# Config UI a web app to edit and action on update powered by [ACE](https://ace.c9.io/#nav=howto&api=edit_session) ``` Usage: configui [options] -allow string IPs to allow, blank to allow all -bind string address to bind (default "") -c string cmd to apply -f string path to config file -log string log to file -n string Name of file -p string path to file, precedence over config -static disable config api -v show version ``` ## Install ```sh sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/configui sudo sh -c "curl -fsSL RELEASE_URL | tar -C /usr/local/bin/ -xz" ``` ## Config ```json { "app_name": "ConfigUI", "base_url": "/", "config_path": "conf.json", "no_reconfig": false, "allow_ip": "", "files": [ { "path": "main.go", "name": "GoPlayground", "action": "go run main.go", "ro": false, "lang": "", "order": 0, "data": "" } ], "Actions": [ { "name": "User", "cmd": "whoami" } ], "result_bellow": false, "hide_config": false, "log_path": "access.log", "silent_sys_out": false } ``` `configui -f PATH/TO/CONFIG` ## Add integrations to ConfigUI ```go cui.Integrations = append(cui.Integrations, &configui.Integration{ Name: "test", Description: "test", Cmd: func() (string, error) { if rand.Int31n(40) > 20 { return "ok", nil } return "", fmt.Errorf("error") }, }) ``` ## Systemd ```ini ; /etc/systemd/system/configui.service [Unit] Description=CoonfigUI Server [Service] WorkingDirectory=/home/ubuntu/ConfigUI ExecStart=configui -log access.log -f conf.json -bind Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` ## Use as a sub route ```go cui.BaseUrl = "/configui/" mux := http.NewServeMux() mux.Handle("/configui/", http.StripPrefix("/configui", cui)) ``` ## Use as subpath in caddy ```caddyfile DOMAIN { ... route /configui/* { uri strip_prefix /configui reverse_proxy localhost:8000 } ... } ``` ## Api ### Files `GET /api/files` res: ```json { "test": { "path": "test", "name": "test", "action": "myip local -P", "data": "" } } ``` ### File `GET /api/file?name=Name` res: ```json { "action": "myip local -P", "data": "test", "name": "test", "path": "test" } ``` ### Update `POST /api/file` req: ```json { "data": "test", "name": "test", } ``` ### Apply `POST /api/apply?name=Name`