
40 lines
873 B

# gterm
## Usage
Usage: gterm [options]
-addr string
address to bind (default ":8000")
-allow string
restrict ip
-arg value
additional args to pass to cmd, multiple args can be passed, ex. -arg a -arg b
set the system to development mode
-dir string
the working dir that the shell will start from
-log-level int
log level, error:1 debug:2 warn:4 info:8 (default 9)
-name string
the application name (default "gterm")
print default profile, could be invoked with <(..)
-shell string
the shell to use (default "bash")
-v show version
### run bash with default profile
gterm -arg "--rcfile" -arg <(gterm -profile)
## Install
sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/gterm
sudo sh -c "curl -fsSL RELEASE_URL | tar -C /usr/local/bin/ -xz"