_anwser_length = len(my_str) my_formated = "" if my_hint_anwser_length > 0: my_anwser_symbols = u"()[]<>{}-" for idx in range(my_hint_anwser_length): char = my_str[idx:idx+1] if char in my_anwser_symbols: my_formated += (u'\\' + char) continue pattern = re.compile(u"[A-Z]") match_result = pattern.match(char) #print("match_result A:", match_result) if not match_result is None: my_formated += u"[A-Z]" pattern = re.compile(u"[a-z]") match_result = pattern.match(char) #print("match_result a:", match_result) if not match_result is None: my_formated += u"[a-z]" pattern = re.compile(u"[\d]") match_result = pattern.match(char) #print("match_result d:", match_result) if not match_result is None: my_formated += u"[\d]" # for dynamic length if dynamic_length: for i in range(10): my_formated = my_formated.replace(u"[A-Z][A-Z]",u"[A-Z]") my_formated = my_formated.replace(u"[a-z][a-z]",u"[a-z]") my_formated = my_formated.replace(u"[\d][\d]",u"[\d]") my_formated = my_formated.replace(u"[A-Z]",u"[A-Z]+") my_formated = my_formated.replace(u"[a-z]",u"[a-z]+") my_formated = my_formated.replace(u"[\d]",u"[\d]+") return my_formated def guess_answer_list_from_multi_options(tmp_text): options_list = None if options_list is None: if u'【' in tmp_text and u'】' in tmp_text: options_list = re.findall(u'【.*?】', tmp_text) if len(options_list) <= 2: options_list = None if options_list is None: if u'(' in tmp_text and u')' in tmp_text: options_list = re.findall(u'\(.*?\)', tmp_text) if len(options_list) <= 2: options_list = None if options_list is None: if u'[' in tmp_text and u']' in tmp_text: options_list = re.findall(u'[.*?]', tmp_text) if len(options_list) <= 2: options_list = None return_list = None if not options_list is None: options_list_length = len(options_list) if options_list_length > 2: is_all_options_same_length = True for i in range(options_list_length-1): if len(options_list[i]) != len(options_list[i]): is_all_options_same_length = False if is_all_options_same_length: return_list = [] for each_option in options_list: return_list.append(each_option[1:-1]) return return_list #PS: this may get a wrong answer list. XD def guess_answer_list_from_symbols(captcha_text_div_text): return_list = None # need replace to space to get first options. tmp_text = captcha_text_div_text tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(u'?',u' ') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(u'?',u' ') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(u'。',u' ') delimitor_symbols_left = [u"(",u"[",u"{", " ", " ", " ", " "] delimitor_symbols_right = [u")",u"]",u"}", ":", ".", ")", "-"] idx = -1 for idx in range(len(delimitor_symbols_left)): symbol_left = delimitor_symbols_left[idx] symbol_right = delimitor_symbols_right[idx] if symbol_left in tmp_text and symbol_right in tmp_text and u'半形' in tmp_text: hint_list = re.findall(u'\\'+ symbol_left + u'[\\w]+\\'+ symbol_right , tmp_text) #print("hint_list:", hint_list) if not hint_list is None: if len(hint_list) > 1: return_list = [] my_answer_delimitor = symbol_right for options in hint_list: if len(options) > 2: my_anwser = options[1:-1] #print("my_anwser:",my_anwser) if len(my_anwser) > 0: return_list.append(my_anwser) if not return_list is None: break return return_list def get_offical_hint_string_from_symbol(symbol, tmp_text): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online offical_hint_string = "" if symbol in tmp_text: # start to guess offical hint if offical_hint_string == "": if u'【' in tmp_text and u'】' in tmp_text: hint_list = re.findall(u'【.*?】', tmp_text) if not hint_list is None: if show_debug_message: print("【.*?】hint_list:", hint_list) for hint in hint_list: if symbol in hint: offical_hint_string = hint[1:-1] break if offical_hint_string == "": if u'(' in tmp_text and u')' in tmp_text: hint_list = re.findall(u'\(.*?\)', tmp_text) if not hint_list is None: if show_debug_message: print("\(.*?\)hint_list:", hint_list) for hint in hint_list: if symbol in hint: offical_hint_string = hint[1:-1] break if offical_hint_string == "": if u'[' in tmp_text and u']' in tmp_text: hint_list = re.findall(u'[.*?]', tmp_text) if not hint_list is None: if show_debug_message: print("[.*?]hint_list:", hint_list) for hint in hint_list: if symbol in hint: offical_hint_string = hint[1:-1] break if offical_hint_string == "": offical_hint_string = tmp_text return offical_hint_string def guess_answer_list_from_hint(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL = '輸入' return_list = None tmp_text = format_question_string(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text) my_question = "" my_options = "" offical_hint_string = "" offical_hint_string_anwser = "" my_anwser_formated = "" my_answer_delimitor = "" if my_question == "": if u"?" in tmp_text: question_index = tmp_text.find(u"?") my_question = tmp_text[:question_index+1] if my_question == "": if u"。" in tmp_text: question_index = tmp_text.find(u"。") my_question = tmp_text[:question_index+1] if my_question == "": my_question = tmp_text #print(u"my_question:", my_question) # ps: hint_list is not options list if offical_hint_string == "": offical_hint_string = get_offical_hint_string_from_symbol(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, tmp_text) if len(offical_hint_string) > 0: right_part = offical_hint_string.split(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL)[1] if len(offical_hint_string) == len(tmp_text): offical_hint_string = right_part new_hint = find_continuous_text(right_part) if len(new_hint) > 0: offical_hint_string_anwser = new_hint if offical_hint_string == "": # for: 若你覺得答案為 a,請輸入 a if '答案' in tmp_text and CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL in tmp_text: offical_hint_string = get_offical_hint_string_from_symbol(CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL, tmp_text) if len(offical_hint_string) > 0: right_part = offical_hint_string.split(CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL)[1] if len(offical_hint_string) == len(tmp_text): offical_hint_string = right_part new_hint = find_continuous_text(right_part) if len(new_hint) > 0: # TODO: 答案為B需填入Bb) #if u'答案' in offical_hint_string and CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL in offical_hint_string: offical_hint_string_anwser = new_hint if show_debug_message: print("offical_hint_string:",offical_hint_string) # try rule4: # get hint from rule 3: without '(' & '), but use "*" if len(offical_hint_string) == 0: target_symbol = u"*" if target_symbol in tmp_text : star_index = tmp_text.find(target_symbol) space_index = tmp_text.find(u" ", star_index + len(target_symbol)) offical_hint_string = tmp_text[star_index: space_index] # is need to merge next block if len(offical_hint_string) > 0: target_symbol = offical_hint_string + u" " if target_symbol in tmp_text : star_index = tmp_text.find(target_symbol) next_block_index = star_index + len(target_symbol) space_index = tmp_text.find(u" ", next_block_index) next_block = tmp_text[next_block_index: space_index] if CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL in next_block: offical_hint_string += u' ' + next_block # try rule5: # get hint from rule 3: n個半形英文大寫 if len(offical_hint_string) == 0: target_symbol = u"個半形英文大寫" if target_symbol in tmp_text : star_index = tmp_text.find(target_symbol) space_index = tmp_text.find(u" ", star_index) answer_char_count = tmp_text[star_index-1:star_index] if answer_char_count.isnumeric(): star_index -= 1 offical_hint_string_anwser = u'A' * int(answer_char_count) offical_hint_string = tmp_text[star_index: space_index] target_symbol = u"個英文大寫" if target_symbol in tmp_text : star_index = tmp_text.find(target_symbol) space_index = tmp_text.find(u" ", star_index) answer_char_count = tmp_text[star_index-1:star_index] if answer_char_count.isnumeric(): star_index -= 1 offical_hint_string_anwser = u'A' * int(answer_char_count) offical_hint_string = tmp_text[star_index: space_index] target_symbol = u"個半形英文小寫" if target_symbol in tmp_text : star_index = tmp_text.find(target_symbol) space_index = tmp_text.find(u" ", star_index) answer_char_count = tmp_text[star_index-1:star_index] if answer_char_count.isnumeric(): star_index -= 1 offical_hint_string_anwser = u'a' * int(answer_char_count) offical_hint_string = tmp_text[star_index: space_index] target_symbol = u"個英文小寫" if target_symbol in tmp_text : star_index = tmp_text.find(target_symbol) space_index = tmp_text.find(u" ", star_index) answer_char_count = tmp_text[star_index-1:star_index] if answer_char_count.isnumeric(): star_index -= 1 offical_hint_string_anwser = u'a' * int(answer_char_count) offical_hint_string = tmp_text[star_index: space_index] target_symbol = u"個英數半形字" if target_symbol in tmp_text : star_index = tmp_text.find(target_symbol) space_index = tmp_text.find(u" ", star_index) answer_char_count = tmp_text[star_index-1:star_index] if answer_char_count.isnumeric(): star_index -= 1 my_anwser_formated = u'[A-Za-z\d]' * int(answer_char_count) offical_hint_string = tmp_text[star_index: space_index] target_symbol = u"個半形" if target_symbol in tmp_text : star_index = tmp_text.find(target_symbol) space_index = tmp_text.find(u" ", star_index) answer_char_count = tmp_text[star_index-1:star_index] if answer_char_count.isnumeric(): star_index -= 1 my_anwser_formated = u'[A-Za-z\d]' * int(answer_char_count) offical_hint_string = tmp_text[star_index: space_index] if len(offical_hint_string) > 0: #print("offical_hint_string_anwser:", offical_hint_string_anwser) my_anwser_formated = convert_string_to_pattern(offical_hint_string_anwser) my_options = tmp_text if len(my_question) < len(tmp_text): my_options = my_options.replace(my_question,u"") my_options = my_options.replace(offical_hint_string,u"") #print("tmp_text:", tmp_text) #print("my_options:", my_options) #print("offical_hint_string:", offical_hint_string) # try rule7: # check is chinese/english in question, if match, apply my_options rule. if len(offical_hint_string) > 0: tmp_text_org = captcha_text_div_text if CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL in tmp_text: tmp_text_org = tmp_text_org.replace(u'Ex:','ex:') target_symbol = u"ex:" if target_symbol in tmp_text_org : star_index = tmp_text_org.find(target_symbol) my_options = tmp_text_org[star_index-1:] #print(u"my_options:", my_options) if len(my_anwser_formated) > 0: allow_delimitor_symbols = ")].: }" pattern = re.compile(my_anwser_formated) search_result = pattern.search(my_options) if not search_result is None: (span_start, span_end) = search_result.span() if len(my_options) > (span_end+1)+1: maybe_delimitor = my_options[span_end+0:span_end+1] if maybe_delimitor in allow_delimitor_symbols: my_answer_delimitor = maybe_delimitor #print(u"my_answer_delimitor:", my_answer_delimitor) if len(my_anwser_formated) > 0: #print("text:" , re.findall('\([\w]+\)', tmp_text)) new_pattern = my_anwser_formated if len(my_answer_delimitor) > 0: new_pattern = my_anwser_formated + u'\\' + my_answer_delimitor return_list = re.findall(new_pattern, my_options) if not return_list is None: if len(return_list) == 1: # re-sample for this case. return_list = re.findall(my_anwser_formated, my_options) return return_list def format_question_string(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text): CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL = '輸入' tmp_text = captcha_text_div_text tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(u' ',u' ') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(u':',u':') # for hint tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(u'*',u'*') # replace ex. tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(u'例如', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL) tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(u'如:', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL) tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(u'舉例', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL) if not CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL in tmp_text: tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(u'例', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL) # important, maybe 例 & ex occurs at same time. tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(u'ex:', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL) tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(u'Ex:', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL) #若你覺得 #PS:這個,可能會造成更多問題,呵呵。 SYMBOL_IF_LIST = ['假設','如果','若'] for symbol_if in SYMBOL_IF_LIST: if symbol_if in tmp_text and '答案' in tmp_text: tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('覺得', '') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace('認為', '') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(symbol_if + '你答案', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL + '答案') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(symbol_if + '答案', CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL + '答案') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(u'填入', CONST_INPUT_SYMBOL) #tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(u'[',u'(') #tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(u']',u')') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(u'?',u'?') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(u'(',u'(') tmp_text = tmp_text.replace(u')',u')') return tmp_text def get_answer_list_by_question(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text): return_list = None tmp_text = format_question_string(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text) # guess answer list from multi-options: 【】() [] if return_list is None: return_list = guess_answer_list_from_multi_options(tmp_text) pass if return_list is None: return_list = guess_answer_list_from_hint(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text) # try rule8: if return_list is None: return_list = guess_answer_list_from_symbols(captcha_text_div_text) return return_list # close some div on home url. def tixcraft_home(driver): accept_all_cookies_btn = None try: accept_all_cookies_btn = driver.find_element(By.ID, 'onetrust-accept-btn-handler') except Exception as exc: #print("find accept_all_cookies_btn fail") pass if accept_all_cookies_btn is not None: is_visible = False try: if accept_all_cookies_btn.is_enabled() and accept_all_cookies_btn.is_displayed(): is_visible = True except Exception as exc: pass if is_visible: try: accept_all_cookies_btn.click() except Exception as exc: print("try to click accept_all_cookies_btn fail") try: driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", accept_all_cookies_btn) except Exception as exc: pass close_all_alert_btns = None try: close_all_alert_btns = driver.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "[class='close-alert']") except Exception as exc: print("find close_all_alert_btns fail") if close_all_alert_btns is not None: #print('alert count:', len(close_all_alert_btns)) for alert_btn in close_all_alert_btns: # fix bug: Message: stale element reference: element is not attached to the page document is_visible = False try: if alert_btn.is_enabled() and alert_btn.is_displayed(): is_visible = True except Exception as exc: pass if is_visible: try: alert_btn.click() except Exception as exc: print("try to click alert_btn fail") try: driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", alert_btn) except Exception as exc: pass # from detail to game def tixcraft_redirect(driver, url): ret = False game_name = "" # get game_name from url if "/activity/detail/" in url: url_split = url.split("/") if len(url_split) >= 6: game_name = url_split[5] if "/activity/detail/%s" % (game_name,) in url: # to support teamear entry_url = url.replace("/activity/detail/","/activity/game/") #entry_url = "tixcraft.com/activity/game/%s" % (game_name,) print("redirec to new url:", entry_url) try: driver.get(entry_url) except Exception as exec1: pass ret = True return ret def tixcraft_date_auto_select(driver, url, config_dict): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online # read config. date_auto_select_mode = config_dict["tixcraft"]["date_auto_select"]["mode"] date_keyword = config_dict["tixcraft"]["date_auto_select"]["date_keyword"].strip() pass_date_is_sold_out_enable = config_dict["tixcraft"]["pass_date_is_sold_out"] auto_reload_coming_soon_page_enable = config_dict["tixcraft"]["auto_reload_coming_soon_page"] is_date_selected = False # PS: for big events, check sold out text maybe not helpful, due to database is too busy. sold_out_text_list = ["選購一空","No tickets available","空席なし"] game_name = "" if "/activity/game/" in url: url_split = url.split("/") if len(url_split) >= 6: game_name = url_split[5] if show_debug_message: print('get date game_name:', game_name) print("date_auto_select_mode:", date_auto_select_mode) print("date_keyword:", date_keyword) check_game_detail = False # choose date if "/activity/game/%s" % (game_name,) in url: if show_debug_message: if len(date_keyword) == 0: print("date keyword is empty.") else: print("date keyword:", date_keyword) check_game_detail = True if check_game_detail: date_list = None try: date_list = driver.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '#gameList > table > tbody > tr') except Exception as exc: print("find #gameList fail") button_list = [] if date_list is not None: for row in date_list: # step 1: check keyword. is_match_keyword_row = False row_text = "" try: row_text = row.text except Exception as exc: print("get text fail") # should use continue or break? break if row_text is None: row_text = "" if len(row_text) > 0: if len(date_keyword) == 0: # no keyword, match all. is_match_keyword_row = True else: # check keyword. if date_keyword in row_text: is_match_keyword_row = True # step 2: check sold out. if is_match_keyword_row: if pass_date_is_sold_out_enable: for sold_out_item in sold_out_text_list: row_text_right_part = row_text[(len(sold_out_item)+5)*-1:] if show_debug_message: print("check right part text:", row_text_right_part) if sold_out_item in row_text_right_part: is_match_keyword_row = False if show_debug_message: print("match sold out text: %s, skip this row." % (sold_out_item)) # no need check next language item. break # step 3: add to list. if is_match_keyword_row: el = None try: el = row.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.btn-next') except Exception as exc: if show_debug_message: print("find .btn-next fail") pass if el is not None: button_list.append(el) if date_auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_TOP_TO_BOTTOM: # only need one row. if show_debug_message: print("match date row, only need first row, start to break") break if len(button_list) > 0: # default first row. target_row_index = 0 if date_auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_BOTTOM_TO_TOP: target_row_index = len(button_list) - 1 if date_auto_select_mode == CONST_RANDOM: target_row_index = random.randint(0,len(button_list)-1) try: if show_debug_message: print("clicking row number:", target_row_index) el = button_list[target_row_index] el.click() is_date_selected = True except Exception as exc: print("try to click .btn-next fail") try: driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", el) except Exception as exc: pass # PS: Is this case need to reload page? # (A)user input keywords, with matched text, but no hyperlink to click. # (B)user input keywords, but not no matched text with hyperlink to click. # [PS]: current reload condition only when No hyperlink button. if auto_reload_coming_soon_page_enable and not is_date_selected: # auto refresh for date list page. el_list = None try: el_list = driver.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.btn-next') if el_list is None: driver.refresh() else: if len(el_list) == 0: driver.refresh() except Exception as exc: pass #print("find .btn-next fail:", exc) return is_date_selected # PURPOSE: get target area list. # RETURN: # is_need_refresh # matched_blocks # PS: matched_blocks will be None, if length equals zero. def get_tixcraft_target_area(el, area_keyword, area_auto_select_mode, pass_1_seat_remaining_enable): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online is_need_refresh = False matched_blocks = None area_list = None area_list_count = 0 if el is not None: try: area_list = el.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, 'a') except Exception as exc: #print("find area list a tag fail") pass if area_list is not None: area_list_count = len(area_list) if area_list_count == 0: print("(with keyword) list is empty, do refresh!") is_need_refresh = True else: print("(with keyword) list is None, do refresh!") is_need_refresh = True if area_list_count > 0: matched_blocks = [] for row in area_list: row_is_enabled=False try: row_is_enabled = row.is_enabled() except Exception as exc: pass row_text = "" if row_is_enabled: try: row_text = row.text except Exception as exc: print("get text fail") break if row_text is None: row_text = "" if len(row_text) > 0: # clean stop word. row_text = format_keyword_string(row_text) is_append_this_row = False if len(area_keyword) > 0: # clean stop word. area_keyword = format_keyword_string(area_keyword) # allow only input stop word in keyword fields. # for keyword#2 to select all. if len(area_keyword) > 0: # must match keyword. if area_keyword in row_text: is_append_this_row = True else: # without keyword. is_append_this_row = True if is_append_this_row: if show_debug_message: print("pass_1_seat_remaining_enable:", pass_1_seat_remaining_enable) if pass_1_seat_remaining_enable: area_item_font_el = None try: #print('try to find font tag at row:', row_text) area_item_font_el = row.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, 'font') if not area_item_font_el is None: font_el_text = area_item_font_el.text if font_el_text is None: font_el_text = "" font_el_text = "@%s@" % (font_el_text) if show_debug_message: print('font tag text:', font_el_text) pass for check_item in CONT_STRING_1_SEATS_REMAINING: if check_item in font_el_text: if show_debug_message: print("match pass 1 seats remaining 1 full text:", row_text) print("match pass 1 seats remaining 2 font text:", font_el_text) is_append_this_row = False else: #print("row withou font tag.") pass except Exception as exc: #print("find font text in a tag fail:", exc) pass if show_debug_message: print("is_append_this_row:", is_append_this_row) if is_append_this_row: matched_blocks.append(row) if area_auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_TOP_TO_BOTTOM: print("only need first item, break area list loop.") break if show_debug_message: print("row_text:" + row_text) print("match:" + area_keyword) if len(matched_blocks) == 0: matched_blocks = None is_need_refresh = True return is_need_refresh, matched_blocks # PS: auto refresh condition 1: no keyword + no hyperlink. # PS: auto refresh condition 2: with keyword + no hyperlink. def tixcraft_area_auto_select(driver, url, config_dict): # read config. area_keyword_1 = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["area_keyword_1"].strip() area_keyword_2 = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["area_keyword_2"].strip() area_keyword_3 = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["area_keyword_3"].strip() area_keyword_4 = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["area_keyword_4"].strip() area_auto_select_mode = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["mode"] pass_1_seat_remaining_enable = config_dict["pass_1_seat_remaining"] # disable pass 1 seat remaining when target ticket number is 1. ticket_number = config_dict["ticket_number"] if ticket_number == 1: pass_1_seat_remaining_enable = False show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online if show_debug_message: print("area_keyword_1, area_keyword_2:", area_keyword_1, area_keyword_2) print("area_keyword_3, area_keyword_4:", area_keyword_3, area_keyword_4) if '/ticket/area/' in url: #driver.switch_to.default_content() el = None try: el = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.zone') except Exception as exc: print("find .zone fail, do nothing.") if el is not None: is_need_refresh, areas = get_tixcraft_target_area(el, area_keyword_1, area_auto_select_mode, pass_1_seat_remaining_enable) if show_debug_message: print("is_need_refresh for keyword1:", is_need_refresh) if is_need_refresh: if areas is None: if show_debug_message: print("use area keyword #2", area_keyword_2) # only when keyword#2 filled to query. if len(area_keyword_2) > 0 : is_need_refresh, areas = get_tixcraft_target_area(el, area_keyword_2, area_auto_select_mode, pass_1_seat_remaining_enable) if show_debug_message: print("is_need_refresh for keyword2:", is_need_refresh) if is_need_refresh: if areas is None: if show_debug_message: print("use area keyword #3", area_keyword_3) # only when keyword#3 filled to query. if len(area_keyword_3) > 0 : is_need_refresh, areas = get_tixcraft_target_area(el, area_keyword_3, area_auto_select_mode, pass_1_seat_remaining_enable) if show_debug_message: print("is_need_refresh for keyword3:", is_need_refresh) if is_need_refresh: if areas is None: if show_debug_message: print("use area keyword #4", area_keyword_4) # only when keyword#4 filled to query. if len(area_keyword_4) > 0 : is_need_refresh, areas = get_tixcraft_target_area(el, area_keyword_4, area_auto_select_mode, pass_1_seat_remaining_enable) if show_debug_message: print("is_need_refresh for keyword4:", is_need_refresh) area_target = None if areas is not None: #print("area_auto_select_mode", area_auto_select_mode) #print("len(areas)", len(areas)) if len(areas) > 0: target_row_index = 0 if area_auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_TOP_TO_BOTTOM: pass if area_auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_BOTTOM_TO_TOP: target_row_index = len(areas)-1 if area_auto_select_mode == CONST_RANDOM: target_row_index = random.randint(0,len(areas)-1) #print("target_row_index", target_row_index) area_target = areas[target_row_index] if area_target is not None: try: #print("area text:", area_target.text) area_target.click() except Exception as exc: print("click area a link fail, start to retry...") try: driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", area_target) except Exception as exc: print("click area a link fail, after reftry still fail.") print(exc) pass # auto refresh for area list page. if is_need_refresh: try: driver.refresh() except Exception as exc: pass ''' el_selectSeat_iframe = None try: el_selectSeat_iframe = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//iframe[contains(@src,'/ticket/selectSeat/')]") except Exception as exc: #print("find seat iframe fail") pass if el_selectSeat_iframe is not None: driver.switch_to.frame(el_selectSeat_iframe) # click one seat el_seat = None try: el_seat = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.empty') if el_seat is not None: try: el_seat.click() except Exception as exc: #print("click area button fail") pass except Exception as exc: print("find empty seat fail") # click submit button el_confirm_seat = None try: el_confirm_seat = driver.find_element(By.ID, 'submitSeat') if el_confirm_seat is not None: try: el_confirm_seat.click() except Exception as exc: #print("click area button fail") pass except Exception as exc: print("find submitSeat fail") ''' def tixcraft_ticket_agree(driver): click_plan = "A" #click_plan = "B" # check agree form_checkbox = None if click_plan == "A": try: form_checkbox = driver.find_element(By.ID, 'TicketForm_agree') except Exception as exc: print("find TicketForm_agree fail") is_finish_checkbox_click = False if form_checkbox is not None: try: # TODO: check the status: checked. if form_checkbox.is_enabled(): form_checkbox.click() is_finish_checkbox_click = True except Exception as exc: print("click TicketForm_agree fail") pass # 使用 plan B. #if not is_finish_checkbox_click: # alway not use Plan B. if False: try: print("use plan_b to check TicketForm_agree.") driver.execute_script("$(\"input[type='checkbox']\").prop('checked', true);") #driver.execute_script("document.getElementById(\"TicketForm_agree\").checked;") is_finish_checkbox_click = True except Exception as exc: print("javascript check TicketForm_agree fail") print(exc) pass return is_finish_checkbox_click def tixcraft_ticket_number_auto_fill(driver, select_obj, ticket_number): is_ticket_number_assigned = False if select_obj is not None: try: # target ticket number select_obj.select_by_visible_text(ticket_number) #select.select_by_value(ticket_number) #select.select_by_index(int(ticket_number)) is_ticket_number_assigned = True except Exception as exc: print("select_by_visible_text ticket_number fail") print(exc) try: # target ticket number select_obj.select_by_visible_text(ticket_number) #select.select_by_value(ticket_number) #select.select_by_index(int(ticket_number)) is_ticket_number_assigned = True except Exception as exc: print("select_by_visible_text ticket_number fail...2") print(exc) # try buy one ticket try: select_obj.select_by_visible_text("1") #select.select_by_value("1") #select.select_by_index(int(ticket_number)) is_ticket_number_assigned = True except Exception as exc: print("select_by_visible_text 1 fail") pass # Plan B. # if not is_ticket_number_assigned: if False: if select is not None: try: # target ticket number #select.select_by_visible_text(ticket_number) print("assign ticker number by jQuery:",ticket_number) driver.execute_script("$(\"input[type='select']\").val(\""+ ticket_number +"\");") is_ticket_number_assigned = True except Exception as exc: print("jQuery select_by_visible_text ticket_number fail (after click.)") print(exc) return is_ticket_number_assigned def tixcraft_verify(driver, presale_code): show_debug_message = True # debug. #show_debug_message = False # online ret = False inferred_answer_string = None if len(presale_code) > 0: inferred_answer_string = presale_code form_select = None try: form_select = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.zone-verify') except Exception as exc: print("find verify fail") pass question_text = None if form_select is not None: try: question_text = form_select.text except Exception as exc: print("get text fail") html_text = "" if question_text is not None: if len(question_text) > 0: html_text = question_text html_text = html_text.replace(u'「',u'【') html_text = html_text.replace(u'〔',u'【') html_text = html_text.replace(u'[',u'【') html_text = html_text.replace(u'〖',u'【') html_text = html_text.replace(u'[',u'【') html_text = html_text.replace(u'」',u'】') html_text = html_text.replace(u'〕',u'】') html_text = html_text.replace(u']',u'】') html_text = html_text.replace(u'〗',u'】') html_text = html_text.replace(u']',u'】') if u'【' in html_text and u'】' in html_text: # PS: 這個太容易沖突,因為問題類型太多,不能直接使用。 #inferred_answer_string = find_between(html_text, u"【", u"】") pass if show_debug_message: print("html_text:", html_text) is_options_in_question = False # 請輸入"YES",代表您已詳閱且瞭解並同意。 if inferred_answer_string is None: if u'請輸入"YES"' in html_text: if u'已詳閱' in html_text: if u'並同意' in html_text: inferred_answer_string = 'YES' if show_debug_message: print("inferred_answer_string:", inferred_answer_string) form_input = None try: form_input = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '#checkCode') except Exception as exc: print("find verify code fail") pass default_value = None if form_input is not None: try: default_value = form_input.get_attribute('value') except Exception as exc: print("find verify code fail") pass if default_value is None: default_value = "" if not inferred_answer_string is None: is_password_sent = False if len(default_value)==0: try: # PS: sometime may send key twice... form_input.clear() form_input.send_keys(inferred_answer_string) is_password_sent = True if show_debug_message: print("sent password by bot.") except Exception as exc: pass if default_value == inferred_answer_string: if show_debug_message: print("sent password by previous time.") is_password_sent = True if is_password_sent: submit_btn = None try: submit_btn = driver.find_element(By.ID, 'submitButton') except Exception as exc: if show_debug_message: print("find submit button fail") print(exc) pass is_submited = False if not submit_btn is None: for i in range(3): try: if submit_btn.is_enabled(): submit_btn.click() is_submited = True if show_debug_message: print("press submit button when time #", i+1) except Exception as exc: pass if is_submited: break else: if len(default_value)==0: try: form_input.click() except Exception as exc: pass return ret def tixcraft_ticket_main(driver, config_dict): is_finish_checkbox_click = False auto_check_agree = config_dict["auto_check_agree"] if auto_check_agree: tixcraft_ticket_agree(driver) # allow agree not enable to assign ticket number. form_select = None try: #form_select = driver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, 'select') #PS: select box may appear many in the page with different price. form_select = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.mobile-select') except Exception as exc: print("find select fail") pass select_obj = None if form_select is not None: is_visible = False try: if form_select.is_enabled(): is_visible = True except Exception as exc: pass if is_visible: try: select_obj = Select(form_select) except Exception as exc: pass is_verifyCode_editing = False is_ticket_number_assigned = False if not select_obj is None: row_text = None try: row_text = select_obj.first_selected_option.text except Exception as exc: pass if not row_text is None: if len(row_text) > 0: if row_text != "0": # ticket assign. is_ticket_number_assigned = True # must wait select object ready to assign ticket number. if not is_ticket_number_assigned: # only this case:"ticket number changed by bot" to play sound! # PS: I assume each time assign ticket number will succufully changed, so let sound play first. check_and_play_sound_for_captcha(config_dict) ticket_number = str(config_dict["ticket_number"]) is_ticket_number_assigned = tixcraft_ticket_number_auto_fill(driver, select_obj, ticket_number) # must wait ticket number assign to focus captcha. if is_ticket_number_assigned: # only this case to focus() # start to input verify code. form_verifyCode = None try: form_verifyCode = driver.find_element(By.ID, 'TicketForm_verifyCode') except Exception as exc: print("find form_verifyCode fail") if form_verifyCode is not None: is_visible = False try: if form_verifyCode.is_enabled(): is_visible = True except Exception as exc: pass if is_visible: try: form_verifyCode.click() is_verifyCode_editing = True except Exception as exc: print("click form_verifyCode fail, tring to use javascript.") # plan B try: driver.execute_script("document.getElementById(\"TicketForm_verifyCode\").focus();") is_verifyCode_editing = True except Exception as exc: print("click form_verifyCode fail") pass pass print("is_finish_checkbox_click:", is_finish_checkbox_click) if is_verifyCode_editing: print("goto is_verifyCode_editing == True") return is_verifyCode_editing # PS: There are two "Next" button in kktix. # : 1: /events/xxx # : 2: /events/xxx/registrations/new # : This is ONLY for case-1, because case-2 lenght >5 def kktix_events_press_next_button(driver): ret = False # let javascript to enable button. time.sleep(0.1) wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 1) next_step_button = None try: # method #3 wait next_step_button = wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'div.tickets a.btn-point'))) if not next_step_button is None: if next_step_button.is_enabled(): next_step_button.click() ret = True except Exception as exc: print("wait form-actions div wait to be clickable Exception:") #print(exc) pass if not next_step_button is None: is_visible = False try: if next_step_button.is_enabled(): is_visible = True except Exception as exc: pass if is_visible: try: driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", next_step_button) ret = True except Exception as exc: pass return ret # : This is for case-2 next button. def kktix_press_next_button(driver): ret = False wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 1) next_step_button = None try: # method #1 #form_actions_div = None #form_actions_div = driver.find_element(By.ID, 'registrationsNewApp') #next_step_button = form_actions_div.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'div.form-actions button.btn-primary') # method #2 # next_step_button = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '#registrationsNewApp div.form-actions button.btn-primary') # method #3 wait next_step_button = wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.CSS_SELECTOR, '#registrationsNewApp div.form-actions button.btn-primary'))) if not next_step_button is None: if next_step_button.is_enabled(): next_step_button.click() ret = True except Exception as exc: print("wait form-actions div wait to be clickable Exception:") print(exc) #pass if not next_step_button is None: is_visible = False try: if next_step_button.is_enabled(): is_visible = True except Exception as exc: pass if is_visible: try: driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", next_step_button) ret = True except Exception as exc: pass return ret def kktix_captcha_text_value(captcha_inner_div): ret = "" if captcha_inner_div is not None: try: captcha_password_text = captcha_inner_div.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "input") if not captcha_password_text is None: ret = captcha_password_text.get_attribute('value') else: print("find captcha input field fail") except Exception as exc: print("find captcha_inner_div Exception:") #print(exc) pass return ret def kktix_input_captcha_text(captcha_password_input_tag, inferred_answer_string, force_overwrite = False): show_debug_message = True # debug. #show_debug_message = False # online is_cpatcha_sent = False inputed_captcha_text = "" if not captcha_password_input_tag is None: if force_overwrite: try: captcha_password_input_tag.send_keys(inferred_answer_string) print("send captcha keys:" + inferred_answer_string) is_cpatcha_sent = True inputed_captcha_text = inferred_answer_string except Exception as exc: pass else: # not force overwrite: inputed_captcha_text = None try: inputed_captcha_text = captcha_password_input_tag.get_attribute('value') except Exception as exc: pass if inputed_captcha_text is None: inputed_captcha_text = "" if len(inputed_captcha_text) == 0: try: captcha_password_input_tag.send_keys(inferred_answer_string) print("send captcha keys:" + inferred_answer_string) is_cpatcha_sent = True except Exception as exc: pass return is_cpatcha_sent def kktix_travel_price_list(driver, ticket_number, pass_1_seat_remaining_enable, kktix_area_keyword_1, kktix_area_keyword_1_and): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online areas = None is_ticket_number_assigned = False ticket_price_list = None try: ticket_price_list = driver.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.display-table-row') except Exception as exc: ticket_price_list = None print("find ticket-price span Exception:") print(exc) pass price_list_count = 0 if ticket_price_list is not None: price_list_count = len(ticket_price_list) if show_debug_message: print("found price count:", price_list_count) print("start to travel rows..........") else: print("find ticket-price span fail") is_travel_interrupted = False if price_list_count > 0: areas = [] # clean stop word. kktix_area_keyword_1 = format_keyword_string(kktix_area_keyword_1) kktix_area_keyword_1_and = format_keyword_string(kktix_area_keyword_1_and) if show_debug_message: print('kktix_area_keyword_1:', kktix_area_keyword_1) print('kktix_area_keyword_1_and:', kktix_area_keyword_1_and) row_index = 0 for row in ticket_price_list: row_index += 1 row_text = "" try: row_text = row.text if show_debug_message: print("get text:", row_text, ",at row:", row_index) except Exception as exc: row_text = "" is_travel_interrupted = True print("get text fail.") if row_text is None: row_text = "" if len(row_text) > 0: # clean stop word. row_text = format_keyword_string(row_text) # check ticket input textbox. ticket_price_input = None try: ticket_price_input = row.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "input[type='text']") except Exception as exc: pass if ticket_price_input is not None: current_ticket_number = "" is_visible = False try: current_ticket_number = str(ticket_price_input.get_attribute('value')).strip() is_visible = ticket_price_input.is_enabled() except Exception as exc: pass if len(current_ticket_number) > 0: if current_ticket_number != "0": is_ticket_number_assigned = True if is_ticket_number_assigned: # no need to travel break is_danger_notice = False if ticket_number > 1: # start to check danger notice. span_danger_popup = None try: span_danger_popup = row.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "span.danger") if span_danger_popup.is_displayed(): is_danger_notice = True except Exception as exc: pass if is_danger_notice: # skip this row, because assign will fail, or fill ticket number as 1. if pass_1_seat_remaining_enable: continue if is_visible: is_match_area = False match_area_code = 0 if len(kktix_area_keyword_1) == 0: # keyword #1, empty, direct add to list. is_match_area = True match_area_code = 1 else: # MUST match keyword #1. if kktix_area_keyword_1 in row_text: #print('match keyword#1') # because of logic between keywords is AND! if len(kktix_area_keyword_1_and) == 0: #print('keyword#2 is empty, directly match.') # keyword #2 is empty, direct append. is_match_area = True match_area_code = 2 else: if kktix_area_keyword_1_and in row_text: #print('match keyword#2') is_match_area = True match_area_code = 3 else: #print('not match keyword#2') pass else: #print('not match keyword#1') pass if show_debug_message: print("is_match_area:", is_match_area) print("match_area_code:", match_area_code) if is_match_area: areas.append(row) if is_travel_interrupted: # not sure to break or continue..., maybe break better. break else: if show_debug_message: print("no any price list found.") pass # unknow issue... if is_travel_interrupted: pass return is_ticket_number_assigned, areas def kktix_assign_ticket_number(driver, ticket_number, pass_1_seat_remaining_enable, kktix_area_auto_select_mode, kktix_area_keyword_1, kktix_area_keyword_1_and): show_debug_message = True # debug. #show_debug_message = False # online ticket_number_str = str(ticket_number) is_ticket_number_assigned, areas = kktix_travel_price_list(driver, ticket_number, pass_1_seat_remaining_enable, kktix_area_keyword_1, kktix_area_keyword_1_and) target_area = None if not is_ticket_number_assigned: if areas is not None: if len(areas) > 0: target_row_index = 0 if kktix_area_auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_TOP_TO_BOTTOM: pass if kktix_area_auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_BOTTOM_TO_TOP: target_row_index = len(areas)-1 if kktix_area_auto_select_mode == CONST_RANDOM: target_row_index = random.randint(0,len(areas)-1) if show_debug_message: print("target_row_index", target_row_index) target_area = areas[target_row_index] ticket_price_input = None if target_area is not None: if show_debug_message: print('try to get input box element.') try: #print("target_area text", target_area.text) ticket_price_input = target_area.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "input[type='text']") except Exception as exc: pass current_ticket_number = "" is_visible = False if ticket_price_input is not None: if show_debug_message: print("try to get input box value.") try: current_ticket_number = str(ticket_price_input.get_attribute('value')).strip() is_visible = ticket_price_input.is_enabled() except Exception as exc: pass if is_visible and len(current_ticket_number) > 0: if current_ticket_number == "0": try: print("asssign ticket number:%s" % ticket_number_str) ticket_price_input.clear() ticket_price_input.send_keys(ticket_number_str) is_ticket_number_assigned = True except Exception as exc: print("asssign ticket number to ticket-price field Exception:") print(exc) try: ticket_price_input.clear() ticket_price_input.send_keys("1") is_ticket_number_assigned = True except Exception as exc2: pass else: if show_debug_message: print("value already assigned.") # already assigned. is_ticket_number_assigned = True return is_ticket_number_assigned def kktix_get_web_datetime(registrationsNewApp_div): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online web_datetime = None is_found_web_datetime = False el_web_datetime_list = None if not registrationsNewApp_div is None: try: el_web_datetime_list = registrationsNewApp_div.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, 'td') except Exception as exc: if show_debug_message: print("find td.ng-binding Exception") print(exc) pass #print("is_found_web_datetime", is_found_web_datetime) if el_web_datetime_list is not None: el_web_datetime_list_count = len(el_web_datetime_list) if el_web_datetime_list_count > 0: el_web_datetime = None for el_web_datetime in el_web_datetime_list: el_web_datetime_text = None try: el_web_datetime_text = el_web_datetime.text if show_debug_message: print("el_web_datetime_text:", el_web_datetime_text) except Exception as exc: if show_debug_message: print('parse web datetime fail:') print(exc) pass if el_web_datetime_text is not None: if len(el_web_datetime_text) > 0: now = datetime.now() #print("now:", now) for guess_year in range(now.year,now.year+3): current_year = str(guess_year) if current_year in el_web_datetime_text: if u'/' in el_web_datetime_text: web_datetime = el_web_datetime_text is_found_web_datetime = True break if is_found_web_datetime: break else: print("find td.ng-binding fail") return web_datetime def kktix_check_agree_checkbox(driver): is_need_refresh = False is_finish_checkbox_click = False person_agree_terms_checkbox = None try: person_agree_terms_checkbox = driver.find_element(By.ID, 'person_agree_terms') except Exception as exc: print("find person_agree_terms checkbox Exception") pass if person_agree_terms_checkbox is not None: is_visible = False try: if person_agree_terms_checkbox.is_enabled(): is_visible = True except Exception as exc: pass if is_visible: is_checkbox_checked = False try: if person_agree_terms_checkbox.is_selected(): is_checkbox_checked = True except Exception as exc: pass if not is_checkbox_checked: #print('send check to checkbox') try: person_agree_terms_checkbox.click() is_finish_checkbox_click = True except Exception as exc: pass else: #print('checked') is_finish_checkbox_click = True else: is_need_refresh = True else: is_need_refresh = True if is_need_refresh: print("find person_agree_terms checkbox fail, do refresh page.") return is_need_refresh, is_finish_checkbox_click def kktix_check_register_status(url): #ex: https://xxx.kktix.cc/events/xxx prefix_list = ['.com/events/','.cc/events/'] postfix = '/registrations/new' is_match_event_code = False event_code = "" for prefix in prefix_list: event_code = find_between(url,prefix,postfix) if len(event_code) > 0: is_match_event_code = True #print('event_code:',event_code) break html_result = None if is_match_event_code: url = "https://kktix.com/g/events/%s/register_info" % (event_code) #print('event_code:',event_code) #print("url:", url) user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' headers = {"Accept-Language": "zh-TW,zh;q=0.5", 'User-Agent': user_agent} try: html_result = requests.get(url , headers=headers, timeout=0.7, allow_redirects=False) except Exception as exc: html_result = None print("send reg_info request fail:") print(exc) registerStatus = None if not html_result is None: status_code = html_result.status_code #print("status_code:",status_code) if status_code == 200: html_text = html_result.text #print("html_text:", html_text) try: jsLoads = json.loads(html_text) if 'inventory' in jsLoads: if 'registerStatus' in jsLoads['inventory']: registerStatus = jsLoads['inventory']['registerStatus'] except Exception as exc: print("load reg_info json fail:") print(exc) pass #print("registerStatus:", registerStatus) return registerStatus def get_answer_string_from_web_date(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, registrationsNewApp_div, captcha_text_div_text): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online inferred_answer_string = None is_need_parse_web_datetime = False # '半形阿拉伯數字' & '半形數字' if u'半形' in captcha_text_div_text and u'字' in captcha_text_div_text: if u'演出日期' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_datetime = True if u'活動日期' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_datetime = True if u'表演日期' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_datetime = True if u'開始日期' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_datetime = True if u'演唱會日期' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_datetime = True if u'展覽日期' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_datetime = True if u'音樂會日期' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_datetime = True if u'the date of the show you purchased' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_datetime = True if show_debug_message: print("is_need_parse_web_datetime:", is_need_parse_web_datetime) if is_need_parse_web_datetime: web_datetime = kktix_get_web_datetime(registrationsNewApp_div) if not web_datetime is None: if show_debug_message: print("web_datetime:", web_datetime) captcha_text_formatted = format_question_string(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text) if show_debug_message: print("captcha_text_formatted", captcha_text_formatted) my_datetime_foramted = None # MMDD if my_datetime_foramted is None: if u'4位半形' in captcha_text_formatted: my_datetime_foramted = "%m%d" # for "如為2月30日,請輸入0230" if my_datetime_foramted is None: if CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL in captcha_text_formatted: right_part = captcha_text_formatted.split(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL)[1] number_text = find_continuous_number(right_part) my_anwser_formated = convert_string_to_pattern(number_text, dynamic_length=False) if my_anwser_formated == u"[\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d]": my_datetime_foramted = "%Y%m%d" if my_anwser_formated == u"[\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d]": my_datetime_foramted = "%m%d" #print("my_datetime_foramted:", my_datetime_foramted) if my_datetime_foramted is None: now = datetime.now() for guess_year in range(now.year-4,now.year+2): current_year = str(guess_year) if current_year in captcha_text_formatted: my_hint_index = captcha_text_formatted.find(current_year) my_hint_anwser = captcha_text_formatted[my_hint_index:] #print("my_hint_anwser:", my_hint_anwser) # get after. my_delimitor_symbol = CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL if my_delimitor_symbol in my_hint_anwser: my_delimitor_index = my_hint_anwser.find(my_delimitor_symbol) my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[my_delimitor_index+len(my_delimitor_symbol):] #print("my_hint_anwser:", my_hint_anwser) # get before. my_delimitor_symbol = u',' if my_delimitor_symbol in my_hint_anwser: my_delimitor_index = my_hint_anwser.find(my_delimitor_symbol) my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[:my_delimitor_index] my_delimitor_symbol = u'。' if my_delimitor_symbol in my_hint_anwser: my_delimitor_index = my_hint_anwser.find(my_delimitor_symbol) my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[:my_delimitor_index] # PS: space may not is delimitor... my_delimitor_symbol = u' ' if my_delimitor_symbol in my_hint_anwser: my_delimitor_index = my_hint_anwser.find(my_delimitor_symbol) my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[:my_delimitor_index] #remove last char. remove_last_char_list = [')','(','.','。',')','(','[',']'] for check_char in remove_last_char_list: if my_hint_anwser[-1:]==check_char: my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[:-1] my_anwser_formated = convert_string_to_pattern(my_hint_anwser, dynamic_length=False) if my_anwser_formated == u"[\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d]": my_datetime_foramted = "%Y%m%d" if my_anwser_formated == u"[\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d]/[\\d][\\d]/[\\d][\\d]": my_datetime_foramted = "%Y/%m/%d" if show_debug_message: print("my_hint_anwser:", my_hint_anwser) print("my_anwser_formated:", my_anwser_formated) print("my_datetime_foramted:", my_datetime_foramted) break if not my_datetime_foramted is None: my_delimitor_symbol = u' ' if my_delimitor_symbol in web_datetime: web_datetime = web_datetime[:web_datetime.find(my_delimitor_symbol)] date_time = datetime.strptime(web_datetime,u"%Y/%m/%d") if show_debug_message: print("date_time:", date_time) ans = None try: ans = date_time.strftime(my_datetime_foramted) except Exception as exc: pass inferred_answer_string = ans if show_debug_message: print("my_anwser:", ans) return inferred_answer_string def get_answer_string_from_web_time(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, registrationsNewApp_div, captcha_text_div_text): show_debug_message = True # debug. #show_debug_message = False # online inferred_answer_string = None # parse '演出時間' is_need_parse_web_time = False if u'半形' in captcha_text_div_text: if u'演出時間' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_time = True if u'表演時間' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_time = True if u'開始時間' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_time = True if u'演唱會時間' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_time = True if u'展覽時間' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_time = True if u'音樂會時間' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_time = True if u'the time of the show you purchased' in captcha_text_div_text: is_need_parse_web_time = True #print("is_need_parse_web_time", is_need_parse_web_time) if is_need_parse_web_time: web_datetime = None if not registrationsNewApp_div is None: web_datetime = kktix_get_web_datetime(registrationsNewApp_div) if not web_datetime is None: tmp_text = format_question_string(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text) my_datetime_foramted = None if my_datetime_foramted is None: my_hint_anwser = tmp_text my_delimitor_symbol = CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL if my_delimitor_symbol in my_hint_anwser: my_delimitor_index = my_hint_anwser.find(my_delimitor_symbol) my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[my_delimitor_index+len(my_delimitor_symbol):] #print("my_hint_anwser:", my_hint_anwser) # get before. my_delimitor_symbol = u',' if my_delimitor_symbol in my_hint_anwser: my_delimitor_index = my_hint_anwser.find(my_delimitor_symbol) my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[:my_delimitor_index] my_delimitor_symbol = u'。' if my_delimitor_symbol in my_hint_anwser: my_delimitor_index = my_hint_anwser.find(my_delimitor_symbol) my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[:my_delimitor_index] # PS: space may not is delimitor... my_delimitor_symbol = u' ' if my_delimitor_symbol in my_hint_anwser: my_delimitor_index = my_hint_anwser.find(my_delimitor_symbol) my_hint_anwser = my_hint_anwser[:my_delimitor_index] my_anwser_formated = convert_string_to_pattern(my_hint_anwser, dynamic_length=False) #print("my_hint_anwser:", my_hint_anwser) #print(u"my_anwser_formated:", my_anwser_formated) if my_anwser_formated == u"[\\d][\\d][\\d][\\d]": my_datetime_foramted = "%H%M" if u'12小時' in tmp_text: my_datetime_foramted = "%I%M" if my_anwser_formated == u"[\\d][\\d]:[\\d][\\d]": my_datetime_foramted = "%H:%M" if u'12小時' in tmp_text: my_datetime_foramted = "%I:%M" if not my_datetime_foramted is None: date_delimitor_symbol = u'(' if date_delimitor_symbol in web_datetime: date_delimitor_symbol_index = web_datetime.find(date_delimitor_symbol) if date_delimitor_symbol_index > 8: web_datetime = web_datetime[:date_delimitor_symbol_index-1] date_time = datetime.strptime(web_datetime,u"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M") #print("date_time:", date_time) ans = None try: ans = date_time.strftime(my_datetime_foramted) except Exception as exc: pass inferred_answer_string = ans #print(u"my_anwser:", ans) return inferred_answer_string def check_answer_keep_symbol(captcha_text_div_text): is_need_keep_symbol = False # format text keep_symbol_tmp = captcha_text_div_text keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace(u'也',u'須') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace(u'必須',u'須') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace(u'全都',u'都') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace(u'全部都',u'都') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace(u'一致',u'相同') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace(u'一樣',u'相同') keep_symbol_tmp = keep_symbol_tmp.replace(u'相等',u'相同') if u'符號須都相同' in keep_symbol_tmp: is_need_keep_symbol = True if u'符號都相同' in keep_symbol_tmp: is_need_keep_symbol = True if u'符號須相同' in keep_symbol_tmp: is_need_keep_symbol = True return is_need_keep_symbol def get_answer_list_from_question_string(registrationsNewApp_div, captcha_text_div_text): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online inferred_answer_string = None answer_list = None is_need_keep_symbol = check_answer_keep_symbol(captcha_text_div_text) CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL = "範例" # 請在下方空白處輸入引號內文字: if inferred_answer_string is None: is_use_quota_message = False if u"「" in captcha_text_div_text and u"」" in captcha_text_div_text: if u'下' in captcha_text_div_text and u'空' in captcha_text_div_text and u'輸入' in captcha_text_div_text and u'引號' in captcha_text_div_text and u'字' in captcha_text_div_text: is_use_quota_message = True if u'半形' in captcha_text_div_text and u'輸入' in captcha_text_div_text and u'引號' in captcha_text_div_text and u'字' in captcha_text_div_text: is_use_quota_message = True #print("is_use_quota_message:" , is_use_quota_message) if is_use_quota_message: inferred_answer_string = find_between(captcha_text_div_text, u"「", u"」") #print("find captcha text:" , inferred_answer_string) if inferred_answer_string is None: is_use_quota_message = False if u"【" in captcha_text_div_text and u"】" in captcha_text_div_text: if u'下' in captcha_text_div_text and u'空' in captcha_text_div_text and u'輸入' in captcha_text_div_text and u'引號' in captcha_text_div_text and u'字' in captcha_text_div_text: is_use_quota_message = True if u'半形' in captcha_text_div_text and u'輸入' in captcha_text_div_text and u'引號' in captcha_text_div_text and u'字' in captcha_text_div_text: is_use_quota_message = True #print("is_use_quota_message:" , is_use_quota_message) if is_use_quota_message: inferred_answer_string = find_between(captcha_text_div_text, u"【", u"】") #print("find captcha text:" , inferred_answer_string) # parse '演出日期' if inferred_answer_string is None: inferred_answer_string = get_answer_string_from_web_date(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, registrationsNewApp_div, captcha_text_div_text) # parse '演出時間' if inferred_answer_string is None: inferred_answer_string = get_answer_string_from_web_time(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, registrationsNewApp_div, captcha_text_div_text) # name of event. if inferred_answer_string is None: if u"name of event" in captcha_text_div_text: if u'(' in captcha_text_div_text and u')' in captcha_text_div_text and u'ans:' in captcha_text_div_text.lower(): target_symbol = u"(" star_index = captcha_text_div_text.find(target_symbol) target_symbol = u":" star_index = captcha_text_div_text.find(target_symbol, star_index) target_symbol = u")" end_index = captcha_text_div_text.find(target_symbol, star_index) inferred_answer_string = captcha_text_div_text[star_index+1:end_index] #print("inferred_answer_string:", inferred_answer_string) # 二題式,組合問題。 is_combine_two_question = False if u"第一題" in captcha_text_div_text and u"第二題" in captcha_text_div_text: is_combine_two_question = True if u"Q1." in captcha_text_div_text and u"Q2." in captcha_text_div_text: if u"二題" in captcha_text_div_text: is_combine_two_question = True if u"2題" in captcha_text_div_text: is_combine_two_question = True if u"Q1:" in captcha_text_div_text and u"Q2:" in captcha_text_div_text: if u"二題" in captcha_text_div_text: is_combine_two_question = True if u"2題" in captcha_text_div_text: is_combine_two_question = True if u"Q1 " in captcha_text_div_text and u"Q2 " in captcha_text_div_text: if u"二題" in captcha_text_div_text: is_combine_two_question = True if u"2題" in captcha_text_div_text: is_combine_two_question = True if is_combine_two_question: inferred_answer_string = None #print("is_combine_two_question:", is_combine_two_question) # still no answer. if inferred_answer_string is None: if not is_combine_two_question: answer_list = get_answer_list_by_question(CONST_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL, captcha_text_div_text) if show_debug_message: print("guess answer list:", answer_list) else: if show_debug_message: print("skip to guess answer because of combine question...") else: if show_debug_message: print("got an inferred_answer_string:", inferred_answer_string) return inferred_answer_string, answer_list def kktix_reg_new_captcha(registrationsNewApp_div, captcha_inner_div): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online captcha_text_div = None try: captcha_text_div = captcha_inner_div.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "p") except Exception as exc: pass print("find p tag(captcha_text_div) fail") print(exc) captcha_text_div_text = None if captcha_text_div is not None: try: captcha_text_div_text = captcha_text_div.text except Exception as exc: pass # try to auto answer options. answer_list = None inferred_answer_string = None if not captcha_text_div_text is None: if show_debug_message: print("captcha_text_div_text:", captcha_text_div_text) inferred_answer_string, answer_list = get_answer_list_from_question_string(registrationsNewApp_div, captcha_text_div_text) return inferred_answer_string, answer_list def kktix_double_check_all_text_value(driver, ticket_number_str): is_do_press_next_button = False # double check ticket input textbox. ticket_price_input_list = None try: # PS: unable directly access text's value attribute via css selector or xpath on KKTix! my_css_selector = "input[type='text']" #print("my_css_selector:", my_css_selector) ticket_price_input_list = driver.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, my_css_selector) except Exception as exc: pass if ticket_price_input_list is not None: #print("bingo, found one of ticket number textbox.") row_index = 0 for ticket_price_input in ticket_price_input_list: row_index += 1 current_ticket_number = "" try: current_ticket_number = str(ticket_price_input.get_attribute('value')).strip() except Exception as exc: pass if current_ticket_number is None: current_ticket_number = "" if len(current_ticket_number) > 0: #print(row_index, "current_ticket_number:", current_ticket_number) if current_ticket_number == ticket_number_str: #print("bingo, match target ticket number.") # ONLY, this case to auto press next button. is_do_press_next_button = True break return is_do_press_next_button def kktix_reg_new_main(driver, answer_index, is_finish_checkbox_click, config_dict): show_debug_message = True # debug. #show_debug_message = False # online # part 1: check div. registrationsNewApp_div = None try: registrationsNewApp_div = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '#registrationsNewApp') except Exception as exc: pass #print("find input fail:", exc) # part 2: assign ticket number ticket_number_str = str(config_dict["ticket_number"]) pass_1_seat_remaining_enable = config_dict["pass_1_seat_remaining"] # disable pass 1 seat remaining when target ticket number is 1. ticket_number = config_dict["ticket_number"] if ticket_number == 1: pass_1_seat_remaining_enable = False is_ticket_number_assigned = False if not registrationsNewApp_div is None: kktix_area_auto_select_mode = config_dict["kktix"]["area_mode"] kktix_area_keyword_1 = config_dict["kktix"]["area_keyword_1"].strip() kktix_area_keyword_1_and = config_dict["kktix"]["area_keyword_1_and"].strip() kktix_area_keyword_2 = config_dict["kktix"]["area_keyword_2"].strip() kktix_area_keyword_2_and = config_dict["kktix"]["area_keyword_2_and"].strip() for retry_index in range(2): is_ticket_number_assigned = kktix_assign_ticket_number(driver, ticket_number, pass_1_seat_remaining_enable, kktix_area_auto_select_mode, kktix_area_keyword_1, kktix_area_keyword_1_and) if not is_ticket_number_assigned: is_ticket_number_assigned = kktix_assign_ticket_number(driver, ticket_number, pass_1_seat_remaining_enable, kktix_area_auto_select_mode, kktix_area_keyword_1, kktix_area_keyword_1_and) #PS: keyword_2 not input, means all rows are match. if not is_ticket_number_assigned: is_ticket_number_assigned = kktix_assign_ticket_number(driver, ticket_number, pass_1_seat_remaining_enable, kktix_area_auto_select_mode, kktix_area_keyword_2, kktix_area_keyword_2_and) if is_ticket_number_assigned: break #print('is_ticket_number_assigned:', is_ticket_number_assigned) # part 3: captcha is_captcha_appear = False is_captcha_appear_and_filled_password = False answer_list = None # TODO: in guess options mode, no need to travel div again. captcha_inner_div = None if is_ticket_number_assigned: try: captcha_inner_div = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.custom-captcha-inner') except Exception as exc: pass captcha_password_input_tag = None if not captcha_inner_div is None: try: captcha_password_input_tag = captcha_inner_div.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "input") if show_debug_message: print("found captcha input field") except Exception as exc: pass if not captcha_password_input_tag is None: inferred_answer_string = None if captcha_inner_div is not None: is_captcha_appear = True if show_debug_message: print("found captcha_inner_div layor.") auto_guess_options = config_dict["kktix"]["auto_guess_options"] user_guess_string = config_dict["kktix"]["user_guess_string"] if len(user_guess_string) > 0: inferred_answer_string = user_guess_string else: if auto_guess_options: inferred_answer_string, answer_list = kktix_reg_new_captcha(registrationsNewApp_div, captcha_inner_div) if inferred_answer_string is not None: # password is not None, try to send. is_cpatcha_sent = kktix_input_captcha_text(captcha_password_input_tag, inferred_answer_string) if is_cpatcha_sent: is_captcha_appear_and_filled_password = True else: is_try_to_focus = False if answer_list is None: is_try_to_focus = True else: if len(answer_list)==0: is_try_to_focus = True if is_try_to_focus: # password is None, focus to input, and play sound. inputed_captcha_text = None try: inputed_captcha_text = captcha_password_input_tag.get_attribute('value') except Exception as exc: pass if inputed_captcha_text is None: inputed_captcha_text = "" if len(inputed_captcha_text) == 0: try: #print("focus() captcha to input.") check_and_play_sound_for_captcha(config_dict) captcha_password_input_tag.click() time.sleep(1) # let user to input answer, bot sleep 1 second. except Exception as exc: pass if show_debug_message: print("is_captcha_appear:", is_captcha_appear) print("is_captcha_appear_and_filled_password:", is_captcha_appear_and_filled_password) # retry check agree checkbox again. if not is_finish_checkbox_click: auto_check_agree = config_dict["auto_check_agree"] if auto_check_agree: is_need_refresh, is_finish_checkbox_click = kktix_check_agree_checkbox(driver) is_do_press_next_button = False if is_ticket_number_assigned: auto_press_next_step_button = config_dict["kktix"]["auto_press_next_step_button"] if auto_press_next_step_button: if is_finish_checkbox_click: is_do_press_next_button = kktix_double_check_all_text_value(driver, ticket_number_str) else: print("still unable to assign checkbox as selected.") if show_debug_message: print("is_do_press_next_button:", is_do_press_next_button) if is_do_press_next_button: if not is_captcha_appear: click_ret = kktix_press_next_button(driver) else: if is_captcha_appear_and_filled_password: # for easy guest mode, we can fill the password correct. #print("for easy guest mode, we can fill the password correct.") click_ret = kktix_press_next_button(driver) else: # not is easy guest mode. #print("# not is easy guest mode.") # merge with password dictionary, so need remove duplicate list # PS: now, there are no password dictionary. if not answer_list is None: if len(answer_list) > 1: unique = [x for i, x in enumerate(answer_list) if answer_list.index(x) == i] answer_list = unique # start to try answers. if not answer_list is None: # for popular event if len(answer_list) > 0: if answer_index < len(answer_list)-1: if kktix_captcha_text_value(captcha_inner_div) == "": answer_index += 1 answer_string = answer_list[answer_index] if len(answer_string) > 0: print("send answer:" + answer_string) is_cpatcha_sent = kktix_input_captcha_text(captcha_password_input_tag, answer_string) if is_cpatcha_sent: kktix_press_next_button(driver) else: # exceed index, do nothing. pass else: # captcha appeared, but we don't have answer list. pass return answer_index def kktix_reg_new(driver, url, answer_index, kktix_register_status_last, config_dict): registerStatus = kktix_register_status_last # auto refresh for area list page. is_need_refresh = False is_finish_checkbox_click = False if not is_need_refresh: if registerStatus is None: registerStatus = kktix_check_register_status(url) if not registerStatus is None: print("registerStatus:", registerStatus) # OUT_OF_STOCK if registerStatus != 'IN_STOCK': is_need_refresh = True auto_check_agree = config_dict["auto_check_agree"] if auto_check_agree: if not is_need_refresh: is_need_refresh, is_finish_checkbox_click = kktix_check_agree_checkbox(driver) if not is_need_refresh: if not is_finish_checkbox_click: # retry again. is_need_refresh, is_finish_checkbox_click = kktix_check_agree_checkbox(driver) #print('check agree_terms_checkbox, is_need_refresh:',is_need_refresh) if is_need_refresh: try: print("try to refresh page...") driver.refresh() except Exception as exc: #print("refresh fail") pass # reset answer_index answer_index = -1 registerStatus = None else: # check is able to buy. auto_fill_ticket_number = config_dict["kktix"]["auto_fill_ticket_number"] if auto_fill_ticket_number: answer_index = kktix_reg_new_main(driver, answer_index, is_finish_checkbox_click, config_dict) return answer_index, registerStatus # PURPOSE: get target area list. # PS: this is main block, use keyword to get rows. # PS: it seems use date_auto_select_mode instead of area_auto_select_mode def get_fami_target_area(driver, date_keyword, area_keyword_1, area_keyword_2, area_keyword_3, area_keyword_4, area_auto_select_mode): show_debug_message = True # debug. #show_debug_message = False # online areas = None area_list = None try: if show_debug_message: print("try to find area block by keywords...") my_css_selector = "table.session__list > tbody > tr" area_list = driver.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, my_css_selector) if area_list is not None: area_list_length = len(area_list) if show_debug_message: print("lenth of area rows:", area_list_length) if area_list_length > 0: ret = True areas = [] if len(date_keyword)==0 and len(area_keyword_1)==0 and len(area_keyword_2) == 0: # select all. # PS: must travel to row buttons. #areas = area_list row_index = 0 for row in area_list: row_index += 1 #print("row index:", row_index) is_enabled = False my_css_selector = "button" td_button = row.find_element(By.TAG_NAME , my_css_selector) if td_button is not None: is_enabled = td_button.is_enabled() if not is_enabled: # must skip this row. continue else: if show_debug_message: print("row button is disabled!") if is_enabled: areas.append(td_button) # PS: it seems use date_auto_select_mode instead of area_auto_select_mode if area_auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_TOP_TO_BOTTOM: print("only need first item, break area list loop.") break else: # match keyword. row_index = 0 for row in area_list: row_index += 1 #print("row index:", row_index) date_html_text = "" area_html_text = "" my_css_selector = "td:nth-child(1)" td_date = row.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, my_css_selector) if td_date is not None: #print("date:", td_date.text) date_html_text = td_date.text my_css_selector = "td:nth-child(2)" td_area = row.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, my_css_selector) if td_area is not None: #print("area:", td_area.text) area_html_text = td_area.text is_enabled = False my_css_selector = "button" td_button = row.find_element(By.TAG_NAME , my_css_selector) if td_button is not None: is_enabled = td_button.is_enabled() if not is_enabled: # must skip this row. continue else: if show_debug_message: print("row button is disabled!") row_text = "" try: row_text = row.text except Exception as exc: print("get row text fail") break if row_text is None: row_text = "" if len(row_text) > 0: # check date. is_match_date = False if len(date_keyword) > 0: if date_keyword in date_html_text: #print("is_match_date") is_match_date = True else: is_match_date = True # check area. is_match_area = False if len(area_keyword_1) > 0: if area_keyword_1 in area_html_text: #print("is_match_area area_keyword_1") is_match_area = True # check keyword 2 if len(area_keyword_2) > 0: if area_keyword_2 in area_html_text: #print("is_match_area area_keyword_2") is_match_area = True # check keyword 3 if len(area_keyword_3) > 0: if area_keyword_3 in area_html_text: #print("is_match_area area_keyword_3") is_match_area = True # check keyword 4 if len(area_keyword_4) > 0: if area_keyword_4 in area_html_text: #print("is_match_area area_keyword_4") is_match_area = True else: is_match_area = True if is_match_date and is_match_area: #print("bingo, row text:", row_text) #areas.append(row) # add button instead of row. areas.append(td_button) if area_auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_TOP_TO_BOTTOM: print("only need first item, break area list loop.") break return_row_count = len(areas) if show_debug_message: print("return_row_count:", return_row_count) if return_row_count==0: areas = None except Exception as exc: pass print("find #session date list fail") if show_debug_message: print(exc) return areas def fami_activity(driver): #print("fami_activity bingo") #--------------------------- # part 1: press "buy" button. #--------------------------- fami_start_to_buy_button = None try: fami_start_to_buy_button = driver.find_element(By.ID, 'buyWaiting') except Exception as exc: pass is_visible = False if fami_start_to_buy_button is not None: try: if fami_start_to_buy_button.is_enabled(): is_visible = True except Exception as exc: pass if is_visible: try: fami_start_to_buy_button.click() except Exception as exc: print("click buyWaiting button fail...") #print(exc) #pass try: driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", fami_start_to_buy_button) except Exception as exc: pass def fami_home(driver, url, config_dict): #print("fami_home bingo") is_ticket_number_assigned = False ticket_number = str(config_dict["ticket_number"]) date_keyword = config_dict["tixcraft"]["date_auto_select"]["date_keyword"].strip() area_auto_select_mode = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["mode"] area_keyword_1 = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["area_keyword_1"].strip() area_keyword_2 = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["area_keyword_2"].strip() area_keyword_3 = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["area_keyword_3"].strip() area_keyword_4 = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["area_keyword_4"].strip() #--------------------------- # part 3: fill ticket number. #--------------------------- ticket_el = None try: my_css_selector = "tr.ticket > td > select" ticket_el = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, my_css_selector) except Exception as exc: pass print("click buyWaiting button fail") #print(exc) is_select_box_visible = False if ticket_el is not None: try: if ticket_el.is_enabled(): is_select_box_visible = True except Exception as exc: pass is_ticket_number_assigned = False if is_select_box_visible: ticket_number_select = None try: ticket_number_select = Select(ticket_el) except Exception as exc: pass if ticket_number_select is not None: try: #print("get select ticket value:" + Select(ticket_number_select).first_selected_option.text) if ticket_number_select.first_selected_option.text=="0" or ticket_number_select.first_selected_option.text=="選擇張數": # target ticket number ticket_number_select.select_by_visible_text(ticket_number) is_ticket_number_assigned = True except Exception as exc: print("select_by_visible_text ticket_number fail") print(exc) try: # try target ticket number twice ticket_number_select.select_by_visible_text(ticket_number) is_ticket_number_assigned = True except Exception as exc: print("select_by_visible_text ticket_number fail...2") print(exc) # try buy one ticket try: ticket_number_select.select_by_visible_text("1") is_ticket_number_assigned = True except Exception as exc: print("select_by_visible_text 1 fail") pass #--------------------------- # part 4: press "next" button. #--------------------------- if is_ticket_number_assigned: fami_assign_site_button = None try: my_css_selector = "div.col > a.btn" fami_assign_site_button = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, my_css_selector) except Exception as exc: pass if fami_assign_site_button is not None: is_visible = False try: if fami_assign_site_button.is_enabled(): is_visible = True except Exception as exc: pass if is_visible: try: fami_assign_site_button.click() except Exception as exc: print("click buyWaiting button fail") #print(exc) try: driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", fami_assign_site_button) except Exception as exc: pass areas = None if not is_select_box_visible: #--------------------------- # part 2: select keywords #--------------------------- areas = get_fami_target_area(driver, date_keyword, area_keyword_1, area_keyword_2, area_keyword_3, area_keyword_4, area_auto_select_mode) area_target = None if areas is not None: #print("area_auto_select_mode", area_auto_select_mode) #print("len(areas)", len(areas)) if len(areas) > 0: target_row_index = 0 if area_auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_TOP_TO_BOTTOM: pass if area_auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_BOTTOM_TO_TOP: target_row_index = len(areas)-1 if area_auto_select_mode == CONST_RANDOM: target_row_index = random.randint(0,len(areas)-1) #print("target_row_index", target_row_index) area_target = areas[target_row_index] if area_target is not None: #print("area text", area_target.text) is_visible = False try: if area_target.is_enabled(): is_visible = True except Exception as exc: pass if is_visible: try: area_target.click() except Exception as exc: print("click buy button fail, start to retry...") try: driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", area_target) except Exception as exc: pass # purpose: date auto select def urbtix_date_auto_select(driver, auto_select_mode, date_keyword, auto_reload_coming_soon_page_enable): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online ret = False matched_blocks = None # clean stop word. date_keyword = format_keyword_string(date_keyword) date_keyword_and = "" area_list = None try: #print("try to find cityline area block") my_css_selector = "div.conent-wrapper > div.list-wrapper > ul" area_list = driver.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, my_css_selector) except Exception as exc: print("find #date-time-position date list fail") print(exc) #PS: some blocks are generate by ajax, not appear at first time. formated_area_list = None if area_list is not None: area_list_count = len(area_list) if show_debug_message: print("date_list_count:", area_list_count) if area_list_count > 0: formated_area_list = [] # filter list. row_index = 0 for row in area_list: row_index += 1 row_is_enabled=True el_btn = None try: my_css_selector = "div.buy-icon" el_btn = row.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, my_css_selector) if el_btn is not None: button_class_string = str(el_btn.get_attribute('class')) if len(button_class_string) > 1: if 'disabled' in button_class_string: if show_debug_message: print("found disabled activity at row:", row_index) row_is_enabled=False except Exception as exc: if show_debug_message: print(exc) pass if row_is_enabled: formated_area_list.append(row) if show_debug_message: print("formated_area_list count:", len(formated_area_list)) if len(date_keyword) == 0: matched_blocks = formated_area_list else: # match keyword. if show_debug_message: print("start to match keyword:", date_keyword) matched_blocks = [] row_index = 0 for row in formated_area_list: row_index += 1 #row_is_enabled=False row_is_enabled=True if row_is_enabled: row_text = "" try: row_text = row.text except Exception as exc: print("get text fail") break if row_text is None: row_text = "" if len(row_text) > 0: row_text = format_keyword_string(row_text) if show_debug_message: print("row_text:", row_text) is_match_area = False match_area_code = 0 if date_keyword in row_text: if len(date_keyword_and) == 0: if show_debug_message: print('keyword_and # is empty, directly match.') # keyword #2 is empty, direct append. is_match_area = True match_area_code = 2 else: if date_keyword_and in row_text: if show_debug_message: print('match keyword_and') is_match_area = True match_area_code = 3 else: if show_debug_message: print('not match keyword_and') pass if is_match_area: matched_blocks.append(row) if show_debug_message: print("after match keyword, found count:", len(matched_blocks)) else: print("not found date-time-position") pass else: print("date date-time-position is None") pass target_area = None if matched_blocks is not None: if len(matched_blocks) > 0: target_row_index = 0 if auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_TOP_TO_BOTTOM: pass if auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_BOTTOM_TO_TOP: target_row_index = len(matched_blocks)-1 if auto_select_mode == CONST_RANDOM: target_row_index = random.randint(0,len(matched_blocks)-1) target_area = matched_blocks[target_row_index] if target_area is not None: el_btn = None try: #print("target_area text", target_area.text) my_css_selector = "div.buy-icon" el_btn = target_area.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, my_css_selector) except Exception as exc: pass if el_btn is not None: is_button_enable = True try: if not el_btn.is_enabled(): is_button_enable = False else: # button enable, but class disable. button_class_string = str(el_btn.get_attribute('class')) if len(button_class_string) > 1: if 'disabled' in button_class_string: is_button_enable = False if is_button_enable: el_btn.click() ret = True print("buy icon pressed.") except Exception as exc: # use plan B try: print("force to click by js.") driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", el_btn) ret = True except Exception as exc: pass else: # no target. if auto_reload_coming_soon_page_enable: # auto refresh for date list page. if not formated_area_list is None: if len(formated_area_list) == 0: try: driver.refresh() time.sleep(1.0) except Exception as exc: pass return ret def urbtix_purchase_ticket(driver, config_dict): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online date_auto_select_mode = config_dict["tixcraft"]["date_auto_select"]["mode"] date_keyword = config_dict["tixcraft"]["date_auto_select"]["date_keyword"].strip() auto_reload_coming_soon_page_enable = config_dict["tixcraft"]["auto_reload_coming_soon_page"] if show_debug_message: print("date_keyword:", date_keyword) is_date_assign_by_bot = urbtix_date_auto_select(driver, date_auto_select_mode, date_keyword, auto_reload_coming_soon_page_enable) return is_date_assign_by_bot # purpose: area auto select def urbtix_area_auto_select(driver, area_auto_select_mode, area_keyword_1, area_keyword_1_and): show_debug_message = True # debug. #show_debug_message = False # online ret = False matched_blocks = None # clean stop word. area_keyword_1 = format_keyword_string(area_keyword_1) area_keyword_1_and = format_keyword_string(area_keyword_1_and) area_list = None try: #print("try to find cityline area block") my_css_selector = "div.area-info" area_list = driver.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, my_css_selector) except Exception as exc: print("find #ticket-price-tbl date list fail") print(exc) formated_area_list = None if area_list is not None: area_list_count = len(area_list) if show_debug_message: print("area_list_count:", area_list_count) if area_list_count > 0: formated_area_list = [] # filter list. row_index = 0 for row in area_list: row_index += 1 row_is_enabled=True try: button_class_string = str(row.get_attribute('class')) if len(button_class_string) > 1: if 'disabled' in button_class_string: row_is_enabled=False if 'selected' in button_class_string: # someone is selected. skip this process. row_is_enabled=False matched_blocks = [] ret = True break except Exception as exc: pass if row_is_enabled: formated_area_list.append(row) if show_debug_message: print("formated_area_list count:", len(formated_area_list)) if len(area_keyword_1) == 0: matched_blocks = formated_area_list else: # match keyword. if show_debug_message: print("start to match keyword:", area_keyword_1) print("keyword and:", area_keyword_1_and) matched_blocks = [] row_index = 0 for row in formated_area_list: row_index += 1 row_is_enabled=True if row_is_enabled: row_text = "" try: row_text = row.text except Exception as exc: print("get text fail") break if row_text is None: row_text = "" if len(row_text) > 0: row_text = format_keyword_string(row_text) if show_debug_message: print("row_text:", row_text) is_match_area = False match_area_code = 0 if area_keyword_1 in row_text: if len(area_keyword_1_and) == 0: if show_debug_message: print('keyword_and is empty, directly match.') # keyword #2 is empty, direct append. is_match_area = True match_area_code = 2 else: if area_keyword_1_and in row_text: if show_debug_message: print('match keyword_and') is_match_area = True match_area_code = 3 else: if show_debug_message: print('not match keyword_and') pass if is_match_area: matched_blocks.append(row) if show_debug_message: if not matched_blocks is None: print("after match keyword, found count:", len(matched_blocks)) else: print("not found area form-check") pass else: print("area form-check is None") pass target_area = None if matched_blocks is not None: if len(matched_blocks) > 0: target_row_index = 0 if area_auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_TOP_TO_BOTTOM: pass if area_auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_BOTTOM_TO_TOP: target_row_index = len(matched_blocks)-1 if area_auto_select_mode == CONST_RANDOM: target_row_index = random.randint(0,len(matched_blocks)-1) target_area = matched_blocks[target_row_index] if target_area is not None: try: if target_area.is_enabled(): target_area.click() ret = True except Exception as exc: print("click target_area link fail") print(exc) # use plan B try: print("force to click by js.") driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", target_area) ret = True except Exception as exc: pass # [TODO]: auto reload area page when all sold out. # ... return ret def urbtix_ticket_number_auto_select(driver, ticket_number): show_debug_message = True # debug. #show_debug_message = False # online is_ticket_number_assigned = False ticket_number_str = str(ticket_number) # check ticket input textbox. ticket_price_input = None try: ticket_price_input = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "input.ticket-count") except Exception as exc: pass if ticket_price_input is not None: current_ticket_number = "" is_visible = False try: current_ticket_number = str(ticket_price_input.get_attribute('value')).strip() is_visible = ticket_price_input.is_enabled() except Exception as exc: pass if len(current_ticket_number) > 0: if current_ticket_number == "0": try: print("asssign ticket number:%s" % ticket_number_str) ticket_price_input.clear() ticket_price_input.send_keys(ticket_number_str) is_ticket_number_assigned = True except Exception as exc: print("asssign ticket number to ticket-price field Exception:") print(exc) try: ticket_price_input.clear() ticket_price_input.send_keys("1") is_ticket_number_assigned = True except Exception as exc2: pass else: # already assigned. is_ticket_number_assigned = True if is_ticket_number_assigned: el_btn = None try: my_css_selector = "div.footer > div > div" el_btn = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, my_css_selector) except Exception as exc: pass if el_btn is not None: try: if el_btn.is_enabled(): el_btn.click() print("varify site icon pressed.") except Exception as exc: # use plan B try: print("force to click by js.") driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", el_btn) ret = True except Exception as exc: pass else: if show_debug_message: print("varify site icon is None.") if is_ticket_number_assigned: el_btn = None try: my_css_selector = "div.button-inner > div > div.button-text" el_btn = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, my_css_selector) except Exception as exc: pass if el_btn is not None: try: if el_btn.is_enabled(): el_btn.click() print("shopping-cart icon pressed.") except Exception as exc: # use plan B try: print("force to click by js.") driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", el_btn) ret = True except Exception as exc: pass else: if show_debug_message: print("shopping-cart site icon is None.") return is_ticket_number_assigned def urbtix_performance(driver, config_dict): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online ret = False is_price_assign_by_bot = False auto_fill_ticket_number = True if auto_fill_ticket_number: # click price row. area_auto_select_mode = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["mode"] area_keyword_1 = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["area_keyword_1"].strip() area_keyword_2 = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["area_keyword_2"].strip() area_keyword_3 = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["area_keyword_3"].strip() area_keyword_4 = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["area_keyword_4"].strip() area_keyword_1_and = "" area_keyword_2_and = "" if show_debug_message: print("area_keyword_1:", area_keyword_1) #print("area_keyword_1_and:", area_keyword_1_and) print("area_keyword_2:", area_keyword_2) #print("area_keyword_2_and:", area_keyword_2_and) is_price_assign_by_bot = urbtix_area_auto_select(driver, area_auto_select_mode, area_keyword_1, area_keyword_1_and) if not is_price_assign_by_bot: # try keyword_2 if len(area_keyword_2) > 0: is_price_assign_by_bot = urbtix_area_auto_select(driver, area_auto_select_mode, area_keyword_2, area_keyword_2_and) if not is_price_assign_by_bot: if len(area_keyword_3) > 0: is_price_assign_by_bot = urbtix_area_auto_select(driver, area_auto_select_mode, area_keyword_3, "") if not is_price_assign_by_bot: if len(area_keyword_4) > 0: is_price_assign_by_bot = urbtix_area_auto_select(driver, area_auto_select_mode, area_keyword_4, "") # choose ticket. ticket_number = str(config_dict["ticket_number"]) is_ticket_number_assigned = urbtix_ticket_number_auto_select(driver, ticket_number) if show_debug_message: print("ticket_number:", ticket_number) print("is_ticket_number_assigned:", is_ticket_number_assigned) return ret # purpose: date auto select def cityline_date_auto_select(driver, auto_select_mode, date_keyword, auto_reload_coming_soon_page_enable): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online ret = False matched_blocks = None # clean stop word. date_keyword = format_keyword_string(date_keyword) date_keyword_and = "" area_list = None try: #print("try to find cityline area block") my_css_selector = "button.date-time-position" area_list = driver.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, my_css_selector) except Exception as exc: print("find #date-time-position date list fail") print(exc) #PS: some blocks are generate by ajax, not appear at first time. formated_area_list = None if area_list is not None: area_list_count = len(area_list) if show_debug_message: print("date_list_count:", area_list_count) if area_list_count > 0: formated_area_list = [] # filter list. row_index = 0 for row in area_list: row_index += 1 row_is_enabled=True el_btn = None try: if not row.is_enabled(): row_is_enabled=False except Exception as exc: if show_debug_message: print(exc) pass if row_is_enabled: formated_area_list.append(row) if show_debug_message: print("formated_area_list count:", len(formated_area_list)) if len(date_keyword) == 0: matched_blocks = formated_area_list else: # match keyword. if show_debug_message: print("start to match keyword:", date_keyword) matched_blocks = [] row_index = 0 for row in formated_area_list: row_index += 1 #row_is_enabled=False row_is_enabled=True if row_is_enabled: row_text = "" try: row_text = row.text except Exception as exc: print("get text fail") break if row_text is None: row_text = "" if len(row_text) > 0: row_text = format_keyword_string(row_text) if show_debug_message: print("row_text:", row_text) is_match_area = False match_area_code = 0 if date_keyword in row_text: if len(date_keyword_and) == 0: if show_debug_message: print('keyword_and # is empty, directly match.') # keyword #2 is empty, direct append. is_match_area = True match_area_code = 2 else: if date_keyword_and in row_text: if show_debug_message: print('match keyword_and') is_match_area = True match_area_code = 3 else: if show_debug_message: print('not match keyword_and') pass if is_match_area: matched_blocks.append(row) if show_debug_message: print("after match keyword, found count:", len(matched_blocks)) else: print("not found date-time-position") pass else: print("date date-time-position is None") pass target_area = None if matched_blocks is not None: if len(matched_blocks) > 0: target_row_index = 0 if auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_TOP_TO_BOTTOM: pass if auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_BOTTOM_TO_TOP: target_row_index = len(matched_blocks)-1 if auto_select_mode == CONST_RANDOM: target_row_index = random.randint(0,len(matched_blocks)-1) target_area = matched_blocks[target_row_index] if target_area is not None: try: if target_area.is_enabled(): target_area.click() ret = True except Exception as exc: # use plan B try: print("force to click by js.") driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", target_area) ret = True except Exception as exc: pass else: # no target. if auto_reload_coming_soon_page_enable: # auto refresh for date list page. if not formated_area_list is None: if len(formated_area_list) == 0: try: driver.refresh() time.sleep(0.5) except Exception as exc: pass return ret # purpose: area auto select # return: # True: area block appear. # False: area block not appear. # ps: return is successfully click on the price radio. def cityline_area_auto_select(driver, area_auto_select_mode, area_keyword_1, area_keyword_1_and): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online ret = False matched_blocks = None # clean stop word. area_keyword_1 = format_keyword_string(area_keyword_1) area_keyword_1_and = format_keyword_string(area_keyword_1_and) area_list = None try: #print("try to find cityline area block") my_css_selector = ".form-check" area_list = driver.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, my_css_selector) except Exception as exc: print("find #ticket-price-tbl date list fail") print(exc) formated_area_list = None if area_list is not None: area_list_count = len(area_list) if show_debug_message: print("area_list_count:", area_list_count) if area_list_count > 0: formated_area_list = [] # filter list. row_index = 0 for row in area_list: row_index += 1 row_is_enabled=True try: my_css_selector = "span.price-limited > span" span_price_limited = row.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, my_css_selector) if not span_price_limited is None: #print("found span limited at idx:", row_index) span_i18n_string = str(span_price_limited.get_attribute('data-i18n')) if len(span_i18n_string) > 1: if 'soldout' in span_i18n_string: #print("found span limited soldout at idx:", row_index) row_is_enabled=False except Exception as exc: pass if row_is_enabled: formated_area_list.append(row) if show_debug_message: print("formated_area_list count:", len(formated_area_list)) if len(area_keyword_1) == 0: matched_blocks = formated_area_list else: # match keyword. if show_debug_message: print("start to match keyword:", area_keyword_1) print("keyword and:", area_keyword_1_and) matched_blocks = [] row_index = 0 for row in formated_area_list: row_index += 1 #row_is_enabled=False row_is_enabled=True if row_is_enabled: row_text = "" try: row_text = row.text except Exception as exc: print("get text fail") break if row_text is None: row_text = "" if len(row_text) > 0: row_text = format_keyword_string(row_text) if show_debug_message: print("row_text:", row_text) is_match_area = False match_area_code = 0 if area_keyword_1 in row_text: if len(area_keyword_1_and) == 0: if show_debug_message: print('keyword_and is empty, directly match.') # keyword #2 is empty, direct append. is_match_area = True match_area_code = 2 else: if area_keyword_1_and in row_text: if show_debug_message: print('match keyword_and') is_match_area = True match_area_code = 3 else: if show_debug_message: print('not match keyword_and') pass if is_match_area: matched_blocks.append(row) if show_debug_message: print("after match keyword, found count:", len(matched_blocks)) else: print("not found area form-check") pass else: print("area form-check is None") pass target_area = None if matched_blocks is not None: if len(matched_blocks) > 0: target_row_index = 0 if area_auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_TOP_TO_BOTTOM: pass if area_auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_BOTTOM_TO_TOP: target_row_index = len(matched_blocks)-1 if area_auto_select_mode == CONST_RANDOM: target_row_index = random.randint(0,len(matched_blocks)-1) target_area = matched_blocks[target_row_index] if target_area is not None: el_btn = None try: #print("target_area text", target_area.text) my_css_selector = "input[type=radio]" el_btn = target_area.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, my_css_selector) if el_btn is not None: if el_btn.is_enabled(): if not el_btn.is_selected(): el_btn.click() ret = True else: ret = True #print("bingo, click target_area radio") except Exception as exc: print("click target_area radio a link fail") print(exc) pass # [TODO]: auto reload area page when all sold out. # ... return ret #[TODO]: # double check selected radio matched by keyword/keyword_and. def cityline_area_selected_text(driver): ret = False return ret def cityline_ticket_number_auto_select(driver, ticket_number): selector_string = 'select.select-num' by_method = By.CSS_SELECTOR return assign_ticket_number_by_select(driver, ticket_number, by_method, selector_string) def ibon_ticket_number_auto_select(driver, ticket_number): selector_string = 'table.table > tbody > tr > td > select' by_method = By.CSS_SELECTOR return assign_ticket_number_by_select(driver, ticket_number, by_method, selector_string) def assign_ticket_number_by_select(driver, ticket_number, by_method, selector_string): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online form_select = None try: form_select = driver.find_element(by_method, selector_string) except Exception as exc: if show_debug_message: print("find ticket_number select fail") print(exc) pass select_obj = None if form_select is not None: is_visible = False try: is_visible = form_select.is_enabled() except Exception as exc: pass if is_visible: try: select_obj = Select(form_select) except Exception as exc: pass is_ticket_number_assigned = False if not select_obj is None: row_text = None try: row_text = select_obj.first_selected_option.text except Exception as exc: pass if not row_text is None: if len(row_text) > 0: if row_text != "0": # ticket assign. is_ticket_number_assigned = True if not is_ticket_number_assigned: is_ticket_number_assigned = tixcraft_ticket_number_auto_fill(driver, select_obj, ticket_number) else: if show_debug_message: print("ticket_number assigned by previous action.") return is_ticket_number_assigned def cityline_purchase_button_press(driver, config_dict): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online ret = False date_auto_select_mode = config_dict["tixcraft"]["date_auto_select"]["mode"] date_keyword = config_dict["tixcraft"]["date_auto_select"]["date_keyword"].strip() auto_reload_coming_soon_page_enable = config_dict["tixcraft"]["auto_reload_coming_soon_page"] if show_debug_message: print("date_keyword:", date_keyword) is_date_assign_by_bot = cityline_date_auto_select(driver, date_auto_select_mode, date_keyword, auto_reload_coming_soon_page_enable) el_btn = None try: el_btn = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'button.purchase-btn') except Exception as exc: print("find next button fail") #print(exc) pass if el_btn is not None: print("bingo, found next button") try: if el_btn.is_enabled(): el_btn.click() ret = True except Exception as exc: print("press next button fail") print(exc) # use plan B try: print("force to click by js.") driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", el_btn) ret = True except Exception as exc: pass return ret def cityline_next_button_press(driver): ret = False el_nav = None el_btn = None try: el_nav = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.puchase-bottom') el_btn = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '#expressPurchaseBtn') except Exception as exc: print("find next button fail...") print(exc) if el_btn is not None and el_nav is not None: print("bingo, found next button, start to press") try: if el_btn.is_enabled(): #el_btn.click() builder = ActionChains(driver) builder.move_to_element(el_nav) builder.click(el_btn) builder.perform() ret = True except Exception as exc: print("click next button fail...") print(exc) # use plan B try: print("force to click by js.") driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", el_btn) ret = True except Exception as exc: pass return ret def cityline_performance(driver, config_dict): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online is_price_assign_by_bot = False auto_fill_ticket_number = True if auto_fill_ticket_number: # click price row. area_auto_select_mode = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["mode"] area_keyword_1 = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["area_keyword_1"].strip() area_keyword_2 = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["area_keyword_2"].strip() area_keyword_3 = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["area_keyword_3"].strip() area_keyword_4 = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["area_keyword_4"].strip() area_keyword_1_and = "" area_keyword_2_and = "" if show_debug_message: print("area_keyword_1:", area_keyword_1) #print("area_keyword_1_and:", area_keyword_1_and) # PS: cityline price default value is selected at the first option. is_price_assign_by_bot = cityline_area_auto_select(driver, area_auto_select_mode, area_keyword_1, area_keyword_1_and) if not is_price_assign_by_bot: # try keyword_2 if show_debug_message: print("area_keyword_2:", area_keyword_2) #print("area_keyword_2_and:", area_keyword_2_and) if len(area_keyword_2) > 0: is_price_assign_by_bot = cityline_area_auto_select(driver, area_auto_select_mode, area_keyword_2, area_keyword_2_and) if not is_price_assign_by_bot: if len(area_keyword_3) > 0: is_price_assign_by_bot = cityline_area_auto_select(driver, area_auto_select_mode, area_keyword_3, "") if not is_price_assign_by_bot: if len(area_keyword_4) > 0: is_price_assign_by_bot = cityline_area_auto_select(driver, area_auto_select_mode, area_keyword_4, "") # choose ticket. ticket_number = str(config_dict["ticket_number"]) is_ticket_number_assigned = cityline_ticket_number_auto_select(driver, ticket_number) if show_debug_message: print("ticket_number:", ticket_number) print("is_ticket_number_assigned:", is_ticket_number_assigned) if is_ticket_number_assigned: auto_press_next_step_button = True if auto_press_next_step_button: if not is_price_assign_by_bot: #[TODO]: # double check selected radio matched by keyword/keyword_and. # cityline_area_selected_text(driver) pass if is_price_assign_by_bot: for i in range(2): click_ret = cityline_next_button_press(driver) if click_ret: break def ibon_date_auto_select(driver, auto_select_mode, date_keyword, auto_reload_coming_soon_page_enable): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online ret = False matched_blocks = None # clean stop word. date_keyword = format_keyword_string(date_keyword) date_keyword_and = "" area_list = None try: #print("try to find cityline area block") my_css_selector = "div.grid-wrap.event.table-wrap > div > div > div.tr" area_list = driver.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, my_css_selector) except Exception as exc: print("find #date-time-position date list fail") print(exc) #PS: some blocks are generate by ajax, not appear at first time. formated_area_list = None if area_list is not None: area_list_count = len(area_list) if show_debug_message: print("date_list_count:", area_list_count) if area_list_count > 0: formated_area_list = [] # filter list. row_index = 0 for row in area_list: row_index += 1 row_is_enabled=True el_btn = None try: my_css_selector = "button" el_btn = row.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, my_css_selector) if el_btn is not None: if not el_btn.is_enabled(): #print("row's button disabled!") row_is_enabled=False except Exception as exc: if show_debug_message: print(exc) pass if row_is_enabled: formated_area_list.append(row) if len(date_keyword) == 0: matched_blocks = formated_area_list else: # match keyword. if show_debug_message: print("start to match keyword:", date_keyword) matched_blocks = [] row_index = 0 for row in formated_area_list: row_index += 1 row_is_enabled=True if row_is_enabled: row_text = "" try: row_text = row.text except Exception as exc: print("get text fail") break if row_text is None: row_text = "" if len(row_text) > 0: row_text = format_keyword_string(row_text) if show_debug_message: print("row_text:", row_text) is_match_area = False match_area_code = 0 if date_keyword in row_text: if len(date_keyword_and) == 0: if show_debug_message: print('keyword_and # is empty, directly match.') # keyword #2 is empty, direct append. is_match_area = True match_area_code = 2 else: if date_keyword_and in row_text: if show_debug_message: print('match keyword_and') is_match_area = True match_area_code = 3 else: if show_debug_message: print('not match keyword_and') pass if is_match_area: matched_blocks.append(row) if show_debug_message: print("after match keyword, found count:", len(matched_blocks)) else: print("not found date-time-position") pass else: print("date date-time-position is None") pass target_area = None if matched_blocks is not None: if len(matched_blocks) > 0: target_row_index = 0 if auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_TOP_TO_BOTTOM: pass if auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_BOTTOM_TO_TOP: target_row_index = len(matched_blocks)-1 if auto_select_mode == CONST_RANDOM: target_row_index = random.randint(0,len(matched_blocks)-1) target_area = matched_blocks[target_row_index] if target_area is not None: el_btn = None try: my_css_selector = "button.btn" el_btn = target_area.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, my_css_selector) except Exception as exc: pass if el_btn is not None: try: if el_btn.is_enabled(): el_btn.click() print("buy icon pressed.") ret = True except Exception as exc: # use plan B try: print("force to click by js.") driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", el_btn) ret = True except Exception as exc: pass else: # no target to click. if auto_reload_coming_soon_page_enable: # auto refresh for date list page. if not formated_area_list is None: if len(formated_area_list) == 0: try: driver.refresh() time.sleep(0.5) except Exception as exc: pass return ret def ibon_activity_info(driver, config_dict): show_debug_message = True # debug. #show_debug_message = False # online date_auto_select_mode = config_dict["tixcraft"]["date_auto_select"]["mode"] date_keyword = config_dict["tixcraft"]["date_auto_select"]["date_keyword"].strip() auto_reload_coming_soon_page_enable = config_dict["tixcraft"]["auto_reload_coming_soon_page"] if show_debug_message: print("date_keyword:", date_keyword) print("auto_reload_coming_soon_page_enable:", auto_reload_coming_soon_page_enable) is_date_assign_by_bot = ibon_date_auto_select(driver, date_auto_select_mode, date_keyword, auto_reload_coming_soon_page_enable) return is_date_assign_by_bot def ibon_area_auto_select(driver, area_auto_select_mode, area_keyword_1, area_keyword_1_and): show_debug_message = True # debug. show_debug_message = False # online ret = False matched_blocks = None # clean stop word. area_keyword_1 = format_keyword_string(area_keyword_1) area_keyword_1_and = format_keyword_string(area_keyword_1_and) area_list = None try: #print("try to find cityline area block") my_css_selector = "div.col-md-5 > table > tbody > tr" area_list = driver.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, my_css_selector) except Exception as exc: print("find #ticket-price-tbl date list fail") print(exc) formated_area_list = None if area_list is not None: area_list_count = len(area_list) if show_debug_message: print("area_list_count:", area_list_count) if area_list_count > 0: formated_area_list = [] # filter list. row_index = 0 for row in area_list: row_index += 1 row_is_enabled=True try: button_class_string = str(row.get_attribute('class')) if len(button_class_string) > 1: if 'disabled' in button_class_string: row_is_enabled=False if 'selected' in button_class_string: # someone is selected. skip this process. row_is_enabled=False matched_blocks = [] ret = True break except Exception as exc: pass if row_is_enabled: formated_area_list.append(row) if show_debug_message: print("formated_area_list count:", len(formated_area_list)) if len(area_keyword_1) == 0: matched_blocks = formated_area_list else: # match keyword. if show_debug_message: print("start to match keyword:", area_keyword_1) print("keyword and:", area_keyword_1_and) matched_blocks = [] row_index = 0 for row in formated_area_list: row_index += 1 row_is_enabled=True if row_is_enabled: row_text = "" try: row_text = row.text except Exception as exc: print("get text fail") break if row_text is None: row_text = "" if len(row_text) > 0: row_text = format_keyword_string(row_text) if show_debug_message: print("row_text:", row_text) is_match_area = False match_area_code = 0 if area_keyword_1 in row_text: if len(area_keyword_1_and) == 0: if show_debug_message: print('keyword_and is empty, directly match.') # keyword #2 is empty, direct append. is_match_area = True match_area_code = 2 else: if area_keyword_1_and in row_text: if show_debug_message: print('match keyword_and') is_match_area = True match_area_code = 3 else: if show_debug_message: print('not match keyword_and') pass if is_match_area: matched_blocks.append(row) if show_debug_message: print("after match keyword, found count:", len(matched_blocks)) else: print("not found area form-check") pass else: print("area form-check is None") pass target_area = None if matched_blocks is not None: if len(matched_blocks) > 0: target_row_index = 0 if area_auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_TOP_TO_BOTTOM: pass if area_auto_select_mode == CONST_FROM_BOTTOM_TO_TOP: target_row_index = len(matched_blocks)-1 if area_auto_select_mode == CONST_RANDOM: target_row_index = random.randint(0,len(matched_blocks)-1) target_area = matched_blocks[target_row_index] if target_area is not None: try: if target_area.is_enabled(): target_area.click() ret = True except Exception as exc: print("click target_area link fail") print(exc) # use plan B try: print("force to click by js.") driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", target_area) ret = True except Exception as exc: pass # [TODO]: auto reload area page when all sold out. # ... return ret def ibon_performance(driver, config_dict): show_debug_message = True # debug. #show_debug_message = False # online is_price_assign_by_bot = False auto_fill_ticket_number = True if auto_fill_ticket_number: # click price row. area_auto_select_mode = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["mode"] area_keyword_1 = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["area_keyword_1"].strip() area_keyword_2 = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["area_keyword_2"].strip() area_keyword_3 = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["area_keyword_3"].strip() area_keyword_4 = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["area_keyword_4"].strip() area_keyword_1_and = "" area_keyword_2_and = "" if show_debug_message: print("area_keyword_1:", area_keyword_1) #print("area_keyword_1_and:", area_keyword_1_and) print("area_keyword_2:", area_keyword_2) #print("area_keyword_2_and:", area_keyword_2_and) if not is_price_assign_by_bot: is_price_assign_by_bot = ibon_area_auto_select(driver, area_auto_select_mode, area_keyword_1, area_keyword_1_and) if not is_price_assign_by_bot: # try keyword_2 if len(area_keyword_2) > 0: is_price_assign_by_bot = ibon_area_auto_select(driver, area_auto_select_mode, area_keyword_2, area_keyword_2_and) if not is_price_assign_by_bot: if len(area_keyword_3) > 0: is_price_assign_by_bot = ibon_area_auto_select(driver, area_auto_select_mode, area_keyword_3, "") if not is_price_assign_by_bot: if len(area_keyword_4) > 0: is_price_assign_by_bot = ibon_area_auto_select(driver, area_auto_select_mode, area_keyword_4, "") return is_price_assign_by_bot def ibon_purchase_button_press(driver): ret = False el_btn = None try: el_btn = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '#ticket-wrap > a.btn') except Exception as exc: print("find next button fail...") print(exc) if el_btn is not None: print("bingo, found next button, start to press") try: if el_btn.is_enabled(): el_btn.click() ret = True except Exception as exc: print("click next button fail...") print(exc) # use plan B try: print("force to click by js.") driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", el_btn) ret = True except Exception as exc: pass return ret def facebook_login(driver, account): ret = False el_email = None try: el_email = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '#email') except Exception as exc: pass is_visible = False if el_email is not None: try: if el_email.is_enabled(): is_visible = True except Exception as exc: pass is_email_sent = False if is_visible: try: inputed_text = el_email.get_attribute('value') if inputed_text is not None: if len(inputed_text) == 0: el_email.send_keys(account) is_email_sent = True except Exception as exc: pass el_pass = None if is_email_sent: try: el_pass = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '#pass') except Exception as exc: pass is_visible = False if el_pass is not None: try: if el_pass.is_enabled(): is_visible = True except Exception as exc: pass if is_visible: try: el_pass.click() except Exception as exc: pass return ret def kktix_login(driver, account): ret = False el_email = None try: el_email = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '#user_login') except Exception as exc: #print("find #email fail") #print(exc) pass is_visible = False if el_email is not None: try: if el_email.is_enabled(): is_visible = True except Exception as exc: pass is_email_sent = False if is_visible: try: inputed_text = el_email.get_attribute('value') if inputed_text is not None: if len(inputed_text) == 0: el_email.send_keys(account) is_email_sent = True except Exception as exc: pass el_pass = None if is_email_sent: try: el_pass = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '#user_password') except Exception as exc: pass is_visible = False if el_pass is not None: try: if el_pass.is_enabled(): is_visible = True except Exception as exc: pass if is_visible: try: el_pass.click() except Exception as exc: pass return ret def check_and_play_sound_for_captcha(config_dict): play_captcha_sound = config_dict["advanced"]["play_captcha_sound"]["enable"] captcha_sound_filename = config_dict["advanced"]["play_captcha_sound"]["filename"].strip() if play_captcha_sound: app_root = get_app_root() captcha_sound_filename = os.path.join(app_root, captcha_sound_filename) play_mp3_async(captcha_sound_filename) def play_mp3_async(sound_filename): import threading threading.Thread(target=play_mp3, args=(sound_filename,), daemon=True).start() def play_mp3(sound_filename): from playsound import playsound try: playsound(sound_filename) except Exception as exc: msg=str(exc) print("play sound exeption:", msg) if platform.system() == 'Windows': import winsound try: winsound.PlaySound(sound_filename, winsound.SND_FILENAME) except Exception as exc2: pass # purpose: check alert poped. # PS: current version not enable... def check_pop_alert(driver): is_alert_popup = False # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57481723/is-there-a-change-in-the-handling-of-unhandled-alert-in-chromedriver-and-chrome default_close_alert_text = [] if len(default_close_alert_text) > 0: try: alert = None if not driver is None: alert = driver.switch_to.alert if not alert is None: if not alert.text is None: is_match_auto_close_text = False for txt in default_close_alert_text: if len(txt) > 0: if txt in alert.text: is_match_auto_close_text = True #print("alert3 text:", alert.text) if is_match_auto_close_text: alert.accept() print("alert3 accepted") is_alert_popup = True else: print("alert3 not detected") except NoAlertPresentException as exc1: #logger.error('NoAlertPresentException for alert') pass except NoSuchWindowException: #print('NoSuchWindowException2 at this url:', url ) #print("last_url:", last_url) try: window_handles_count = len(driver.window_handles) if window_handles_count > 1: driver.switch_to.window(driver.window_handles[0]) except Exception as excSwithFail: pass except Exception as exc: logger.error('Exception2 for alert') logger.error(exc, exc_info=True) return is_alert_popup def list_all_cookies(driver): all_cookies=driver.get_cookies(); cookies_dict = {} for cookie in all_cookies: cookies_dict[cookie['name']] = cookie['value'] print(cookies_dict) def tixcraft_main(driver, url, config_dict, is_verifyCode_editing): if url == 'https://tixcraft.com/': tixcraft_home(driver) if url == 'https://indievox.com/': tixcraft_home(driver) is_redirected = tixcraft_redirect(driver, url) is_date_selected = False date_auto_select_enable = config_dict["tixcraft"]["date_auto_select"]["enable"] if date_auto_select_enable: is_date_selected = tixcraft_date_auto_select(driver, url, config_dict) # choose area area_auto_select_enable = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["enable"] if area_auto_select_enable: tixcraft_area_auto_select(driver, url, config_dict) if '/ticket/verify/' in url: presale_code = config_dict["tixcraft"]["presale_code"] tixcraft_verify(driver, presale_code) # main app, to select ticket number. if '/ticket/ticket/' in url: if not is_verifyCode_editing: is_verifyCode_editing = tixcraft_ticket_main(driver, config_dict) else: is_verifyCode_editing = False return is_verifyCode_editing def kktix_main(driver, url, config_dict, answer_index, kktix_register_status_last): auto_press_next_step_button = config_dict["kktix"]["auto_press_next_step_button"] kktix_account = config_dict["advanced"]["kktix_account"] is_url_contain_sign_in = False # fix https://kktix.com/users/sign_in?back_to=https://kktix.com/events/xxxx and registerStatus: SOLD_OUT cause page refresh. if '/users/sign_in?' in url: if len(kktix_account) > 4: kktix_login(driver, kktix_account) is_url_contain_sign_in = True if not is_url_contain_sign_in: if '/registrations/new' in url: answer_index, kktix_register_status_last = kktix_reg_new(driver, url, answer_index, kktix_register_status_last, config_dict) else: is_event_page = False if '/events/' in url: # ex: https://xxx.kktix.cc/events/xxx-copy-1 if len(url.split('/'))<=5: is_event_page = True if is_event_page: if auto_press_next_step_button: # pass switch check. #print("should press next here.") kktix_events_press_next_button(driver) answer_index = -1 kktix_register_status_last = None return answer_index, kktix_register_status_last def famiticket_main(driver, url, config_dict): if '/Home/Activity/Info/' in url: fami_activity(driver) if '/Sales/Home/Index/' in url: fami_home(driver, url, config_dict) def urbtix_main(driver, url, config_dict): # http://msg.urbtix.hk if 'msg.urbtix.hk' in url: # delay to avoid ip block. time.sleep(1.0) try: driver.get('https://www.urbtix.hk/') except Exception as exec1: pass pass # http://busy.urbtix.hk if 'busy.urbtix.hk' in url: # delay to avoid ip block. time.sleep(1.0) try: driver.get('https://www.urbtix.hk/') except Exception as exec1: pass pass if '/logout?' in url: try: driver.get('https://www.urbtix.hk/') except Exception as exec1: pass pass # https://www.urbtix.hk/event-detail/00000/ if '/event-detail/' in url: date_auto_select_enable = config_dict["tixcraft"]["date_auto_select"]["enable"] if date_auto_select_enable: is_event_page = False if len(url.split('/'))<=6: is_event_page = True urbtix_purchase_ticket(driver, config_dict) # https://www.urbtix.hk/performance-detail/?eventId=00000&performanceId=00000 if '/performance-detail/?eventId=' in url: area_auto_select_enable = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["enable"] if area_auto_select_enable: urbtix_performance(driver, config_dict) def cityline_main(driver, url, config_dict): # https://www.cityline.com/Login.html?targetUrl=https%3A%2F%2F # ignore url redirect if '/Login.html' in url: return try: window_handles_count = len(driver.window_handles) if window_handles_count > 1: driver.switch_to.window(driver.window_handles[0]) driver.close() driver.switch_to.window(driver.window_handles[0]) except Exception as excSwithFail: pass if '/eventDetail?' in url: date_auto_select_enable = config_dict["tixcraft"]["date_auto_select"]["enable"] if date_auto_select_enable: cityline_purchase_button_press(driver, config_dict) if '/performance?' in url: area_auto_select_enable = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["enable"] if area_auto_select_enable: cityline_performance(driver, config_dict) def ibon_main(driver, url, config_dict): #https://ticket.ibon.com.tw/ActivityInfo/Details/0000?pattern=entertainment if '/ActivityInfo/Details/' in url: is_event_page = False if len(url.split('/'))<=6: is_event_page = True if is_event_page: date_auto_select_enable = config_dict["tixcraft"]["date_auto_select"]["enable"] if date_auto_select_enable: ibon_activity_info(driver, config_dict) # https://orders.ibon.com.tw/application/UTK02/UTK0201_000.aspx?PERFORMANCE_ID=0000 if '/application/UTK02/' in url and '.aspx?PERFORMANCE_ID=' in url: is_event_page = False if len(url.split('/'))<=6: is_event_page = True if is_event_page: area_auto_select_enable = config_dict["tixcraft"]["area_auto_select"]["enable"] if area_auto_select_enable: if 'PERFORMANCE_PRICE_AREA_ID=' in url: # step 2: assign ticket number. ticket_number = str(config_dict["ticket_number"]) is_ticket_number_assigned = ibon_ticket_number_auto_select(driver, ticket_number) if is_ticket_number_assigned: click_ret = ibon_purchase_button_press(driver) else: # step 1: select area. ibon_performance(driver, config_dict) def main(): config_dict = get_config_dict() driver_type = 'selenium' #driver_type = 'stealth' driver_type = 'undetected_chromedriver' driver = None if not config_dict is None: driver = get_driver_by_config(config_dict, driver_type) else: print("Config error!") # internal variable. 說明:這是一個內部變數,請略過。 url = "" last_url = "" # for tixcraft is_verifyCode_editing = False # for kktix answer_index = -1 kktix_register_status_last = None debugMode = False if 'debug' in config_dict: debugMode = config_dict["debug"] if debugMode: print("Start to looping, detect browser url...") while True: time.sleep(0.1) is_alert_popup = False # pass if driver not loaded. if driver is None: print("web driver not accessible!") break is_alert_popup = check_pop_alert(driver) #MUST "do nothing: if alert popup. #print("is_alert_popup:", is_alert_popup) if is_alert_popup: continue url = "" try: url = driver.current_url except NoSuchWindowException: #print('NoSuchWindowException at this url:', url ) #print("last_url:", last_url) try: window_handles_count = len(driver.window_handles) if window_handles_count > 1: driver.switch_to.window(driver.window_handles[0]) except Exception as excSwithFail: pass except UnexpectedAlertPresentException as exc1: # PS: DON'T remove this line. is_verifyCode_editing = False print('UnexpectedAlertPresentException at this url:', url ) #time.sleep(3.5) # PS: do nothing... # PS: current chrome-driver + chrome call current_url cause alert/prompt dialog disappear! # raise exception at selenium/webdriver/remote/errorhandler.py # after dialog disappear new excpetion: unhandled inspector error: Not attached to an active page is_pass_alert = False is_pass_alert = True if is_pass_alert: try: driver.switch_to.alert.accept() except Exception as exc: pass except Exception as exc: is_verifyCode_editing = False logger.error('Maxbot URL Exception') logger.error(exc, exc_info=True) #UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 63-72: ordinal not in range(128) str_exc = "" try: str_exc = str(exc) except Exception as exc2: pass if len(str_exc)==0: str_exc = repr(exc) exit_bot_error_strings = [u'Max retries exceeded' , u'chrome not reachable' , u'unable to connect to renderer' , u'failed to check if window was closed' , u'Failed to establish a new connection' , u'Connection refused' , u'disconnected' , u'without establishing a connection' , u'web view not found' ] for each_error_string in exit_bot_error_strings: # for python2 # say goodbye to python2 ''' try: basestring if isinstance(each_error_string, unicode): each_error_string = str(each_error_string) except NameError: # Python 3.x basestring = str ''' if isinstance(str_exc, str): if each_error_string in str_exc: print(u'quit bot') driver.quit() sys.exit() break # not is above case, print exception. print("Exception:", str_exc) pass if url is None: continue else: if len(url) == 0: continue # 說明:輸出目前網址,覺得吵的話,請註解掉這行。 if debugMode: print("url:", url) if len(url) > 0 : if url != last_url: print(url) last_url = url # for Max's manuall test. if '/Downloads/varify.html' in url: tixcraft_verify(driver) tixcraft_family = False if 'tixcraft.com' in url: tixcraft_family = True if 'indievox.com' in url: tixcraft_family = True if tixcraft_family: is_verifyCode_editing = tixcraft_main(driver, url, config_dict, is_verifyCode_editing) # for kktix.cc and kktix.com if 'kktix.c' in url: answer_index, kktix_register_status_last = kktix_main(driver, url, config_dict, answer_index, kktix_register_status_last) # for famiticket if 'famiticket.com' in url: famiticket_main(driver, url, config_dict) # for urbtix # https://ticket.urbtix.hk/internet/secure/event/37348/performanceDetail if 'urbtix.hk' in url: urbtix_main(driver, url, config_dict) if 'cityline.com' in url: cityline_main(driver, url, config_dict) if 'ibon.com' in url: ibon_main(driver, url, config_dict) # for facebook facebook_login_url = 'https://www.facebook.com/login.php?' if url[:len(facebook_login_url)]==facebook_login_url: facebook_account = config_dict["advanced"]["facebook_account"].strip() if len(facebook_account) > 4: facebook_login(driver, facebook_account) if __name__ == "__main__": CONST_MODE_GUI = 0 CONST_MODE_CLI = 1 mode = CONST_MODE_GUI #mode = CONST_MODE_CLI if mode == CONST_MODE_GUI: main() else: #for test kktix infer answer. #captcha_text_div_text = u"請回答下列問題,請在下方空格輸入DELIGHT(請以半形輸入法作答,大小寫需要一模一樣)" #captcha_text_div_text = u"請在下方空白處輸入引號內文字:「abc」" #captcha_text_div_text = u"請在下方空白處輸入引號內文字:「0118eveconcert」(請以半形小寫作答。)" #captcha_text_div_text = "在《DEEP AWAKENING見過深淵的人》專輯中,哪一首為合唱曲目? 【V6】深淵 、【Z5】浮木、【J8】無聲、【C1】以上皆非 (請以半形輸入法作答,大小寫/阿拉伯數字需要一模一樣,範例:A2)" #captcha_text_div_text = "Super Junior 的隊長是以下哪位? 【v】神童 【w】藝聲 【x】利特 【y】始源 若你覺得答案為 a,請輸入 a (英文為半形小寫)" inferred_answer_string, answer_list = get_answer_list_from_question_string(None, captcha_text_div_text) print("inferred_answer_string:", inferred_answer_string) print("answer_list:", answer_list)